Wednesday, December 23, 2015



DECEMBER 23, 2015

Every Revolution begins with a spark. It is necessary, essential, replenishing. When What Is becomes What Will BecomeThe Song begins a new refrain. Chaos meets in new Harmonies. Ill frequencies are lifted. Darkness receives Light. Dropped and frayed stitches become smooth.

The process itself can be like Fire, great conflagration, the turning of what appeared solid into what appears to be ruin—ashes drifting on wind and wing. Dust to dust. Then the ashes rise in new Life and reborn, come Singing their new Song into the Great All, adding to the Tapestry a new thread of Light, a new way to reflect Color, a new understanding of things.

And it began with a spark. Inside You.  And You.  And You.

Understand Revolution.  It is a Voice.  A Thought.  A Feeling.  It is a frequent visitor that becomes family, a mockingbird that is ever-hungry speaking at your center. And understand this . . . and understand it well: Revolution is not Obsession, nor mere Belief, nor Social Dogma. Revolution is You, in All that You Are, becoming More, attuning Your Self to greater folds of Light, becoming more capable and more magnetic from within your mortal form.

True Revolution is a wave of Wisdom, arming itself with patience and love. It seeks what is common to All Things and mesmerizes by singing the Key Notes by which every Life knows its Being. It says: “Yes, I am dangerous, because I can show you who you are and what you can do. My Light has no shadow in which you may hide.”

Revolution exposes our fear and apathy. It can make of us reluctant heroes and silent warriors. It can bring us to compacts and treaties in a way that no other conditions can. It waits in you, a tiny glow in corners where you fear to tread. What is there in You, waiting for Change?

Give it Light. Let it Sing. Start a Revolution.

Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: December 23, 2015

visual by Walks With Fire

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