Thursday, January 30, 2014


The moon has held humankind's fascination for as long as time, and with good reason. Having the power to affect water, we know how the gravitational force of the heavenly body we call 'Moon' works on the tides. Luna is the root word for Lunacy, a state of madness, or at least, a temporary loss of what some consider sanity.

During a "full" Moon, we are able to see the light of the sun fully reflected on the Moon's craggy face. During a "dark" Moon, the shadow of Earth prevents the reflection of the sun's light on the Moon's surface. The aspects of each occurrence have unique attributes, but let's look at the one that is pertinent to today's Blue Moon, or Black Moon: that is, a second Super Moon, and in this case, also a Dark Moon, that falls within the same calendar month as the first.

To be certain, this is based on the Roman calendar that we now follow, making the months within that annual calendar to some degree, arbitrary. However, Dark Moon is my favorite Moon. With the Sun, Earth and Moon all in perfect alignment, the feeling to me is one of harmony. Dark Moon is the time of interior thought and reflection. The time to pause and listen.

And this Black Moon, this Super Moon of January, falls in Aquarius, giving it certain energies to consider:

Aquarius rules platonic relationships and humanitarianism; 
the ability to see the trees and the forest (the big picture) 
and the forward impetus to clearly and objectively manifest 
the dreams set forth thereof; inventions are ruled by Aquarius, 
not only from the aspect of clearly seeing the larger picture, 
but also in the minutiae of eccentric ideas, unconventional methods, 
and the ability to form concepts from surprising and 
unexpected results of the first stages.

In the body, Aquarius concerns itself with matter of circulation, and rules over the feet and ankles. Aquarius energy has an affinity for large groups and how one fits into the 'big picture.'

Questions you might ask yourself: 

How well do I see the large picture? 
Am I balanced in spending time alone and in circulating among groups?
 Am I choosing to see my challenges in new ways and allowing myself to be detached from the many possible outcomes--rather than trying to control the outcomes (and therefore never leaving the comfort zone nor finding real solutions to old concerns)? 

Could changing the pathways I utilize 
to form decisions remove obstacles more expediently? 
Does my blood return to my heart cleaner, more energized, 
and better oxygenated that it left it (reciprocity & gain)?

Enjoy today's Black Moon.

January 30, 2014

***Unlike most of my posts, which are Direct-Voice-Channeled material: that is, verbatim transmissions from wiser Tribe Members, this post is inspired by my intuition as related to the subject of the Dark Moon.

Photo by Jordon Conner on Unsplash

Many teachers have spoken of prayer: what it is, how to interact with it, the difference between active prayer and passive prayer. I would like to share a few of my favorites as given to me by The Tribe, whereby you acknowledge your Divine creation, and also your interactive role in sharing the Light and Love with which you were born:

I clothe myself in the Robe 
drawing Light and Reflecting IT.

    Photo by Julian Hanslmaier on Unsplash

I receive THY Grace for healing and comfort,
and for perfecting my presence in service. 
Let this come unto me, and unto all others 
who will See and accept IT. 

Divine Creator:  as You dwell with me, 
I acknowledge Your Power and Love 
to provide all that is needed 
in fulfilling my Highest Purpose.  
I hereby receive IT in gratitude.

Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash

I accept the Grace 
of My Creator’s Love, 
using IT to vivify all levels 
of my Being and Purpose.

Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash


The Pure Love of My Creator 
dwells at the center of me, 
making all things possible.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

January 30, 2014

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Have I been here before, done this before, been with this person before? 
Is this experience déjà vu or is it Resemblance? 

In most cases, it is both. No task is done twice the same way; 
no place can be seen or felt again in the same way. 

You and no other person can interact together
 similarly to how you might have interacted moments earlier or later, 
even in the same place doing the same thing.

You are familiar with the theory in quantum physics that states that your perception of an object is affected not only by the object, but its reference points, its reference of itself, and the commingled effects of all other perceptions that are perceivable at the time you perceive it. The moving river. Zen. Chop wood and carry water. It will never be the same wood, even if you carry the same sticks of wood back and forth from the fire: it will be decomposing; your body will be growing and decomposing, the weather will be different, your companions different, what is busy in your mind will be different.

Life is not static, ever. People will say, “It was as if I could hear the water singing,” when indeed that is what they heard. This observation is voiced as a reference, comparison or resemblance, because humans in Earth School have been taught that you must have a mouth, and intelligence of some higher sort, (ie., understandable according to an understandable Resemblance) to sing. Yet, many birds sing with no teeth to help form the sounds—and a bird can find its way to many places it has never been before in its mortal life, without external devices. So what Resembles one thing to you—your conditioned responses and beliefs—is the way that you have been taught to understand your world.

What if you had Not Been Taught to understand your world according to these limited rules? What if you could undo all of your shallow and self-defeating beliefs and begin fresh? How might you look at your world, and your abilities in it?

(If I could imagine that everything was brand new—that no one had ever told me 
that water can’t literally sing and rocks can’t speak and the soil can’t answer when spoken to, 
I would realize that the life I’m living now is one of sleepwalking and self-delusional limitation.)

Yes. If you agreed, during the mortal experience limited to the Earth School and its current dimension in the Universe, to be fully awake in a fully alive world, that tiny portion of Self that you keep connected in the True World would grow, and much more would become possible for you. That is the work of masters.

