Sunday, March 30, 2014


What is Retaliation but the agreement between a person and the energy of the first strike to be of accord? Player One causes harm. Player Two feels harm. Now, Player Two longs for Player One to feel similar harm. In order for Player One to feel that harm, Player Two must strike it. This brings Player One and Player Two into an accord—both doing harm.

We all know that this is not the highest way or the way of peace. Harm is not cured by more harm, just as hunger is not cured by more hunger. But, we do not send these teachings to the masses, we send them to you, the reader who has come here to listen, one person who seeks the higher way . . .

What might you do when someone has done you harm? How can you negotiate that energy when your goal is to manage the unfolding of events in the highest possible manner? Consider first, these points:

 =Was harm done? Sometimes what we categorize as harm
 is actually oversight, laziness, ennui, or the application of varying value systems.

           =If harm was done, what kind and what level of harm was done?  
Is this a harm to your Spirit, Mind or Body? 
Or is this a mundane harm concerning material property of some sort?

           =Can you mediate the effects of this harm or are they irreversible?

           =Was the harm inflicted intentionally toward you,
 the individual, you as part of a group, or you as a bystander? 

           =Does this harm stand by its own efforts 
or does it gather force by its similarity to conflicts in your history?

           =Would this harm be categorized by you
 in the same way if it was inflicted by another? 
Imagine three other sources for this harm and compare them.  
How does that change your perception of this harm?

            =Only you can transform a harm into a wound.  
What steps can you take to isolate this harm 
and prevent it from becoming a wound?

There are many more points you could consider about harm and wounding and Retaliation, but the message we bring this morning is that you cannot feed the energy that you wish to diminish. That is a simple principle. Yes, it does not feel so simple when harm has come to you and your self-protective energies throw you into warrior defense mode.

The mightiest warriors use their opponent’s force against them; they use their opponent’s aggression and impatience against them. Most often, those who seek to do harm are also those who have little relationship with controlling their small selves. The higher selves have very little voice in those persons. They run on fear, ego, and animal adrenaline.

Therefore, when you seek to emulate other persons, seek those who display behaviors indicative of High Self. While there is no way in life to avoid harm, there are different ways to negotiate its effects. Retaliation is not one of them. Retaliation is mirroring.

As you pass your day today, think of your current conditions and concerns. Are you harboring thoughts of Retaliation—even at the level of bad-wishing someone? What would happen if you severed that connection and called that energy back home to live with you? How would your personal energy increase and how would your mental distractions decrease?

We give away much energy in making other people 
responsible for disappointments and failures in our lives, 
especially when we believe that there is probable cause. 

When you make the pebbles under your footsteps into stones, 
the way is harder—but what ease when the stones become pebbles!

Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

March 30, 2014


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