Saturday, April 20, 2019



APRIL 20, 2019


~your complement, as a portion of the whole

Do you feel, as you inventory your self, that you are lacking some magical, satisfying, empowering aspect that maintains a memory in you . . . but is outside your reach? Do you feel a hole in your self that is shaped like your past, or some improbable future? Why is that space held open? Why does it affect you as it does?

Who are you? What are you? When are you? Do these aspects combined make you whole? If not, what is missing? –or is anything missing at all? What if We told you that silence requires space, and that space which is perceived inside the self is not a vacancy, but an invitation?

Spaces free of clutter and obeisance are spaces available for Miracle. Your Split-By, the part of eternal self that you keep anchored purely in the Great All, uses this space to illuminate, enthrall, problem-solve, and develop your mortal self and your mortal path.

So, your Split-By is not another entity, flung away and waiting to re-create you, or complete you, or save you. Your Split-By is the portion of your Self/self that has been anchored in that space from which you arose. It is the first and best resource, your touchstone, your eternal heart and mind. It is the Whole upon which the hologram of your smaller and mortal self is based.

Your Split-By is your eternal template, ever-changing, and your protector and advisor, ever-available and perpetually loyal and integrated.

When your Split-By is consciously visiting with you, the heat, light, and Wholeness of Its full presence is a homecoming. It is pure Love, and will remind you that Life is precious, that You are precious, and that your Self/self, shared and given in Love, is the most central and Divine of all the reasons for our Existence.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: April 20, 2019

visuals by Walks With Fire