Friday, July 31, 2020


What can you, as a Living Bridge, contribute to this world? 
First consider your history. Do people ask for your opinion or advice? 
Do they turn to you in crisis? Might this be true because
 you can help them leave one state and enter another?

Today, we speak to you who are working as Mediary, Intuitive and Direct Voice Communication helpers. We want you to survey how you find the world today. You feel this in your heart, beyond what you intellectually discern or hear in the media. What do you feel?

Is the Heart of Darkness closer to the surface in a greater number of people? Is Hopelessness an overruling emotion in a way it has never been? Are the counter-balancing agents growing to meet the demand? How can we help?

Spreading the contagion of Love is one way to help many. A kindly placed reply, a reminder that the Light is still greater than the Darkness inside each of us, and contribution or outreach to those less capable or less resource-rich than you are all ways to lift others. We each have a story. We each have our pains. Do not let your own doubts keep you from rising up in response to the pain and misery around it.

Use your pain and misery to connect with others, and do it in a capable and compassionate way. Do not sit in the ditch with them. Offer your hand. Do not judge. See what work is needed and do it. We are all in different boats, but we navigate the same sea.

Find it in your heart to reach into your gift as a Living Bridge and hold it for those who do not yet know how to cross from one state to another. Even a gift measured in moments is valuable when someone is treading water and exhausted. Hold your Light aloft and use Its abilities generously.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

Friday, July 31, 2020

Thursday, July 30, 2020


What can you, as a Living Bridge, contribute to this world? 
First consider your history. Do people ask for your opinion or advice? 
Do they turn to you in crisis? Might this be true because
 you can help them leave one state and enter another?

A Living Bridge who is a Direct Voice Medium will have spent many years developing their abilities. Even when born with the abilities, developing focus, deep listening, and hearing clearly terms and concepts that may be foreign are all essentials. While a DVM can act as a Mediary, and certainly is a functioning Intuitive, their goals are less focused on the individual and more focused on the population at large, or at least a smaller demographic.

There is much confusion about the skills and work of the typical Direct Voice Medium. Hollywood will show the DVM holding séances, acting in bizarre and scattered ways, and in short, being quite dysfunctional in day-to-day life. These ideas are extreme exaggerations, for the DVM person is typically well organized in their mind, and quite compartmentalized. They must navigate their mortal world while being in constant contact with other-dimensional intelligence.

While a DVM may be able to help you through transition, confirm a medical condition, or find an object pointed out by a recently-departed relative, their true strength is in offering messages that are not readily available in other ways. Whether or not they have developed the personal patience and wisdom to fabulously negotiate their world, they have developed the discipline to bring through what is quite often harrowing or extremely difficult for them personally.

The Direct Voice Medium will have grown beyond some of the concerns that are paramount with the Mediary and Intuitive worker, but they must take great care to keep ego in check, maintain a vibrationally clean space in which to work, and be able to strictly separate their earthly imagination from their cosmic downloads.

If you know a Direct Voice Medium, or believe that you are a DVM, there is little reliable training for you beyond what you can garner for your self in quiet/still times. Those wiser and of higher vibration (who have been vetted) who may wish to speak to others using your gifts, will of course, be available for your learning.

So . . . ask your self this: what is the feeling of this helper? What is the pattern of their speech? By what characteristics do you judge this helper to be true? What is the nature of the message they wish to deliver, and to whom do they want it delivered?

Direct Voice Mediums, speaking truly, offer others an insight into 
not only the condition of being human, but the condition that is eternal, 
growing, and contributing to the Whole. Anything less is an insult to the gift. 

If you are a Direct Voice Medium, it is time to step up. 
The world requires your voice.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Wednesday, July 29, 2020


What can you, as a Living Bridge, contribute to this world? 
First consider your history. Do people ask for your opinion or advice? 
Do they turn to you in crisis? Might this be true because
 you can help them leave one state and enter another?

