Monday, August 31, 2015



AUGUST 31, 2015

The Great All has a Form and a Song that is familiar to you and Everlasting, that is Its basic matrix and scaffold.  It also has a Form and a Song that is constantly shifting. You are part of both. You are busy Being and Existing in, both the eternal unchanging Great All, and the Great All that is constantly shifting.

To Exist allows the construct from which you arise, and constructs outside of your birthing system, to acknowledge you. Being is much more. TO BE is to acknowledge Self from within the Self, as an individual, and as indivisible from the whole, to be aware of the questions: Who am I, in my entirely unique aspects? Who am I as contributor to the Whole?

Being is much more than Existing. It is to actively question Life, to participate, to strive, to understand that the past, which you might perceive as being behind you, and the future, which you might perceive as being ahead of you, meet with your Present, and form a circle, loop, or the great Lemniscate—all manifestations of energy in perpetual movement.

Your Earth incarnation is one way of Being. Right now, you are Being Human. How does that feel? At what level are you succeeding? At what level are you failing? Apply those same questions to your family, your community, your country, and your world. Being Human on Earth today, how would you describe to someone unaware of your planet, how this experience of Being an Earthling feels and works?

Is it curious, Being Human? Does it sometimes feel foreign to you? When you feel lost, lonely, sad, or angry, do you feel that you are missing something? Do you feel that the answers are locked away from you? Who might be responsible for concealing the secrets? Who might have locked away the answers? Only you—the greater version of Your Self.

You are earning your way towards higher and higher levels of vibration, to gain understanding bit by bit. Like the wise construction of a building’s foundation, slow and thoughtful placement of a deep and proper footing supplies the necessary support for the construct placed upon it—in all weathers. To place in the foundation things not understood, or understood poorly, makes an uncertain and sometimes, dangerous, support for the structure that rises above it.

Do the best you can do, now, every day. The Earth will do what it will. Your universe will do what it will. Others will do as they will. As for you—there can be no race towards wisdom. Gathering what you believe to be facts will result in a wealth of mythological trivia.

Real wisdom comes paired with time. There are no short cuts. As you are Being Human, remember that you are Eternally, Spirit. Being Human is your current occupation. 

Being Spirit is your inescapable birthright and destiny.  You will never finish Being Spirit. Be a Bright Spirit. Be a Loving Human. Be aware of Being, and all that means.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: August 31, 2015

visual by Walks With Fire

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