Sunday, March 2, 2014


When comes the day that one has reached a level of shift where transference is likely to occur, it can be said that one becomes a Celebrant: one whom is celebrated. You may say that birthdays are celebrated, or holidays, but these are mere remembrances—shadows of things that have gone before and now live in the past. Holidays are times to stop and remember something, reflect, give thanks and contribute to the thanks that have been given before.

A true Celebrant, and Celebration, is something different and more. “Cele” in your language, is of the mind. “Brant” is of bringing, or of branch (balanced and growing in many directions). So in “Bringing the Mind (of balance, growing in many directions)”, the Celebrant is like the Sacred Stag, coming into his first rut with a full set of antlers. It happens in the Now. It is visible and real, and can be felt. It is dance and moving prayer.

This is a year for you to enjoy being a Celebrant. It may seem to happen suddenly. Your young antlers will fall away—and for a while you will feel ungrounded and exposed—and then you will feel the tingling at the top of your head, the thrusting up and outward at your crown chakra, of the new set of antlers. And they will be grand.

Imagine that before you were a small radio, capable of picking up frequencies that were nearby and weak. Your new ‘antlers’ can pick up signals from the eye of space. They are that sensitive and sophisticated. How will you prepare for such a Shift? Will you not make way for such a gift in every way you are able? Royalty is seeking you out, coming to live with you. Even more, this royalty will be embodying with you, becoming part of you.

This is the housekeeping that must be done this year. You are preparing for royalty. Be that perfect vessel, so that when your guest arrives, you are proud of your preparations, and even caught unawares, you are so complete, that you are a noble and gracious host, knowing that all has been made right in the mind and heart of Great All, that you have acted with respect.

Be that Maige that you idealize. 
When you are the Magic, 
the Magic becomes You, 
and You and the Magic 
become One together.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

February 17, 2014

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