Saturday, January 31, 2015



JANUARY 31, 2015

You were born with an inner Authority, a knowing or wisdom, to tell you which thought, behavior, and act, is the highest one to follow in each circumstance you encounter.  Yes, some circumstances require close listening.  Some require willpower.  Many will require sacrifice.  This is part of the Life experience.  It builds character.

Sometimes you are swept away by emotions:  need, desire, fear.  You forget what you are here for, who are your companions, and what you have set out to do.  You put Self first.  You put what is material first.  You put first what is temporary above that which is Eternal, and what is illusion before that which is Manifest.

If you completed each task in your daily cache perfectly, you would likely not be enjoying this Earthly experience, but would be elsewhere doing otherwise.  Be present with your Self.  Notice how you think, believe, and do.  You are that Authority. 

Assess yourself.  Correct that which you would do in a higher way.  Perform with greater Love and Awareness, those things which can bring about change for all who are influenced by you.  Can One change the world?

Yes. That One is You.  You have that Authority.

Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: January 31, 2015

visual by Walks With Fire