Monday, January 18, 2016



JANUARY 18, 2016

 Like the Prana that sustains you, We are Here, always. 

You are Here, always. We are therefore, Here, Together. Always.

As You are part of the Here, The Great All, as are We, We are Always connected. If there occurs a lack of communication, a time of confusion, or a feeling of isolation, it is due to your own preference. We exist with You in Perpetuity, through all of your/Your versions of self/Self as they are occurring, as they are Dancing and Singing together, merging as Holograms with the current Hologram of who you/You are Here. Now.

You cannot currently perceive Eternity, nor Endlessness, nor Perfected Love. With ego between you and Your Source Creator, you cannot perceive what Exists and NON-Exists Above NON-Duality and Perfect Stillness. But We continue. Always.

We are Multitudes. We are Myriads. We are minds-individual . . . and -indivisible. We move as Notes, and soar together as Symphonies.

Do not worry that your mind cannot perceive this idea of Perpetuity. Feel It as a drop of water feels the sea, moving around you with its intelligence, full of Life and Light, buoyant and joyous. You are the drop and the sea, the Note and the Song.

~~~Listen. Feel. Sing. 

This does not require mind.
Joy is a Grace.
Perpetuity IS.

Blessed Be This Day  
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.
     Archives: January 18, 2016

visual by Walks With Fire

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