Saturday, August 19, 2017



AUGUST 19, 2017

The only place to Begin is here, now, where you are standing. Wishing for this to occur any other way is energy wasted. Do not fret that you have wasted time, missed concepts for the call to action, or misused your Will. Begin.

What do you see in your Future? Begin by bringing that Future to where you are standing, in your Now.

Place your energy in what you Would See Done, not what you would avoid. There is no avoiding something that you restlessly and fearfully give perpetual energy. Do you see?

We speak of more than merely manifestation. We are advising that you must clear the path before you by lightening your luggage. Begin by ridding yourself of every single entity that does not serve your perfected future. Be it a thing, a person, a place, a belief, or a memory: shed it when it has finished its usefulness. Begin Here.

You must Begin. Thinking about Beginning does nothing. It’s like starting your car and sitting lank inside it while it idles. You use your gasoline, your energy, and you go nowhere.

How do you get from Here to There? By Beginning.

Change your name and identity if that’s what it takes. Pretend you are reborn. Place your self/Self in the hands of your new Being. This Being is more alive and aware. This Being is wiser and stronger and less afraid. Be that person.

Be the person who is the best of the best, the best that you can currently conjure.

Now . . . Begin.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: August 19, 2017

visual by Walks With Fire

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