Tuesday, August 29, 2017



AUGUST 29, 2017

By establishing new coda term by term, you may avoid stripping out what already exists. A new coda, by its higher vibration, will naturally reduce and eventually overwhelm old ones. At times, you will experience epiphanies which will override the old coda and in one instant set you on a different path, but for the most part you will approach Truth matter by matter, Renovating your Life Files rather than burning them all at the same time.

Truth is the greatest Renovator there is. Its high vibration fells all its conflicting influences and re-sets the files in which it dwells. A new Truth taken in and absorbed creates a new person with a new mind and a new path. Rather than waking to a new identity and purpose, you slowly turn your line of sight to the higher ideas, moving towards Truth and away from myth.

Renovations in this way are less jolting than whole-paradigm shifts. If you encounter falsehood without receiving an overruling Truth, for a time you will be operating with missing files. You will know that you don’t want to operate with File-A anymore, but you won’t have yet established a File-B. There will be a hole in your Files. This is what people experience when they feel a hole inside themselves, when something seems to be missing.

Let us say that Truth has overruled File-A concerning your career. You realize that File-A is no longer pertinent. You have no File-B, a different career or application for your talents and energies, not in your mind-thoughts at least. What feelings are you feeling? Do you feel loss of purpose? confusion? panic? depression?

How invested were you in your Career-File when you discovered that the file was closed and obsolete? If your identity was commingled with your Career and all of its entails, you may feel less-than. You may be panicked about finding a Career-B. You may be forced to make more shifts before File-B begins to write itself.

But . . . what if you recognized the changes in File-A before it collapsed in its own deficiencies? What if you began to Renovate File-A, letting Truth filter into its content bit by bit, replacing the pieces of the File that are outdated, skewed, based on myth, or plainly outgrown?

Rather than having an empty File-A, you could have one that is Renovated. Your dependable and durable File-A could begin to be remade. Old processes and beliefs could be supplanted with fresher, more relevant content. The software that is File-A could be updated rather than scrapped.

Now, instead of operating your mind-thoughts from software than no longer serves you and indeed, may be limiting or destructive, you may move forward, efficiently operating without the baggage that you strip away. You will feel more streamlined. As you Renovate File-A you will grow confident in its new contents.

Life is change. Confront the mind-thoughts that dwell in outdated Files. Study them aspect-by-aspect and yield what is outgrown to the Renovations of Truth. Like your computer, relevant and appropriate software is required to operate at peak.

Whatever the thing in your Life may be that is calling out now for new ideas and a fresh outlook, study it. Let in the Light. Challenge the contents of your Files and purge what is old and crippling. Truth will flood in to fill those spaces.

Like the full cup, you cannot add Truth until there are spaces made to accept it. Renovate in small increments until it is habit. Embrace Truth and grow larger, faster. 

Become Truth.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: August 29, 2017

visual by Walks With Fire

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