Thursday, August 24, 2017



AUGUST 24, 2017

Supposition is more than Expectation. Expectation hopes for something. 

Supposition believes that the hope is Truth.

You may Expect that hard work yields higher pay, but you Suppose that (hard work = high pay) your formula is unassailable. (It is Supposed that red + blue = purple, but what if the red is not truly red and the blue not truly blue?) Supposition is more than guessing or hope. It is an acknowledgement of Truth or of strong Belief.

When you survey how many thoughts you Suppose are True, you will see that those thoughts are actually a blend of Truths, unTruths, Myths, Fantasies, and Lies. For instance: you Suppose that Peace will be regained once your household is in order. Will it?

What is causing your household to be in a state of disorder? Is it merely this condition that is changing, or will soon change? Have you cobbled together a formula that is like this: chaotic household – disruptive influence = Peace? (Does Peace know that it is supposed to heal All once this disruptive influence is no longer present?)

You have Supposed this is True. You have passed the mere state of Belief, and crossed over into Surety: “If this disruptive influence is removed, Peace will be restored unto my house.” While you are laser focused on that Supposition, what is being unseen, unheard, unfelt, and unacknowledged?

Supposition focuses your thoughts on one pathway. It puts all of your marbles in one hand. It closes doors. How can you move forward when you have disabled all of your information-gathering attributes? How can you achieve your much sought after endpoint, Peace in the household, when you are self-crippled?

While you are busy and turned outward to seek this Supposed thing, what is happening inside you? And how are you central to this drama?

Let us say that you’ve had a houseguest whose stay has been long overextended. This person has become a disruptive force in your household. You Suppose that being rid of that person will erase all disruption, and you wouldn’t remember the point at which you believe that the person became responsible for all the disruption. You now see disruption as perpetrated by your guest alone.

All of the other disruptions and disturbances that were present at that person’s entry into your household have been forgotten. You are so focused on removing this person, you have assigned them credit for conditions in which they had no part. You are blaming and finger pointing. How does this serve you, and how does this serve your household?

To understand what it will take to establish Peace (or reestablish Peace, as your Supposition presumes) you must look at all factors and influences. You cannot Suppose that this one influence has created the cascade of conditions that you believe.

First, look at your formula: household – disruptive houseguest = Peace. Is Peace so simple? What is Peace? And, what is, right now, in your Life and in you?

Be your own detective. Include yourself in the cast of characters. How are your behaviors, habits, and interactions causing non-Peace? How might you survey what is external and internal together before you create Suppositions? How can you divide the marbles into your two hands and become balanced?

Remember that every end point has many pathways leading to it. Remember that our minds are self-deceivers. Remember that even the best of formulae can be wrong.

Most of all, remember Compassion and Love. Explore your Suppositions from a place of non-judgment and non-conclusion. When you dull the roar in your head you will be able to hear the tiniest whisper.

Be Whole, with all of its glorious, messy, painful, and revelatory splendor.

You are not a formula. 

Your world is not a formula. 

Open your doors and quite your mind. 



Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

    Archives: August 24, 2017


visual by Walks With Fire

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