Monday, January 25, 2016



JANUARY 25, 2016

Symbols represent word-thoughts in concise and evocative ways. Many Symbols are so deeply embedded into your sociocultural life, you do not recognize them as such. Think of money, the clothing of certain offices (whether that be pope, president, or poor man), the wedding band, the aspects of a temple house, or team colors.

You are surrounded by Symbols that have meaning and value for you within your Belief system.

To which Symbols do you gravitate, and which repel you? There are likely many Symbols that you feel little about—but We want to empower you regarding this very valuable system of “shorthand” knowledge that can serve you in your immediate Life.

First: consider those Symbols to which you are strongly drawn and possibly, even promote. What are they, and how much of your self do you give to the aspects that combine and commingle to represent the Symbol’s personal meaning in your life?
Perhaps you are a small farmer who supports local food. You are proud of the Symbol that indicates you provide high quality produce to a local market.

But, let us say you discover that some new farmer is importing produce that has been grown to standards sub-par to the ideals set forth in the original charter. In your Belief, this new farmer has betrayed not only this Symbol, this standard that has been set and agreed upon, but he has betrayed you—because you are part of the integrity that comprises this group. So, what will you do?

Will you defend the Symbol’s original intention—its integrity—or will you yield when the new farmer tells you that his imported produce is merely temporary, a necessary measure to cover expenses while he establishes more crops? 

Will you gather all the farmers and put the matter to a vote? Will you decide that it is a small matter and say nothing, to either the farmer with the imported produce, or the others who commingle to represent the Symbol? Do you withdraw your energy from the group, and therefore the Symbol, and work independently again?

You see: A Symbol is more than what it visually appears to be. Think of flags, coats-of-arms, danger signs, and Scarlet Letters or thief brands. A Symbol is power, a holographic cache of everything done in its name and thought about it, since its inception. Therefore, the older the Symbol, the more potential for singular power does it possess.

And, because of this, there are ways to use this force to potentiate very High Good. We will talk of this on the morrow. 

Blessed be this day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: January 25, 2016


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