Tuesday, January 5, 2016



JANUARY 5, 2016

The mortal world has various views on Sympathy. Is it to pity? Is it to lessen? Is it to separate or divide? Think of how your culture specifically reacts with its grieving population: Do they treat the widow of a recognized war hero differently from the widow of an avowed murderer of innocent masses? Which widow might feel more emotional pain, isolation, guilt, suffering, shame, and burden?

How does your culture view its orphans, its homeless, its very poor, its insane, its displaced, and its incarcerated populations? Do they treat each group the same, or do they blame some, and hold others blameless? How is the regional/ cultural/ social Sympathy applied to these peoples?

What of unique populations that are considered dangerous to the culture that contains them? Whether we speak of Lepers, masses of unexpected immigrants, war- or disease- orphaned families, violent persons, or enslaved others, does the Sympathy given come with a negating dose of justification that explains why the entrapment, injustice, cruelty, or torture, is necessary and vindicated?

What is Sympathy? Is it the state of looking upon a lesser condition and being moved by pity, or feeling compassion for the state of the entity involved? You remember the difference between Looking and Seeing. Your mortal self, led by ego, fears involvement with anything that reduces the current state of the mortal self, whether that be physical comfort, status, or standing. Your current beliefs and fears have formed an illusory ground beneath you, causing you to feel false security—your standing—where you make your stand, the place from which you view your world and label things. Your current brand of Sympathy is birthed from your standing and filtered from all the riggings your ego, your busy mind, and your mortal self, have constructed for it.

But . . . real Sympathy is Accord. It is a very High and very Pure state, driven by what is Eternal. And as we frequently remind you/You, you/You are part of That Eternity.

When you Have Sympathy, you Become Sympathy: that is . . . you begin to harmonize with the conditions of what is needed, accepting with unconditional love, and without false judgment, what is presented. We often need to fill uncomfortable spaces with words and objects, and ceremonies that have long ago lost their meaning, when what is needed is what is Real and True.

Imagine that you are the grieving widow. Person ‘A,’ with whom you are well acquainted, enters the reception line at the funeral. Though you are exhausted and feeling only half in your body, the tenseness of Mrs. A is palpable. She does not want to be here. She does not want to see you like this. She’s very glad your sister is in town, so that she was not ask to step up and fulfill those selfsame duties. She’s been practicing what to say, but when she gets to you, she falters, and like the people before her, says, “I’m so sorry for your loss . . .”

Mrs. A has erected a fence. Each person who will not come into Accord with the widow’s grief, rejects the widow’s grief. Instead of being a support system for the widow, the widow is being asked to be a support system for those in attendance, because death makes them uncomfortable.

Extending Sympathy is a state of being entirely present for What Is . . . As It Is
 . . . Wholly . . . Without Condition . . . Without A Price. Sympathy conveys the message:

“We see You.  You are Here with Us and We are Here with You. Always.  We Understand.  There is Love.  For You.  For Me.  For All of Us.  It Is Everywhere, and UnEnding.”

Sympathy is not pity.  Sympathy is Accord.  Accord is the state of Great All, and The Great All is All That Is.

When you share Sympathy, you are in the Moment, sharing All That Is, and at perfect Accord with the Heart of Great All. It is the greatest Illumination . . . 

and It is called Love.

Blessed Be This Day  

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.
    Archives: Monday, March 01, 2021

visual by Walks With Fire

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