Explore your mythology in what you take for granted. It is more powerful and divisive than you might believe, and not least of all because it is nearly invisible to you beneath your socio-cultural conditioning. Pretend that you were born off-planet.

 Look from the outside-in, as a neutral observer. 
What now, can you see? 

Reducing false mythologies grows our Truths.  

Blessed be this day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Photo by USGS on Unsplash

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


You wait and wonder when your work will begin: This is it; it began before you were born. Sloth and lethargy are opposed to learning, but learning will come anyway, for that is what EarthSchool is about at present (no, not for all time). How quickly will we learn the lessons needed, accepting with Grace those universal facts which must be embraced for all of us to continue?

Think of it as a Field & Track meet, where the strongest runners (those who have sacrificed, trained hard, and pushed their potential), must wait for the slowest (who have given into sloth and lethargy, stayed comfortable and weak, and did not believe in themselves) to have their cool drink of water. This is unity--ascending all together in the end.

So, for now, This Is It. Life is It. You are It. We are It. IT is all there is.

Do not lag, letting dread and histrionics slow you. Make this life the Best Life. Do the Right Things, that is, things that empower you, body, mind, and Spirit. Do things that empower others. Respect.

Growing your compassion and patience is your work. Listening deeply is your work. Acting charitably and with selfless love is your work.This IS IT. Love others, and Love Your Self. Care for your self as you would care for a helpless child: would you feed a child bad food that makes it sick? allow a child to be rude and demanding? encourage a child to do activities which are harmful? speak endlessly of self-hate?

NO. You would not. See your self as a Nation with a council. The three branches of this council are Spirit, Body, and Presence. They work as a Nation best when they all work together, otherwise they tear the Nation into demesnes and seek to each be the greatest. Are you at war with your self? Seek Peace.

Peace is the state of all aspects of Self working together in harmony, be it a ‘person’, a household, a community, a nation, a world, a universe, or a cosmos. You are the pebble in the brook; your ripple informs the next and the next and the next. If your sonic signature communicates Peace, the outer forming ripples respond, for as the sciences have proven, thought and intention affect EVERYTHING.

Today Is It. Tomorrow and yesterday are mere concepts. Be here today, with forward goals to engendering the future with greater awareness, wisdom, and compassion.

The world thirsts. 
As you invite change, you inspire others.

Those of Higher abilities will carry the torch for us at any time. 
Ask and you shall receive. 
Knock and the door shall be opened.

Blessed be this day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Monday, January 6, 2014



     Value is a measure used to determine what an exchange should be. Do you Value that degree enough to give six years of study to it? Do you value that house enough to exchange 30 years of one third of your wages to occupy it? Do you value your self enough to exchange productivity for rest and healing? Value is individual assessment, not a standard.

     Therefore, Value is individually influenced by need, desire, cultural hierarchy, and abilities. No object or goal has a certain Value. When we say that something is inValuable, we mean to say that it’s essential, that it defies fair exchange, that it is important beyond our worldly goods. Great All’s UnConditional Love is inValuable. Eternal Life is inValuable. We say this not because we cannot calculate large values, but that in a specific instance, we speak of gifts, or a heritage. Because they cannot be reproduced, except from their Source, they are essential.

    Every day, we must discern the Value of things, particularly as it regards our time and personal energy. What exchange is fair for which task, service, or goods? We must determine, endlessly, the Value of things in our life; be competent and alert housekeepers. ‘Dust bunnies’ in our energy field are more than unsightly; they drain us, and impede our Wholeness-Value by impeding our energetical exchanges.

     To clean your field of influence regularly is to be a good housekeeper; it maximizes your VALUE: your ability to receive the highest exchange possible for the gifts and goods that you have to trade. It is the difference between a road-fatigued car, one abandoned in a field, a shiny new one on the trader’s floor, and a lovingly restored classic, tucked inside the garage under a blanket. Which would you perceive to have the most Value? Yes. It is likely that the lovingly restored classic would be Valued most highly.

     And why is it that the Value of this car is so much greater? The love and personal energy that went into its restoration is a reflection of time (intrinsic value), care (unconditional love, undaunted by difficulty), labor (use of time + effort), respect (holding true to a vision), and magic (that which thrills the Soul with the flavor of Home-Coming). Therefore, this restored car’s Value is an immediate reflection of positive qualities and exchanges completed to bring it from one state to another.

     It is the same with people. The Value of one Teacher over another is quite often measured and weighed against the same principles: time (both that given in Teaching and that which was spent to arrive at the Teacher’s platform), care (the same unconditional love that is undaunted by difficulty), labor (the reflection of effort and its distribution across Time), respect (of both Purpose and Service), and magic (letting in/ calling forth the Elements that shine in the presence of those who are connected at the Core to the Great All).

     As a Teacher/Healer, it is ideal for students to see all of these things; for the Light to shine brightly through the crowd; for the Teacher/Healer's Value to be at least as great as the Exchange that will be required to contemplate the lessons and gifts shared.   


 *** That is not to say that any Teacher/ Healer/ Facilitator is perfect or without flaw. (Healing is done by the person who asks for it, opening the doors to invite 
inside the Healing itself. Facilitators offer prayer, call for help, and protect the doorways, adding their personal energy to yours in order to amplify the effect.)

     As you build Character, Strength, Wisdom, and Dedication, your Value grows. We are all students and teachers--usually at the same time. Grow your garden lush with bounty, and the feast you offer will be grand.

Blessed Be This Day  

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

    Archives: January 6, 2014

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash