Thursday, May 29, 2014


August 19, 2023|2014, POWER OF THOUGHT

May 29, 2014

     Do Curses exist?  To answer this, you must first define the nature of a Curse.  Is a Curse a string of words, a wish, or a living entity?  To what level must the energy of a person or animate entity be invested in a directed, active force in order for that force to override the natural, protective boundaries and free will of the person or place for which the maladaptive energy is intended?

     First, let us remind ourselves of the nature of Love:  the inborn goodwill and co-creative urge of the Great All that perpetuates the movement and continuation of existence.  Is Hate the opposite of Love?  Is a Curse the opposite of Love?  Neither Hate nor a Curse is the opposite of Love.  Love is the prime force.  Hate is an abhor-ation, deviation, and denial of what is.  Hate is grounded in fear, gluttony, jealousy, and destruction: smaller and mortal emotional measures.

     A Curse can also be grounded in those same or similar, small and mortal emotional measures.  But more, and sometimes worse, a Curse can also rise from the subconscious, unthoughtful and misguided belief system of an untrained or falsely trained group mind.  “You will never succeed in life without a college education,” stated as fact, carries with it, the energy of a Curse.

  •     If you are not saved by the tenets of my religion, you will burn forevermore in agony
  •    Like your parents, you will never amount to anything
  •    Set your sights too high and you set yourself up for disappointment
  •    You are not meant to be happy in this life; you are meant to be responsible
  •    Our people are superior; we must show our ways to others however it is necessary
  •    I created these circumstances in my life and must deal with them alone

     Your sciences show you with greater detail and enthusiasm as the years pass, how energy transfers through thought and action.  Plants that are soothsayed blossom and bloom, while those who receive negative messages wither and die.  Newborns deprived of touch fail to gain weight.  Widows and widowers die soon after their spouses.  War begets war.

     When you say a thing with authority, you create within the vibratory space of the Great All, a pattern of that thought and belief.  When you say to your neighbor:  I see you; I believe in you; I stand with you; I will help you; Let us help the world together, you are creating a vibration that sings into the great harmony something uplifting.  It is a joy to stand in the presence of that energy.

     When you say a thing with authority that states a vision of destruction, creating also a pattern of that thought belief, the song it sings into the harmony hits notes that hurt the very chords onto which you were sung.  It makes your heart hurt.  You have felt this when you received bad news, when you have suffered and felt loss, when someone wounded you.  That is the energy of Cursing.

     What is a Curse?  It is the singing of a thread, a thought, a wish, purposefully or subconsciously, into the vibratory space of Great All, that affects others in a way that is negative and hurtful.  Yes, it can be pointedly personal and dramatic—but it needn’t be.  You can point your finger at a child and scream, “Stupid!” and that vibration will haunt that child long after that body has passed the child growth and become an adult.

     What is a Curse?  Think long on this.  It is harm-doing.  It may be so whitewashed inside the picket fences of your socio-cultural programming, you fail to see it.  Look for it now, in all of the comfortable places you call home and Belief.  It is there, we promise you.  Any time you think yourself more or better, your are Cursing others for being less.

     Any time you believe that your ways are higher, you are Cursing someone for their place on the path.  Any time you fail to support the Love that you shelter, that great engine of Life that is entrusted you to bear for all of Eternity—you do not support Love.  It is that simple.

What do you Curse?  
And who Curses you?  
What steps will you take to break this cycle?


Blessed Be

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

    Archives: May 29, 2014

visual credit Walks With Fire


Wednesday, May 28, 2014

          (NOT A DESCRIPTOR)

When you think of all the wonders of the world and beyond it, do you see those wonders in your Self? Do you see the perfectly balanced harmonies in the song that came together at your singing into existence? Do you know that Love is an impetus, a force, a primary function of Life that is basic and all-inclusive?

You believe that you seek Love, labor for Love, sacrifice for Love, are blinded by Love and slighted by Love. Love is an impetus. IT is. You are IT and IT is you, entwined. Love, entwined within you as an impetus, makes all of the first statements false. Love is never false or absent. You will never be blinded by Love, nor slighted by Love, nor asked to labor or sacrifice for it.

