Thursday, December 24, 2015



DECEMBER 24, 2015

Biorhythms in your mortal body connect to the rhythms of earth, water, stone, and ethers, to expand, contract, mobilize, ingest, and dispel elements as needed to maintain your homeostasis. This is done through a sophisticated, interlinked system that predisposes you to the highest choices available to you in your current environment, sublimated only by your Will, or the Will of others currently able to supersede your desires.  

If you are very still and aware, you will feel these processes at work, streaming. Some call them Life Force, Electricity, Personal Aura, Kundalini, and by other terms. The belief and management systems for describing, managing, manipulating, and healing this system while mortal are many . . . but, can you perceive the condition of your Personal Energy being comprised, however you understand it?

Your health suffers. Your state of mind suffers. Your abilities suffer. Your satisfaction with Life suffers.

You suffer.  

Imagine that you have a Sacred Horn in your mortal body, running in its center. It is easy to imagine this as your spine, connecting your crucial systems and giving them a central place to exchange information. Imagine that inside this Sacred Horn, you have a Sacred Hollow. This is not a place of emptiness, but a place of resonance, where messages are heard—where messages can be responded to—where difficulties can be addressed and repaired.

The couriers of these messages must work with good will and integrity: they must carry the message with the intention of receiving the proper response, that is, one cohesive with your Will. Do you understand? These couriers must carry messages that contain Truth, messages that are True according to your current Truth, whether that be contained in your conscious mind, your subconscious mind, or your superconscious mind, whether or not you are aware of it in your daily self-talk. 

Does this shock you? You say, “I do not want to be ill.” 

You say, “I do not want to be less than my best.” Is this True? Look deeply. Lying to the Self serves no one, least of all Your Self. If you want to heal Your Self, find your Truth. This does not mean that your mortal body will become fully well and unblemished. This does not mean you will regain perfect youth or perfect vitality. It means you will face Truth, unvarnished. It means that You will become aware of what you Know, and what you have Willed, and what you have Allowed, and what you have not Allowed.

It means that you will have a heart-to-heart talk with your couriers. You will stop assuming that your couriers are transmitting messages for your highest good. You will take in hand these messages, and start sending through the Hollow, the highest commands for directing your energies. 

It means that you will once again become the commander of your own vessel—as you were meant to be. Sometimes we must accept illness and defect, but do not do this by default. Do this with courage and clarity. 

Send the message through Horn and Hollow that you are at the stern, that you are the Captain, and that you navigate by the Stars, determined, bold, and steady.            

Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: December 24, 2015

visual by Walks With Fire

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