A Living Bridge who is an Intuitive employs what the Mediary does, and adds to it a deeper knowledge of action and reaction. While being able to see and understand a situation, they are consciously guided by their inner voice, their own guides and helpers, and the guides and helpers of the receiver, abilities that require surrender and practice.

This type of Living Bridge contributes more personal energy to helping, and draws on more energy from the boundless sources. They must be more cautious than the Mediary about protecting their individual energy stores, and resisting any negative influences that are attracted to their lighter vibration.

If you are an Intuitive, your inner voice is very strong. You will have very certain opinions about the world, about how you believe things should be done . . . and how they should not be done. Your dreams are vivid, and you are compelled to engage yourself for the benefit of the underdog. You cannot look away from something unwatchable, even as others do, even as your emotional and spiritual response is deeper and more hurtful.

Living Bridges are Sensitives: that is, literally, they are sensitive, to the world, to other living things, to their own sensibilities, and especially to others. They are sensing Great All through a very thin and malleable osmotic membrane. They worry one moment that the world will not survive, and have hope in the next that great things are here and expanding.

An Intuitive must watch for specific conditions and ploys. They must not discount the information available from non-traditional sources or those considered inanimate. And just as a Mediary is not to be employed as a random parental substitute or nurse, they must also take care to avoid becoming a crutch for someone. Often, those who receive the benefit of an Intuitive’s care and guidance look to them like a beacon and rather than solving their own issues and making intelligent, well-thought-through decisions, they desire that the Intuitive do it for them. This, the Intuitive must not allow.

Nourishment and serenity become even more important for the Intuitive, who often feels battered by the world. Why do hatred and greed exist? Why are we still living in the dark ages? Why can’t people live by the golden rule? For an Intuitive, even more than the Mediary or Direct Voice Communicator, life can be exhausting and perplexing. They need to manage their rest times and monitor and direct their dreams.

They need to speak plainly and learn to withdraw personal hurts from the big picture. And, they need to work towards becoming a Direct Voice Communicator, so that rather than intuiting the world, they can readily ask questions and receive answers, so that they can more readily feel and engage with the support around them. If you are serving in this middle category, as an Intuitive, listen well to what we next impart.

Dear Intuitive: We thank you for your service. We celebrate you in both Light and Dark. We sleep with you and wake with you. Reach out, not only for the benefit of those whom you serve, but for your self. Know that your future will fulfill and satisfy your current curiosities, and that just ahead, there is a time when all will be well.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Photo by Wai Siew on Unsplash

Tuesday, July 28, 2020


What can you, as a Living Bridge, contribute to this world?
 First consider your history. Do people ask for your opinion or advice? 
Do they turn to you in crisis? Might this be true because you can
help them leave one state and enter another?

This type of Living Bridge, a Mediary, is the most common. They are generally
compassionate and forthright, and even if they have not experienced your specific situation, they are still helpful in getting you through a transition—in seeing where you are and determining where you need to go. They will use key words to lighten an alleyway or frightening passage, helping you to heal, accept a responsibility, or become a new version of self.

If this describes you, sensitivity and compassion are part of your core. Your first impressions are strong and you are willing to listen with an open mind to those who seem to be in transition. Strangers will often seek you out, making eye contact and even beginning conversations seemingly out of the blue. “Why me?” you might think.

Your imagination is strong, your ability to see the road ahead well-formed, and your willingness to help others, while not bottomless or endless is developed and engaging. People find you in troubled times and consider you a good listener . . . but what are you listening to, and how do you respond?

This type of helper, The Mediary, is a type of Living Bridge that is more accessible than the others. The Mediary will follow instincts and intuition and do their best to say the right thing in the right way to the right person at the right time. Once you are aware of this skill, you will adapt more quickly and sometimes, increase your skills through practice, to become an Intuitive or even a Direct Voice Medium.