If your experience in Life has shown you a false face on Love, you are gazing at a mask that the human ego has used to paper over the true aspects of the Love Impetus. Love itself is not corruptible. It is the entity inside which it abides that is corrupt. It is the entity which holds the spark of Love that colors the veils outside it, that misrepresents it, that attends it with false labels.

Said simply: Love is pure. People are false.

Do you love your neighbor? Do you love that vase? Do you love this day? Do you love that carcass in the road? Do you love the victim and the slayer equally? How label you Love, and why? Have you taken the largest creative force known in Great All and compressed it into a tiny word? Have you now made that word tepid and false, random and ubiquitous? It’s no wonder that people are confused.

What is Love?

Love is the prime impetus of All there is. It is the propulsion, automation and animation that keeps the first spark moving and adapting and perpetuating. Love is Life and Aliveness. Love is the foodstuff and energy and mechanics that allow for movement and transmutation. It is the breath that causes expansion and contraction. Love is the magical ingredient. The prime mover. The divine source. The ultimate.

And yes, it is in You; in all of Us. Seek not outside your Self for Love. It is there inside you, where it was born into you. The more you connect to the Love outside yourself, the more cognizant you grow with the Love inside—the brighter leaps its fires.

See Love as the Impetus that it is. 
Feel that Impetus. 
Let it lead you. 
Love is ever pure. 

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

May 24, 2014

Photo by SpaceX on Unsplash
reprint from 2014

Tuesday, May 27, 2014



August 17, 2023|2014, CO-CREATING, SUBTERFUGE

MAY 27, 2014


     We have discussed many ways to use Subterfuge in order to build your Character, and now we speak of one of the greatest, for without impedance, Co-Creating is your greatest gift. To make something, where once there was ‘nothing’ is a joy like no other.

    Whether or not you are aware of this gift, it is awake and aware of you, perpetually. But, to do this with grace and forethought—that is the high gift of the Maige. It takes many levels gained as an initiate to reach this perfect ability to manifest form from the raw materials of the Great All. The amazement of watching it done by someone who is master of the process is beyond comparison.

    To use Subterfuge in practicing this role is the same as any other, though for most, this starring role is much further away. Many lifetimes as an understudy, or even a stage hand, will be required before you can wear the robes and tread the boards as a High Maige of Co-Creating. So, why then, do we speak of this? To inspire you . . .

    And, certainly, you can take on the Subterfuge of Manifestation, to attract the events, conditions, persons, and material goods that you would like to experience in your life. Much information is already given to these methods in your archives there. See these things with you, as you would have them with you, in your present, with grace and thanks.


     Accept the things you wish to attract as they are, how they are, in the time that they are.  If you build limiting conditions around Co-Creating, you limit the channels through which they can travel and communicate with you.  

Grow your I AM, in your role as a Co-Creator.

    See what is. Question what will be. Understand your conditioning and your Belief system, and especially your gifts and challenges. Co-Creation is a modality meant to be used in the highest order, not focused in the unrealistic minutea of improbabilities that have little to do with Spiritual growth and fulfillment.

    A True Co-Creator does not waste time in small ideas. Someone called to world service would not likely long to be a prima ballerina in a company of females—especially when that someone was male, crippled, and growing on in mortal years. Small focal points form knots.  Co-Creators follow loose lines that move through many distances and ideas, gaining from each field of influence they touch.

    Wear the role of Co-Creator through Subterfuge first, and try on your creations for their fitness.  Are your following the graceful arc of the lemniscates, the eternal arc, or are you tying a knot?


Blessed Be

This is a Direct Voice Communication

from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share 

their wisdoms with me from the

other side of the veil.

     Archives: May 27, 2014

Art by Walks With Fire


I am The One.  That is a helpful statement.  It indicates that you alone can do, see, 
or affect something in a certain way.  I Am The One.

 I Am The One.  I Am Responsible.

For what are you Responsible?  Your actions and behaviors are primary responsibilities.  You are responsible for listening to, and following, your inner guidance.  You are responsible for interacting with others in a way that reflects integrity:  honor, honesty, and compassion.  This is a difficult path.

