Wednesday, August 23, 2017



AUGUST 23, 2017

What holds you to this Earth? Other than your mortal body, which is comprised of its elements, what is it that keeps you aware of being here, now, on this planet? Are you in harmony with the Earth and its many aspects, or do you build tiny forts, using them as False Gravity?

What are objects? First: how do you categorize objects? Do you regard a stone with the same respect as you do your coffee pot? Where is the line that you draw between organic and inorganic matter?

Is the statue on your bookcase different from the statue on your altar? Do you assign more meaning—consciousness or abilities—to the statue on your altar? Is it more alive for you?

Look around the place where you are right now. Survey the things that you find, considering each for its organic or inorganic matter (with the realization that all things have been exhumed from the elements of Earth). How many of these things add to the total energy in positive ways and how many take away, deaden, or impede?

Of the things that you find uplifting, how many do you consider so based on the object itself, and how many do you consider so based on the value you have assigned them? Objects that you have made, received as treasured gifts, or attracted to you by difficult or miraculous means might feel more alive; some of that energy may feel negative and some beneficial.

Of the things that you find deadening, contemplate your reaction to each. Does this object strike false chords in the space’s Song? Are memories attached that keep you living in the past? Has this object become a squatter, taking up space but returning no value? And how many of these objects feel distinctly wrong?

If you find this distinctly wrong energy in your spaces, you must work to clear it. An object which is negative for your space may be uplifting for another’s. With only the uplifting objects surrounding you, how does your space feel?

These objects that remain are still creating a False Gravity for the most part. Clutter, in particular, will keep you sharply attuned to your mortality. 

Now: what objects remain that create Lift? Which objects anchor happy and productive feelings for you? Use your Truth Detectors while you surmise. If you are feeling weighted down, burdened, and overwhelmed, a great clearing technique is following these steps. 

Soon you will find yourself looking beyond objects and into other aspects of your Life to do the same. Do not build your Mansions here on Earth, weighty things anchored by False Gravity. 

These things do not increase your import, but they may well impede your upward journey.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: August 23, 2017

visual by Walks With Fire

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