Monday, August 31, 2015



AUGUST 31, 2015

The Great All has a Form and a Song that is familiar to you and Everlasting, that is Its basic matrix and scaffold.  It also has a Form and a Song that is constantly shifting. You are part of both. You are busy Being and Existing in, both the eternal unchanging Great All, and the Great All that is constantly shifting.

To Exist allows the construct from which you arise, and constructs outside of your birthing system, to acknowledge you. Being is much more. TO BE is to acknowledge Self from within the Self, as an individual, and as indivisible from the whole, to be aware of the questions: Who am I, in my entirely unique aspects? Who am I as contributor to the Whole?

Being is much more than Existing. It is to actively question Life, to participate, to strive, to understand that the past, which you might perceive as being behind you, and the future, which you might perceive as being ahead of you, meet with your Present, and form a circle, loop, or the great Lemniscate—all manifestations of energy in perpetual movement.

Your Earth incarnation is one way of Being. Right now, you are Being Human. How does that feel? At what level are you succeeding? At what level are you failing? Apply those same questions to your family, your community, your country, and your world. Being Human on Earth today, how would you describe to someone unaware of your planet, how this experience of Being an Earthling feels and works?

Is it curious, Being Human? Does it sometimes feel foreign to you? When you feel lost, lonely, sad, or angry, do you feel that you are missing something? Do you feel that the answers are locked away from you? Who might be responsible for concealing the secrets? Who might have locked away the answers? Only you—the greater version of Your Self.

You are earning your way towards higher and higher levels of vibration, to gain understanding bit by bit. Like the wise construction of a building’s foundation, slow and thoughtful placement of a deep and proper footing supplies the necessary support for the construct placed upon it—in all weathers. To place in the foundation things not understood, or understood poorly, makes an uncertain and sometimes, dangerous, support for the structure that rises above it.

Do the best you can do, now, every day. The Earth will do what it will. Your universe will do what it will. Others will do as they will. As for you—there can be no race towards wisdom. Gathering what you believe to be facts will result in a wealth of mythological trivia.

Real wisdom comes paired with time. There are no short cuts. As you are Being Human, remember that you are Eternally, Spirit. Being Human is your current occupation. 

Being Spirit is your inescapable birthright and destiny.  You will never finish Being Spirit. Be a Bright Spirit. Be a Loving Human. Be aware of Being, and all that means.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: August 31, 2015

visual by Walks With Fire

Tuesday, August 18, 2015



AUGUST 18, 2015

When you are busy at your tasks, there are differing levels at which you apply your Self.  Some tasks are familiar and therefore, seem easier than new or infrequent tasks.  And tasks which conflict with desire, ego, and will are harder still.  The task which inflicts harm or suffering upon the Spirit itself is the most difficult, and yet history shows us examples of these occurrences, which time neither recedes nor diminishes.

What of the High and Positive Polarity for tasking—the Specification or Specifications particular to your skill set—your Gifts, and how they are applied?  When you Splinter your activities and tasks from the body of the mainstream, applying your gifts to Specific pathways and purpose, you potentiate not only your ability to serve, but your probability of fine-tuning and clarifying your Gifts.  Focusing on a tiny spectrum of skills within your skill set grows more than those skills.  It draws energy to you in a way that can happen in no other regard.

Let us say that you are a carpenter.  Your greater skill set is to make furnishings, and your particular focus is to make antique reproduction chairs.  As you turn the wood, you find yourself deviating from known patterns to experiment with new patterns, and that leads you into turning wood for totems and altar pieces, and that leads you into working with woods that you have never worked with before.  You find you are spending quite a lot of time in the forest.

Your greater skill set is still to make furnishings, particularly chairs, but now you offer a greater variety of chairs.  You have also Splintered away from furniture-making, and now offer wood pieces for meditation and reflection.  Something has opened inside you.  

Your relationship to your work and your materials has changed.  Your customer base is changing.  The feeling of your shop is changing.  You are more aware of your environment and the world at large.  

You are closer to life and the songs of the trees and woodlands, more concerned for their welfare.

Because we cannot be in all places doing all things, considering all concerns, it is quite satisfying to do at least one thing fully and with full heart.  What do you now that you could do with greater Specificity and quite likely, greater immersion and satisfaction?  How might you grow?  What wisdoms might you gain?  The Songs are all around you; they Sing to those who listen.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: August 18, 2015

visual by Walks With Fire

Sunday, August 16, 2015



AUGUST 16, 2015

The Columbine is a Warrior Plant that climbs, clings, thrives, and adapts in its given environment.  It does not say to its world:  “Please me,” but to the world, “I am a Pleasing part of the world.”  

The Columbine is dedicated to Purpose, thoughtfully applying its skills and aspects to contributing good for Great All’s highest balance and support.  How are you like the Columbine?  How are you unlike the Columbine?

We want our world to support us, but often we want the world to conform to our preconceived notions, which are based on belief, suppositions, ego, desire, and personal, isolated agendas.  We therefore want the world to support us based on a set of mythologies that exist only in our own minds.  Knowing this, how is it possible for these conditions to be met?

If it was possible for your mythological conditions to be met, consider that every person alive in your world today, each with their own set of mythological conditions to be met, was having those expectations fulfilled.  What would your world be like? 

For a tapestry to blend its fibers and amount to a finished product, or a work in progress, that has structural integrity, beauty, and purpose, it must meet certain qualifications.  For a song to be a song, it must apply the gathered notes with concordance and harmony.  Even in various other artforms where it appears that the construction is random, or has occurred without following any of the known rules, something has happened to give it cohesion.

Your world works, and keeps working, specifically because each entity in it does not receive each thought-wish for which they ask, believe that they want, or deserve, or need.  Suffice to say that thought-wishes conflict from person to person, belief to belief, need to need, desire to desire.  You feel the Truth of this as we speak it.

And so, the reflection of this is:  How are you like the Columbine?  How are you unlike the Columbine?  Do you see that you are individual, and indivisible—simultaneously?  Do you see that total separation is myth, and therefore individual separation, even in a form of individual isolation, is a myth?  Can you fulfill your Self, your Purpose, and your Potential while cognizant of being part of the whole?

Yes.  Growing as part of the Whole is the most direct route to growth.  It does not take away from your individuality, but defines it.  It does not diminish your Power, but affirms it.  See your beauty as the Columbine sees its own:  in adaptation, glory, service, and wholeness.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: August 16, 2015

visual by Walks With Fire