Friday, August 18, 2017



AUGUST 18, 2017

The most powerful Symbols evoke all emotions and senses simultaneously, whether that be for good or ill. Consider a ritual of spiritual significance, where the setting has been carefully chosen, not only for the base vibration of its geographic point, but its history and structures, its geometric features, its convergences and harmonics. Add to this the persons gathered in their ritual clothing with their expectations and beliefs, their vibrations attuned to contribute to a specific group force.

Likely, a ritual of this nature will includes live fire, sacred oils, scented herbs, the chanting and intoning of phrases that have been repeated for eons before. The patterns are complex and deeply constructed holograms charged by the intensity of repetition and emotional fervor. Having experienced such a ritual, you may conjure the memory in your self/Self and instantaneously feel a ripple of the effect you felt during that event.

You have atomized this event, with all of its components, into a volatile and powerful capsule that can be activated spontaneously. Both beneficial and destructive capsules work in this manner.

Needless to say, working to clear-house of your destructive capsules is a desirable task—banishing those events, beliefs, and outgrown modes that undermine your self-esteem, forward movement, or right use of will. Working to create an arsenal of helper capsules to assist you in your forward movement and right use of will is more powerful, and primary.

Do you feel unease in some portion of your mind or some portion of your house? How pertinent and helpful is a capsule for banishing? Hold the Symbol of the capsule in your mind, and let all of the energies you have taken to bring this forth complete the banishing task. Instead of re-speaking lengthy lines each time you need to banish something, you now hold the Symbol in your mind and direct that Symbol with Intention.

What about Compassion? Have you driven by a wreck and felt first, aggravation and delay, and then considered that people were possibly hurt, dying, or dead? Completing the process of all that thought-work could be lengthy, but what happens when you have Compassion stored in a Symbol that you may draw upon at will?

This is not to say that contemplation should be abandoned; it is to suggest that sometimes a whole-world response is needed to something that you are experiencing and it is needed quickly. Having been through the required process many times before, you may now have a shortcut to compress the entire repertoire into one Symbol.

Think of red “X”s painted on doors; scarlet letters; purple hearts. These Symbols make declarations that are understood. Beneath their titles, these Symbols have many chapters compiled in explanation. Often, that is not needed—not after it is understood.

So the next time you are feeling that your environment is off or needs improvement, work on a Symbol for your consciousness. This Symbol will connect your consciousness to your unconsciousness and superconsciousness the way that an icon connects information to a computer’s files.

Develop an arsenal of shortcuts. Have a Symbol to diffuse anger, one to instill peace, another for confidence, and one for compassion. Instead of flailing around in the moment it is required, your reaction, and response, becomes dovetailed. You will begin to manage your self/Self at a much higher level.

Share these Symbols. 

Create a new language. 

Become multi-dimensional.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: August 18, 2017

visual by Walks With Fire

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