Wednesday, August 30, 2017



AUGUST 30, 2017

When people come together to formally achieve something, their personal energies are much amplified. Be this destructive or uplifting, a Convocation increases many-fold the intention that is most prevalent in the crowd gathered. This can be achieved by working with other persons, or by working with your spirit guides and the elements.

Let us say that your will is weak for a task you feel you must complete. How does one overcome fear, confusion, or even apathy for this task when the core from which you draw seems non-cooperative? To go through the motions of doing something, enough times, may build the will, but recruiting support is wiser and more expedient.

Recruiting support from higher sources will give you a broader perspective and better understanding of what the task entails, and its possible outcomes. It will help you to be aware, and stay aware, of the shifts taking place in your world. A Convocation of assistance will help keep you moving forward.

Think of a task that you need to complete: something that should be shored-up or torn down or made peace with. Look at its many elements. What are the broad categories of influence for this task? What is your resistance to this task?

Determine which elements might be helpful: water to get things flowing or wash away or clean; fire to illumine, burn away, or transform; earth to ground, sanctify space and connect; air to rise above, remove stagnation, and mind-travel. Using Ethers, the great overruling element, will help you to reset your vibrational body; it is the element of the spiritual warrior.

Once you have determined which elements may be of help, call upon those spirits working within it. Do this with respect. Ask politely. No price is extracted for working to harmonize the whole, not from those spirits of high intent—and these are the only spirits you should invoke.

Have you repeating thoughts? Use Air to lift them: “I call upon the spirits of Air to lift my circular thoughts, and give thanks to these powers for their gifts in leaving me more balanced and whole.” Asking as a supplicant will show respect. Go to this task clean and humble. You need not know extensive ritual for this healing. Ask as a child of the Great All and be open with gratitude to receive.

You could study these things. You could follow long standing traditions. These ways are well and good . . . but maybe you aren’t that person. Maybe you are a busy mother or a stressed out executive. Maybe the old arts don’t call to you. That does not make you less. That does not make you less connected.

Great All’s principles are resolute: “Ask and you shall receive.” Have faith in that. Have faith that the elements you arose from know you always.

There is a Convocation of help available to you at all times. What is it that needs doing in your life? What is it that needs doing inside You? How does the power of your intentions increase as you bring onboard cosmic help?

Ritual is excellent, but intention is crucial. Use your highest intentions to call a Convocation of help and watch how your life shifts. 

Watch how your life grows.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: August 30, 2017

visual by Walks With Fire

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