Changing what you do in service, however, is not necessary. You do the world very much good, and because you do not separate yourself by mood or mannerism, more people will be willing to engage with you. But . . . take care to nourish yourself and protect against attacks or the theft of your personal energy. You are meant to be a guide, not a parent or nurse.

When you are engaged with someone in transition, make sure that what you share with them is sourced from The Great All, the font which does not tire or deplete. If you find you are being drained by demands as a Mediary, you are wearing your heart too-wide open. You cannot solve another’s problem; you can only support them, give them light, and help them to feel less alone and confused.

Give others a way to get clear for themselves, a way to surrender what no longer serves them, a way back to core tenets that help the Whole. While you may not be thanked by the person whom you help (as quite often they are not specifically aware that you have), know that you are being thanked by many . . . and that there are many who support your outreach in service.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Monday, July 27, 2020


What can you, as a Living Bridge, contribute to this world?
 First consider your history. Do people ask for your opinion or advice? 
Do they turn to you in crisis? Might this be true because you can
help them leave one state and enter another?

This type of Living Bridge, a Mediary, is the most common. They are generally compassionate and forthright, and even if they have not experienced your specific situation, they are still helpful in getting you through a transition—in seeing where you are and determining where you need to go. They will use key words to lighten an alleyway or frightening passage, helping you to heal, accept a responsibility, or become a new version of self.

A Living Bridge who is also a dedicated Intuitive does the work of the Mediary, and a bit more. They will discern your specific emotions and their sources. They are familiar with deep listening, and they will be guided by your inner voice, their guides, and your guides as well. They can be helpful in more specific ways. You will see them in conversation with plants and animals, and presenting themselves in interesting, etheric types of dress and adornment. Many are artists and healer-helpers.

A Living Bridge who is a Medium can bring forth exact messages, connecting to Higher realms. The information they pass along is quite often part of the deep mysteries. They have a broader vision, seeing backwards, forwards, left and right. They are highly trained and most often, cannot deny their abilities. They are sometimes awkward in life, and quite often very quiet, unless they have something they deem valuable to say. Keeping it light on the outside is a must for a Direct Voice Medium, who is listening to a perpetual stream of information all day and night, according to their filters. They are compulsory artists, teachers, healers, and helpers. They never feel alone.

Do you fit into one of these ideas? What was the last problem you helped to solve that involved a distressed person seeking help? To serve Great All as a Living Bridge is an honor, for as you help others, you help the Self, and the Whole. We thank you for your service.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Photo by Jorge Zapata on Unsplash

Sunday, July 26, 2020


A Living Bridge works as an assistant to those crossing from one place to another, whether that be from one belief to another, one understanding to another, or one core behavior to another. They make the way, Singing Harmonies that blend the old place to the new. 
Think of an artist blending colors on a canvas, a writer making a segue, or a composer leaving one statement to prepare for the next—the attacca. Rapid transitions are jarring, and while often effective due to their impetus, many will withdraw, considering the experience traumatic. A gentle and beautiful segue will often be more readily accepted and therefore, more comprehensively integrated.

Though the world has lost many of its traditions in regards to mystery training and ceremony, we all benefit from these gentle and celebratory transitions—and it is The Living Bridge who helps us. Whether that be an ordained person performing a marriage or death ritual, a guide attending the child-to-adult confirmation, or a master granting acknowledgement to an acolyte, someone has trained and volunteered to assist.

Think of your last transition. Have you moved from victim to manager-of-life? Have you moved from child to adult? From single to wed? From childless to parent? From child to orphan? From part of the family to head-of-the-family? From bread-winner to bread-sharer? Have you changed your life location, your goals, your limits of compassion and patience? Who was your Living Bridge? What energy was present? And how have you performed as a Living Bridge for another?

