Sunday, July 19, 2020



IN TIME, 2020 JULY 19


     ~ the currency that creates The Present

Day by day, you are In Time, part of what makes Time work. It is the currency of your life that causes Time to exist. You are a cell among cells, all together forming Time, forming the present and your perception of reality. 

You have had experiences in which you feel “Out of Time,” a dreaming, unattached, floating feeling that comes in the presence of an overwhelming or surrealistic experience, or at a liminal threshold between life and death, wake and sleep, okay and not-okay.

In Time is a vantage point; it is the place from which you view the greatest distances, be that termed in separation of space or experience. 

From your place In Time, it will be rare to see what your belief tells you is far behind you, or what is far ahead, although those who are prophets or prophetic dreamers may see far into the past or future.

Can you feel the Mother-lines and Father-lines of your past . . . or your future? The Higher you go, the more you will see. When your level of understanding is low and close to the ground, you will see far less than when your level of understanding is high. High understanding, strong self-will, and self-compassion will grant you longer views.

When you are In Time, you are more than merely present. You are aware of your place in the Great All. You are aware that your every thought, movement, and action is affecting the fibres of life all around you—aware of how you are managing your addition to the tapestry.

When you tug on the Time-Line that you create with your existence, you are affecting the whole tapestry, and the closer to you the next Time-Line lay, the greater your influence. We cannot adequately express how important your contribution is. Do you help the Weaver or do you distract?

You are In Time and actively affecting the Tapestry whether or not you believe it. What gifts can you bring? How can you become more aware that you are not only Present, but perpetually busy Co-Creating?

Take this moment to assess your position. How far is your reach, and how can your contributions In Time forge stronger more beautiful lines?

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: July 19, 2020

Photo by Sergio Gonzalez on Unsplash

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