Monday, August 21, 2017



AUGUST 21, 2017

     ba·bel: noun: a confused voice, typically made by a number of voices; clamor, din, racket, tumult, uproar, hubbub

How does one hear the voice of Truth with so many streams of consciousness active? Grabbing the one true thread can seem daunting. You have questions. You want clarity. You want for things to be simpler.

The Babel is a form of chaos; it is the shifting brew of What Is, in terms of word-thoughts, with each thread a reflection of the Thinker’s beliefs. Your own thoughts are there, tangling up with the others, closing the distances where likeness occurs and increasing the distances where dissention is felt.

Your thoughts express from your core. It is a golden Light inside you, and everything that you attach yourself to, attaches itself to you. Find that place by using your breath and awareness. Do you see the multitude of lines there?

These streams of energy move in what we might consider a horizontal grade. They are clips of you expressing your self as you react to Life. Think of it as feedback. And the more you cut away these lines, the clearer, lighter, and more purposeful you will feel.

Now sense from your golden core those energies that root you to Earth and connect you to the Great All, following your spine. Here is where your Truths and the Truths of Great All can be accessed. You feel larger and more expansive as you find this energy and trace its paths.

These lines, living inside the part of you that is Eternal, are the most expedient for gathering information, overcoming falseness, and connecting to that which is above the mortal. Listening to the conversation on these lines helps you to overcome the Babel.

Practice this, as you sit quietly and while you move about through your day. Reducing static increases the clarity of your base frequencies. Though your personality lies to your mind-thoughts, your Highest Self speaks only Truth.

Avoid the propaganda of the Babel. Seek Truth where Truth lives.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: August 21, 2017

visual by Walks With Fire

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