Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Have I been here before, done this before, been with this person before? 
Is this experience déjà vu or is it Resemblance? 

In most cases, it is both. No task is done twice the same way; 
no place can be seen or felt again in the same way. 

You and no other person can interact together
 similarly to how you might have interacted moments earlier or later, 
even in the same place doing the same thing.

You are familiar with the theory in quantum physics that states that your perception of an object is affected not only by the object, but its reference points, its reference of itself, and the commingled effects of all other perceptions that are perceivable at the time you perceive it. The moving river. Zen. Chop wood and carry water. It will never be the same wood, even if you carry the same sticks of wood back and forth from the fire: it will be decomposing; your body will be growing and decomposing, the weather will be different, your companions different, what is busy in your mind will be different.

Life is not static, ever. People will say, “It was as if I could hear the water singing,” when indeed that is what they heard. This observation is voiced as a reference, comparison or resemblance, because humans in Earth School have been taught that you must have a mouth, and intelligence of some higher sort, (ie., understandable according to an understandable Resemblance) to sing. Yet, many birds sing with no teeth to help form the sounds—and a bird can find its way to many places it has never been before in its mortal life, without external devices. So what Resembles one thing to you—your conditioned responses and beliefs—is the way that you have been taught to understand your world.

What if you had Not Been Taught to understand your world according to these limited rules? What if you could undo all of your shallow and self-defeating beliefs and begin fresh? How might you look at your world, and your abilities in it?

(If I could imagine that everything was brand new—that no one had ever told me 
that water can’t literally sing and rocks can’t speak and the soil can’t answer when spoken to, 
I would realize that the life I’m living now is one of sleepwalking and self-delusional limitation.)

Yes. If you agreed, during the mortal experience limited to the Earth School and its current dimension in the Universe, to be fully awake in a fully alive world, that tiny portion of Self that you keep connected in the True World would grow, and much more would become possible for you. That is the work of masters.

Explore your mythology in what you take for granted. It is more powerful and divisive than you might believe, and not least of all because it is nearly invisible to you beneath your socio-cultural conditioning. Pretend that you were born off-planet.

 Look from the outside-in, as a neutral observer. 
What now, can you see? 

Reducing false mythologies grows our Truths.  

Blessed be this day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Photo by USGS on Unsplash

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