We all fail in myriad ways and at myriad times.  In certain instances, however, the matters in play are too important to broach failure.  Who will feed the helpless baby, if not you?  But you are tired and ill, alone and without resources.  What will you do?  How do you rise to that responsibility?  Can you determine your next movement, using the mentality of one defeated—who is tired and ill, alone and without resources?  Not very likely.

What if you took on the role of lead character, and wore the Subterfuge of Responsibility?  I am tired and ill, but the show must go on?  I am alone, as a mortal adult, but only for the moment:  this baby is here with me, who is a Spirit, just as I am a Spirit, and my guides and guardians are with me always.  I am not without resources, because in the Great All, a place of co-creation, resources are abundant.

We are not saying that you will miraculously be un-tired and un-ill, that the baby will be un-hungry, and you will suddenly be surrounded by other loving adults who will bring with them exactly the resources that you need.  However, as a certainty, nothing can be accomplished by thinking with a defeatist attitude that perpetuates the problem you wish to defeat.

As the lead character, Responsibility, you must think like the character would think in a similar situation.  Change the situation and its energy by changing the way you interact with the situation.  What new terms do you come to?  Perhaps you ask a neighbor, friend, or family member for assistance or barter and in doing so, discover a resource that bears out for your future.  This could apply in many ways.

One can never say where today’s road might lead, for any path turns many times and connects ahead to many roads more.  When you are decision-making from a role of Responsibility, more opportunities come present for you.  It is not possible to make excuses, and blame external circumstances for your current ones.  Your power comes back to you.

Your power comes back to you.

Blaming divides your power.  Apathy shrinks your power.  Denial locks your power away.  Do you want the full use of your personal power?  Call it home, unobstructed.  Until you can do this in a way that is clear and meaningful, use the power of Subterfuge to play the leading role.  Your ability to Respond, rather than React, will grow quickly.  While Reaction leads you to a closed end, Response opens like a petaled wheel of possibilities.

Subterfuge for Responsibility is one of the greatest roles you will ever play.  
Its merits lead to many more.  
Make your performance stellar, and see how IT make YOU.

Blessed Be This Day 

This is a Direct Voice Communication from 
my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms 
with me from the other side of the veil.

May 27, 2014

art by Walks With Fire



David faces down Goliath. Gandhi faces down the British establishment. You face down a tormentor, shore up a leaking dam, go into the dark to repair the broken fence and bring back the dying animal. The Subterfuge of Compassionate Mightiness was taken on and used for self/Self and others in order to protect life, dignity, equity, and harmony.

Perhaps the hero is part of your character from birth; perhaps not. Perhaps it leaps out at you when it is needed, and you thrust your self into the role. Still, do you think that one hero has passed through the halls of this human mortality who did not suffer fear and doubt? Do you think that any hero has not to some degree, worn a form of Subterfuge?

When the conditions arise and protection is needed, you may balk. Why me? I’m not strong enough to do this—or bold enough, or brave enough, or skilled enough. Perhaps. But, perhaps there is no one else to do this thing that needs doing in that moment. Can it be you? Can you take on the Subterfuge of hero and do this thing that needs doing?

What happens when the person who needs protection is your self/Self? What happens when the only person who can protect you IS you? Many allow themselves to say ‘yes’ when they mean ‘no’, to make excuses for unfair and abusive treatment from others, and to place themselves in harm's way for the exchanges they receive, Believing them to be equitable.

What happens when you play the role of Protector, beginning with your Self? What happens when you balance the conditions in your own life first, when you recognize your own value and your own place in the communities—when you see the give and take of life and your place in it? How can you be your own hero?

Many people consider themselves last, whether due to socio-cultural training, a burden of responsibilities, fear, doubt, closure to love and acceptance, or comfort with smallness.  

If you stay small and unworthy, you will not be expected to produce great things. That seems simple and apparent. The world is keeping you from producing great things, with its great weights and responsibilities, with its inabilities to see you and understand who you are and what you fear. Right?

How would your personal hero feel about those conditioned thoughts and beliefs? How would you be the star of a theatre production, its hero, thinking thoughts such as these?