Choose an experience in which you benefited from a Living Bridge. We will discuss this further. Until then, send love and gratitude to those who have helped you. The Great Wheel turns, and we turn with it.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Photo by Cosmic Timetraveler on Unsplash

Saturday, July 25, 2020


When we cross from one state to another, quite likely we have used a Living Bridge. Be that breath during meditation, surrender while listening, or the open and unconditional response to a Higher Wisdom, we have some method of transport—even if we remain our own agent. For those contributing as A Living Bridge, bringing messages, change, and awareness to others not as busy with listening, life is different. It is to those persons whom we dedicate these next transmissions.

As a Living Bridge, a perpetual part of every moment in the day is spent in listening. There is a learned coherence regarding the shared space of what is human and individual and what is dis-incarnate and eternal. There is never any time when that decisive voice is not present, and even central to the Living Bridge’s awareness.

Many of you whom are reading this will relate to a shared reality, where one voice speaks to the mundane and one to that which is above it. This voice guides you as you travel through life, giving suggestions, encouragement, and even helping you to make decisions, specifically those that are immediate or life-threatening.

Imagine this voice turned up in volume; primary and unavoidable, able to be employed in any way, place, or with any entity that is at the time needed. A Living Bridge, even from childhood, will enjoy a different life: more informed and more directed—but not impervious to trial, challenge, pain, and loss. Sometimes, a Living Bridge will experience those things at higher levels.

This is the time we call out to you, all around the world. If you are a Living Bridge, you must step up, increase your hearing, and be more willing to make your self known for the Highest Good of All. You are needed.

If you have any inkling that you are a Living Bridge, 
call out to your Guides. Connect with your Tribe. 
Keep a journal, and keep a mindful eye to your inner dialogue. 
In the days and weeks coming, we will be reaching out to help.
 Be ready.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Photo by Tobias Reich on Unsplash

Friday, July 24, 2020


Think of this word in 3 pieces:  A --  Void  --  (D)ance.
 This is a condition of putting oneself inside a void,
a state of somnolence or stasis. It can be a sort of cryo-freeze
for the Soul, the Spirit, the Mind, or the Body.
This can be used for purposes that support the protection of Self
and also for purposes that support the relegation of Self.

It is a human condition to postpone, delay, and avoid where actions or changes incite feelings of great dread or overwhelm. One thinks of tasks in relationship to Avoidance, but the deeper condition is to Avoid the Self and Its insistent messages, which often require not only time and energy but unconditional surrender.

What are you Avoiding right now? Without excuses or justification, pinpoint the emotions attached to the person, place, thing or action you Avoid. Do you dread conflict? Do you fear uncomfortable change? Do you doubt your ability to appropriately make a High decision and effectively proceed?

Whatever your Avoidance, your heart and mind will be lifted if you face these matters straight on. Start with your smallest Avoidance and be fully present with your conscious mind. You will find that reclaiming missing pieces of Self rewards you with satisfaction and accomplishment—and the motivation to do more, similar work.

Use Avoidance to delay what you are truly unqualified to address, but do not use this as a crutch or a hideaway. Let in the Light and live your life as fully present as possible. When you do, opportunities flood in and you will find that you’ve traded Avoidance for Empowerment.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Photo by Ian Parker on Unsplash

Thursday, July 23, 2020


Times and trends change, and even truths periodically change, but cycles are a constant—not in the length of the upper or lower waves, but that they are perpetual and unavoidable. We may believe that we are living in a highly illuminated age, comparing our selves to times past, but are we? What cues make us believe that we are currently more illuminated than those who preceded us?

Look at the world and your life in it. Are you modern? Are you on-pace with your contemporaries? How so? Do you believe that you are more, or less, illuminated and informed than your family members of the same generation / a generation past / ten generations past?

How fares your connection to the Eternal part of Self and the Whole? Have you reasoned out what your Life implies? Do you believe you are here for your own singular experience, or are you here to be part of the Tapestry, part of causing advancement (which is entirely subjective day-to-day), awareness, and the type of self-knowing that is absorbable by others?

