Friday, January 1, 2016



JANUARY 1, 2015

Why is the sky blue? As a child you might have asked this question. Perhaps an adult, or several adults, struggled to answer. You might have continued searching, but most children move on to the next question and accept that the sky is blue, happy with its color. The sky being blue does not trouble them. 

A child easily understands that when clouds gather, rain sometimes occurs, and that when the clouds become many and dark, the rain can be heavy. Storms, with their winds, thunder and lightning, announce themselves with a very clear presence that children understand. Even the youngest do not debate.

To weigh as many matters as possible from a state of Parsimony allows the Self to keep Its Peace. Were you to stand in the field, worrying that the single white cloud might auger in a life-threatening storm does not serve you. Using Parsimony—focus or economy—when analyzing something, is a restful habit. Do not assume that it is a superficial one. Quite often, the simplest explanation IS the right one.

Quite often, your Intuition gives you the simplest explanation FIRST. And then, your busy mind complicates it with acrobatics designed to help it feel important and occupied. Your mind will give you a plethora of additional explanations, ideas, and theories, muddling your energies, and drawing your focus away from your first Intuition. Now you are Self-Talking nonsense.

Why is the sky blue? How did the earth come to be? How big is the universe? Why are You?

Is it enough that a blue sky makes you feel happy? Do you love the earth enough to feel at home there; do you love the earth enough to return that love as honor and respect? How big is the universe? How big are you? How much room do you need? 

Why are You? How about: When are You? And What are you doing to make the world aware that You are There? What are You doing to make Your Life in the Universe, on Earth, under Its blue sky, worth living?

You may never have the answers you seek, but you can live as a seeker of magic who shares that joy with others. 

Remember your child heart. Remember joy.

Your Intuition is speaking. Can you hear It?

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: January 1, 2016

visual by Walks With Fire

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