Train for the role of star. Build your role as hero. You are not small and unworthy. Heroes cannot be small, nor unworthy. How could they produce results? The world cannot keep a hero from producing great things. Its weights and responsibilities are markers for what needs doing. If the world fails to see and understand the hero, it is not fault of the hero, but the fault of the world. The hero continues, and brilliantly, giving and seeking to serve and do good.

How do your lines as hero, Great Protector, read? What is a hero’s language? What does a hero see when he looks upon the world and sees how he may be of service? Using Subterfuge for Protection, you will come to know your hero, and in doing so, will know your value.

Blessed Be This Day 

This is a Direct Voice Communication from 
my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms 
with me from the other side of the veil.

May 27, 2014

photo Jeff Fowler on Unsplash

Sunday, May 25, 2014


The rock in the river allows the elements their hand. The rock does not complain that the water takes away from its faces, or grouse when the sun is hot and moss grows in its ledges. It does not strike out in anger when storms surge and the currents displace it, submerge it, break it, and bury it. The rock is not asleep; it is very aware of everything happening in its world—it is wise and patient.

The character of the rock is a wonderful state from which to make observations, if one wishes to make them from the viewpoint of one rock in one location. Do you think that a rock is too difficult a role to assume? Perhaps assuming the role of a mammal would be an easier Subterfuge—a family dog.

Using the gift of Subterfuge, imagine taking on the role of that dog as if your very life depended on your being undetected. Let us say, that the Spirit of the dog welcomed inside the body of the dog, the Spirit of you/You, letting you experience the feeling of “dogness”. This is exactly what shamen the world over have been doing since the beginning of Earth times, to understand the nature of other living beings and their viewpoints on the world, as well as to gather remote information.

When you encounter something you don’t understand, something that challenges your safety, authority, or recognition—if it is not an immediate danger—take a moment to use Subterfuge for observation. Take on the role and character of the tree being cut down: its many years growing in the soil and its many contributions to the planet, as well as the planet's many contributions to the tree. Take on the role of the persons cutting down the tree: who are they and what are there motivations/ what are they feeling?

Now, go further. Take on the role of the land. How does the land feel about the loss of this tree? What about the animals and insects and microbes that depended on this tree? What do those roles feel like? And what about the people living on the land? What are their motivations and what are they feeling? Who is waiting down the line for the products this tree will provide?

Using Subterfuge for Observation allows you to plug into the great Tree of Life. You can start at any point and begin to see how everything is connected. You can focus on any point and see how that one point or one consciousness in the Great All is reacting and responding to its environment and to the events within.

Use Subterfuge for Observation 
to develop greater awareness, 
more wisdom, patience, and compassion.  
From understanding, Love grows.

Blessed Be This Day 

This is a Direct Voice Communication from 
my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms 
with me from the other side of the veil.

May 27, 2014


art by Walks With Fire


You want to be stronger, more direct, less fear engaged, but your emotions trip you up again and again. You’ve tried talk therapy, emotional release, meditation, and other modalities, each of which require you to either ignore the issues, pretend they are less, separate yourself from them, or determine their source so that you might leave them behind or “turn them.” However, you find that those methods are not working for you.

But . . . what if you choose to acknowledge these conditions and qualities that exist with you today as “What Is,” not worrying about how they came to be, but seeing how you would like those qualities to transform into higher qualities that serve you at a more helpful level (and therefore serve others at a more helpful level)? What if you said:  I have a fear of the dark, but I will take on the role of a powerful character who embraces the dark?

How is that character different from you? If you were studying this role for the stage, how would you compare your conscious self with the self of a powerful person who you perceive to be unafraid of, and even comfortable in, the dark? How would the qualities of this other cause you to change your posture, language, and behaviors? Practice this role until it feels you could do the role for an audience.

After some time, you will notice that the role becomes easier to play. You begin to embody the role by studying the attributes of the night and its uniqueness. You study the animals that move in the night and the vital processes that are at work, keeping the Earth whole and vibrant. You learn to look at the stars and enjoy the moonlight. 

