Monday, March 10, 2014


To be Lyrical is to be attuned to Great All’s song, following, and adding blended notes and harmonies to the great symphony. When we say that something is Lyrical we mean that it is “in the flow,” similar to what we mean when we say that something is “pure poetry.”
Lyricism as defined by the dictionaries
character or quality of subjectivity and sensuality of expression, especially in the arts

the practice of writing verse in song form rather than narrative form to embody
the poet’s thoughts and emotions  

quality or state of being melodious; melodiousness

an intense outpouring of exuberant emotion

 (Poetry) the quality or style of lyric poetry

emotional or enthusiastic outpouring

the property of sounding like music

having suitable properties for singing

unrestrained/ exaggerated enthusiasm

 ebullience, enthusiasm, exuberance - overflowing with eager enjoyment or approval

an artist's expression of emotion in an imaginative and beautiful way; the quality of being lyrical


What have you in your life that can be described as Lyrical? Home really is where your heart is. Your Soul and Spirit dwelleth with you. You are embodied with your perfections and your flaws in a human vessel that has found its current home on Earth. Look around you. How does your environment support you? It need not be grand or rich, but does your home contain music and poetry and art? Is it Lyrical in its aspects?

Often, the occupants’ demands overwhelm the home’s abilities to allow for the slow, thoughtful forms of artistic design. A place of remembrance, or an altar, can be helpful for bringing into the house or dwelling that which is Lyrical: the shapes, colors, textures, sounds, and flavors of those things which provide pleasure and offer respect to the Elements and matters from which they arise. It need not be large or elaborate. It can be as simple as a vessel of fresh flowers.

Music can create an anchor in your home for Lyricism. Instead of playing the television, when you feel stress, find beautiful music and let yourself experience that music with your whole being, lying still and drinking it through the cells of your body as if it was manna. Allow yourself to “go with the flow” as you free-float, open to the cosmic wonder that this unlocks.

Making art and even looking at art, can also create an experience of Lyricism. Bonding with natural forces can do the same. Meditation. Quiet. Prayer. Solitude. Chant. Seek out these activities. Tune in daily to the Great All.

Use Ritual to seek Peace. Know Lyricism. Contribute to it. When you bend with the flow of the water, letting it shape you, rather than attempting to be the dam, you will find the experience of the stream uplifting. You will invite its hands upon you, and co-create with its forces in reshaping yourself.

Go with the flow, in every 
beautiful, manifest way that you are able, 
and you will see that the stream also goes with you . . .

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

March 10, 2014

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