Tuesday, August 22, 2017



AUGUST 22, 2017

When we send thought-forms into the world, they loop through spaces that are both known to us, and unknown. Feedback returns that we may study and dissimilate. How were our thought-forms (either generated with action or without) received? How does the new information affect our future thought-forms?

No thought, action, or feeling is without its Loop. Remember that points on each loop will understand the information you send quite differently from you, and from one another. Ruminating on a delicious, meat-inclusive breakfast would not be fondly received by the animal sacrificed for your plate. We can make many comparisons that are just so.

If you were attuned to the Loops that you sent thinking of your breakfast, would you have heard the animal’s fear, would you have felt its horror? This is a strong example, yes, but we state this as matter of fact: That whatever you send into the world, the world perceives it in its own way. We may each perceive things only from our own abilities.

We may have compassion, yes. We may apply wisdom. We may be patient and loving individuals striving to improve Great All.

And . . . still . . . what we put in our Loops to share with All That Is will only be perceived as it is able to be perceived by its perceivers. If this seems a conundrum, you are right.

So how do we  1) become aware of our Loops  2) pre-figure the impact of our Loops  3) receive feedback from our Loops in integrous ways  4) monitor our Loops for benefit or harm  5) begin to control our Loops to such a degree that our intention becomes consistent with our thoughts and actions?

The answer to all of the above is: Awareness. To change a thing you must first be awake to the thing. Try following a simple Loop; think a loving thought. Attempt to follow your Loop as it moves through the entities whom it might affect. How could a loving Loop change things in your world—not just endpoints, but reflections, ripples that follow the pebble thrown into water ?

The effect is immense. Manifestation is based on this principle. When one repeats a Loop, more and more points along the Loop become active and involved. Doorways change; gateways open. More factors are potentiated that help to achieve the theme of the Loop.

Now: what if the Loop you have created is destructive? How does repeating that Loop affect its many points, its doors and gateways? This is the basis for hatred mentalities that seem to be contagious—because they are!

What if you chanted Love out unto All That Is, making a point to be inclusive? Doorways would change and gates would open. The energy circulated to you, from you, and back through you would become highly charged, magnetized even. You would become super-attractive.

And as this energy grows, your negative Loops will begin to diminish, because lower vibrations cannot very long withstand higher vibrations. Your word-thoughts would increase in Love vibration, your actions would increase in Love vibration. Your mortal body would increase in Love vibration. You would grow and improve. Your life would grow and improve.

Once experienced, the pure Love vibration becomes tantamount. Seek this. Send Love into all of your Loops and watch how your world shifts.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: August 22, 2017

visual by Walks With Fire

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