At some point, while using Subterfuge to “try on” the character of a person empowered by the dark, you find that you can now function in the dark at a very high level. The character you have tried on is now a part of you, and in peeling it away, you realize that you will retain more of the character qualities than you leave behind. You may choose to keep this character in your wardrobe.

In a sudden, traumatic event, you may panic and backslide to an “understudy state”. That’s understandable. There are other, perhaps many, reasons for your latter, unnatural fear of the dark, which we will not consider under the subject of Subterfuge. 

Whatever your reasons for feeling “less than,” Subterfuge can help. Draw Empowerment to you through the taking on of higher roles, and thereby subverting the lower incarnation or version of character development that you wish to leave behind. In cases of extreme duress and human derangement, the shield of Subterfuge has been the saving grace for a broken mind: the tortured adult who reverts to childhood; the survivor of genocide who reverts to her teenaged pre-war years; the explorer who believes himself a god in order that he doesn’t lose any more persons under his command.

If you are too bashful to engage comfortably with others, take on the Subterfuge of confidence. For anger, study the ways of peace and diplomacy, and mimic this in a Subterfuge of loving compassion. To set healthy boundaries, consider the teachings of mediators and perform like one through the Subterfuge of that role.

The opportunities are endless.  
What you practice becoming, you soon become.

Blessed Be This Day 

This is a Direct Voice Communication from 
my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms 
with me from the other side of the veil.

May 27, 2014

art by Walks With Fire

Saturday, May 24, 2014


Compassion is experienced at many levels, from the community at large, to the intimate and deepest personal level. The closer and more densely within your personal field something vibrates, the more powerfully you are affected by it.

You hear of a volcanic eruption with devastation and loss of life: it happens thousands of miles from you and involves people with a look and culture very different from your own. This is bad news to you. You feel sorry that this happened. You may even contribute to the efforts to help them evacuate, search for survivors, and relocate, shelter, and feed those who remain.

Now, consider that this place in the world is a place you have visited before. This place has special meaning for you, a face and a personality. You wonder if some of the people whom you met while there have been affected by this tragedy. This is more than bad news to you. It makes an impact and you reach out, perhaps giving more than you otherwise might.

What if the site of this volcanic eruption was an island from which your spouse’s family derived? Distant relatives still live there. Your level of compassion grows deeper. The vibration of effect is stronger and closer to you. You now feel compelled to do more, possibly even join the rescue mission on the island.

Bring this scenario home to your continent—then to your community—now, to your family. This tragedy has occurred to your closest family unit. How great is that impact and what is your level of compassion? How powerful grows that vibration of effect if you lose your spouse or child to death? Add to that your own wounding, say, of loosing limbs. Does the vibrational effect grow even greater?

Do you see? The vibration of Compassion, for most people, will increase in strength as it grows closer to the epicenter of personal involvement. And what does all of this have to do with Subterfuge?

Subterfuge can help you to connect, long or briefly, with the epicenter of another’s need for Compassion. It is human nature to be both drawn to, and to protect self from, the pain of others. We often attempt to gloss over this by attempting not to feel the negative emotions of others at all, by turning away, or by following rote protocols to ease our conscious mind’s authority, and soften our subconscious mind’s cajole.

Some of us are natural Empaths, and without personal will or conscious thought, will take on the pain of persons around us. That, in fact, can be very draining and detrimental. Those on an upward spiritual path will be in training to control their Empathic abilities, so that they aren’t disabled by the conflicting and downward spiraling, angry, fearful, and sick energy of those around them.

Connecting to these needs through Subterfuge is actually much easier and far more advisable. As an example: envision yourself taking on the role of a survivor of the volcanic eruption. What do you feel? Remember, you want to embody this role at a very high level. It is the nuance that will make your performance brilliant.

You have been traumatized, and so you feel unsafe, unsure, and are still suffering from some disbelief: how did this happen here, today, and to us, to me? Everything you have always known is now gone—your home and all of its memories, schools, churches, work places and businesses, public meeting spaces, and even landmarks. You don’t know yet who is alive and who is dead among your family members and friends. You are floating and rootless, exhausted, burned, confused, and without resources.

