Thursday, March 6, 2014


The Zenith is a spectacular beyond comprehension until you have experienced it. Your human eye naturally follows its own comfortable line of sight most of the time while on Earth—that is the physical horizon and its physical parameters—the observer’s horizon (or true horizon) which follows the curvature of the Earth.


The Zenith; however, sets a standard that is more penetrating. Using the diagram, see how the Zenith arises directly from the crown chakra at the very top of the world, (where you are standing) on Earth. This point represents the heart of the Great All in respect to your current location. And the Nadir represents the point directly beneath where you are currently standing, all the way through the planet and out the other side.

This may seem suspect and egocentric, yes, but your connection to the Great All is powerful and perpetual, grounding you in infinite directions at all times, as if you are the nucleus of your own atom—because you are! Feel that feeling when you do your three minute meditation from Ritual Peace.  Feel the connection that feeds the cosmic seed of You that lives behind your naval, that began when All Things Began.

Feel the feeling provided by your human line of sight: first, your beautiful world; now, man’s mark upon that world; lastly the world you inhabit within that world with all of its beauty and flaws. It’s easy to be lost in that line of sight, isn’t it? How often do you look up at the stars? How often do you lie on your back in the grass and feel the heartbeat of the Earth while communicating with the distant cosmic wonders that you call Stars? Can you even see them where you live and make your life?

Living your life only horizontally and never vertically, will drain your mystic and magical energy. It will reduce your ability to feel the wonder that is life. It restricts your vitality and abilities to regenerate. It cuts off the flow of eternal Love and Wisdom. The flow of energy that moves horizontally is one of “robbing Peter to pay Paul.”

Vertical energy is fresh, liken to seawater as it reaches the beach, having come from far and been churned with oxygen and fresh minerals and sunshine. Without the hand of human detritus dirtying the water, you would find the seawater, brookwater, river and streamwater, very healthful, because of its natural capacity to regenerate—and that all due to its abilities to acquire vertical lift and fall in order to cleanse and charge itself.

You have been in the presence of those who have a draining effect on the personal energy. Because they will not or cannot replenish their personal stores of energy in vertical manners, they seek for it in horizontal conditions, stealing it where they can. You leave their company feeling depleted if you aren’t careful to guard your energy body. These people, if they can be taught and are able to approach the Heavenly founts, would benefit from knowing how to replenish themselves with vertical energy. They would benefit not only themselves, but the people, plants, and animals that they are privy to in their environments.

For today, however, be of great joy to know your Zenith. Practice feeling that vertical connection and its limitless possibilities. Recharge your energy body and let it slowly infuse your physical body. Brighten your mind. Use this mystical fount as the manna it is.

Start drop by drop, and soon you shall toast your Spirit by the loving cup.

Stand alone in a place you enjoy, inside or outside
Feel your feet on the ground.  Be relaxed.
Notice the direction that you are facing.  Try facing different directions.
Choose the direction that feels best.  Breathe deeply.
Close your eyes and continue breathing.  Breathe in and out through your belly button.
Imagine the ball of Light, your Center, behind your belly button.
Imagine your Center Light connecting with the Light that is all around you.
Breathe deeply in and out, letting the Light continue to connect, filling you and growing.
Listen to your breath; feel the Light as a tingling warmth on your skin.
When you are ready, imagine your Center as that ball of Light inside again, tucked in.

Know Peace


Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

March 6, 2014

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