Yes. You are responsible for your Life. And for your family, and community, and your world. You. Personally. Singularly. While waves are created by combining your energy with the group, it is still You who must make the decisions for where your energy goes.

So . . . pause in your Modernity and look suspectly at your self and your world. When you take apart the Modern picture and study the Zeitgeist, do you feel the same? Do you feel you are more or less illumined than when you began the seeking?

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

Wednesday, July 22, 2020


When you are Loyal, to whom are you Loyal? 
Are you Loyal to a person, place or a thing? 
Why are you Loyal? Is your Loyalty unconditional?

As human beings living on Earth, you belong to a hierarchy of dominions and strifes. You are an individual, with a family, and part of a community, that is part of a larger community. “To your own self be true,” applies only within the context of these structures to which you are beholden.

How many of your Loyalties are affected by bias: your gender/ your socio-economic position / your education / your lifestyle / your core beliefs / your governance? Each of them is affected. You will feel more Loyal to those people, places and things from which you arise; this is part of your survival instinct.

However: revolutions rise, be that of the individual in choosing between one path and another, between self and family in choosing which beliefs to uphold, between family and self in regard to the immediate culture and the international beliefs. We are made to challenge and change and grow.

Look at your Loyalties today. Survey for how many follow guidelines that are true, and helpful for the whole. You will find that you are Loyal in ways, and to ideas, that surprise you. Be clear and truthful with your self. Rather than challenging the random status-quo, challenge your self. Choose your Loyalties wisely 
and for eternal and high ideals.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Photo by Richard Felix on Unsplash

Tuesday, July 21, 2020


You have heard some version of the slang: Chickening-Out. It means to lose courage, to rescind one’s word, to fail a promise because fear is greater than sentiment. Each culture has some similar term. It becomes a badge of non-honor.

If we were motivated by such things, allowing the negative aspect of any given situation to spur our actions, what do we become but an extreme reactionary without a firm bit of ground to stand upon? We must rise and act because we are in touch with our core and decide to do the valiant and helpful thing.

When you feel your self weakening under peer pressure, how do you handle it? Do you push back, or do you check in with your center and speak to your own fears? Have there been times when verbal threats have caused you to act where otherwise you would not? Have you been pushed into risky and un-helpful behaviors due to the same?

Mostly, you know why you act. We cannot truly be fearless, but we can confront fear and move forward anyway. If you find your self Chickening, do a search, and when you act, either by forward motion or withdrawal, act with Truth and self-knowing.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Chickens and Ducks. Created by Melchior d' Hondecoeter. Circa 1680.

Monday, July 20, 2020





     ~ staying balanced while feeding the Hungry Whole

To exist, a large reserve of mind and body is given to homeostasis and survival. This is your Ground Control, representing your core programs and reptilian mind. It is the force that urges you to stay in your body and thrive.

How do you know when Ground Control is not doing its job? How do you know when Ground Control has commandeered systems and is starving the other aspects of your life: your creativity, intuition and higher states?

Think of what is happening in the world right now. What are you hearing from your local, national, and international news outlets? Do you feel comforted or repulsed by it? Do you feel it supports your life or threatens it? 

How real are these concerns?

Physical life is a challenge, as is staying balanced. One must have physical necessities such as housing, food, water, clothing, and purpose. One must also have imagination, liberty of the creative spark, and access to higher ideas.

If the world seems weighty and filled with fear, look at your part in that. Where does the energy balance? Would it be more helpful to contribute creative and uplifting input for a troubled world? This does not mean you ignore what is happening, or that you will refuse to act where action is needed. It means that you give another helpful aspect to the hungry Whole.

Check in with Ground Control, but remember that the view from the stars is high and borderless compared to earth’s soil. Beauty is abundant. Find ways to share stories that evolve in places higher than the fray.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: July 20, 2020

Photo by Daniel Olah on Unsplash