Saturday, January 23, 2016



JANUARY 23, 2016

Whether a Falsehood arrives externally or internally, the crucial factors are in both recognizing it for what it is, and interpreting your reaction and/or response to it. We do not speak of Denial, Justification, Naivety, or Mistaken Conclusions. We speak of the intent to Deceive and the mechanisms by which the deception or deceptions are placed in the consciousness.

Worlds are built of Beliefs to the greatest degree. If your World is built of a greater portion of Falsehood, Denial, and Deception, than of Truths, in what environment do you move? To what illusions do you donate your time and energy? To what quality and level of discernment do you give your attention, your worry, your affection, and your resources?

But . . . how does one calibrate for Truth,
 especially when one is not only surrounded by Falsehood, but is also busy embracing Falsehood, and even self-manufacturing it?

Go to your still center, now, and you will easily find three Falsehoods that you call comfort. 

They might protect you from some perceived guilt, the need for action, or some notion of betrayal. Unmask them and let them live in The Light. Let them be Truth.

Now, look deeper. Look until you See. See until you can discern things objectively, as a neutral observer would See. Feel the Feelings this causes. Falsehoods feel distinctly different from Truth.

By observing your Beliefs, by Seeing and Feeling them, you will rediscover your World, and you will rebuild it one brick at a time. And by so doing, you will rebuild Self as well, and that Light shines brightly, urging others to do the same.

Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: January 23, 2016

visual by Walks With Fire

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