Rather than feeling the effects of all of those emotions, you can experience them through Subterfuge and the taking on of that role. In your mind and heart, you can wander around in that character’s aspects and consider what these things mean, as experienced by the human living on Earth today. 
Which of your own experiences can you use to help fully resonant the inner voice of your character and make it simpatico with the character role you are playing?

How now do you respond to the information of this volcanic eruption in that far away place? Through Subterfuge, you can invest in Compassion by increasing your level of understanding, while enabling yourself to stay free of the damaging aspects of uncontrolled Empathy. You can “try on” for short moments in time, what it feels like to be another person, to “walk a mile in their shoes.”

Try using Subterfuge the next time you encounter a news story of this type, or even pass a person who is begging on the street corner. Will you change the channel, or drop a dollar in the bucket—the easy ways—or will you take a moment to build your 
Compassion by using Subterfuge to imagine and momentarily embody their life role?

Blessed Be This Day 

This is a Direct Voice Communication from 
my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms 
with me from the other side of the veil.

May 27, 2014

photo by Walks With Fire

Thursday, May 22, 2014


We all use Subterfuge, and for different reasons at different times: to makes ourselves appear more, or less, or different; to make ourselves stand out or to disappear. Why? Why would we want to be disingenuous to our true Selves? For many reasons: protection, fear, promotion, sensory overload, expansion, contraction, growth, desire for new experiences, and withdrawal from overused experiences and painful ones.

Subterfuge, therefore, cannot be labeled as patently wrong. It can be used for negative and exploitative purposes, even when the one being exploited is our selves/Selves. It can be destructive, even when it is destructive to our Selves. It can be misleading, even when we use it to mislead our Selves. It can give us a false sense of security, or a false sense of greatness, or of insecurity and fear. These are plain observations. But, how do we use Subterfuge as a helpful tool?

Imagine that you are who you desire to be—now—in this moment. Wear that version of You, first as a Subterfuge. Do this initially, in your own space and time. Do you wish to be wiser? Wear that version of You, using temporary Subterfuge. How does that wise version of You, that Subterfuge entity, behave, think, and make decisions? How does it feel to wear the skin of that wise entity? For how long does that feel comfortable?  

In the company of which of your acquaintances
 could you maintain this Wisdom Subterfuge and why?

In the company of which of your acquaintances would you fail 
using this Wisdom Subterfuge, and why?  

What changes and/or improvements to your self/Self and your body of knowledge would you make in order to fulfill the avatar that is the Wisdom Self you imagine as this version of you/You in Subterfuge? Does this preview as given to you by the gift of Subterfuge feel like a forward and beneficial step for your future? How would you proceed to fulfill this destiny? Would you grow this Subterfuge in small steps within your private spaces, or among new acquaintances, in larger steps?

You have heard that a prophet is never a prophet is their own back yard. For as you have developed a set of Beliefs that you use to describe your self/Self, so have your acquaintances, family and friends. How do you Believe your Self? How do others Believe your self/Self to Be? Is there currently room to grow your self/Self within those parameters? If not, what changes can you create in order to make the changes you need to develop the realized avatar that is the whole YOU?

Believe in the fully formed version of your growing self/Self as you are developing that self/Self. Use Subterfuge in this way for beneficial means, to show you how expansive a greater and more aware self/Self can be, for your mortal self and for the Great All. First . . . do no harm; that is the important tenet. Use Subterfuge only to practice your new role as you create it. Do NOT use Subterfuge as a shell to hide behind, a facade to blind others to a lazy work ethic or a harmful set of behaviors.

Do NOT seek to harmfully delude others through Subterfuge. Preview higher versions of self/Self and as you do, study other persons’ reactions to that self/Self through the temporary wearing of that persona. Always be in evidence of good character as you study this Higher way.

Like your most genuine smile, temporary Subterfuge can serve you. Go to the party. Come to the studies. Just as you will soon be truly smiling from the heart, when you begun with only a Subterfuge of a smile, you can also be your next best self/Self by wearing the Subterfuge of that Higher You, and growing into that realized version of Expanded Consciousness.

Blessed Be This Day 

This is a Direct Voice Communication from 
my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms 
with me from the other side of the veil.

May 27, 2014

Photo by Walks With Fire
