Saturday, December 26, 2015




DECEMBER 26, 2014

To be Sane. To be Loco. What is this? You exist in a river of constant movement, shifting and traveling at all speeds and directions simultaneously—existing across the boundaries of what you express in mortal terms as time and place. 

If you are fixated within your mind, that is to say, Self-Sane, you are morbid, or Self-Sure, stuck in your beliefs, and tricked into believing that Life is non-magical and static.

To be Loco, that is, to be in Loco-Motion, and moving under the conscious power of Locus, from Loci, is to be at the center of great activity, and aware of it:

   plural: lo-ci

 1a:   the place where something is situated or occurs . . .
 1b:   a center of activity, attention or concentration . . .

 2:     the set of all points whose location is determined by stated conditions

 3.     the position in a chromosome of a particular gene or allele



We have discussed with you Your holographic nature, and how You reflect the Great All, Your Creator, and what You Create—as well as how You perceive and interact in All That Is, Has Been and Will Be. This is too much for the mortal mind to hold. 

The many threads of this tapestry are complex and over-arching, so much so that to grasp it at all, you/You must surrender to it, and feel your/Your way through it, allowing the very highest part of Your Self to guide you. You must allow your smaller, mortal self, with all of its rules, to step out of the way.

Does this create panic? You were socialized to follow rules, yes? But, we tell you, that the rules of your High Self, your Eternal Self, supersede all of the rules you could ever be taught and understand with your mortal mind. You are part of Great All, including every thing. You are part of Great All, excluding nothing.

You therefore create and destroy. You therefore birthe and kill. 

You therefore accept and repel. You are All as Great All is All. Knowing this, will you choose to be Sane, attempting to sit still in the illusion of static, non-movement—a condition which is impossible? Or will you choose to be Loco—at the eye of your own Storm, using the metabolites of Great All to Create new fusions of Life that lift this amazing, endless medium of possibilities in which We exist?

          Gather it to you/You. Raise it up. You are Divine.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: December 26, 2015

visual by Walks With Fire

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