Tuesday, January 5, 2016



JANUARY 5, 2016

The mortal world has various views on Sympathy. Is it to pity? Is it to lessen? Is it to separate or divide? Think of how your culture specifically reacts with its grieving population: Do they treat the widow of a recognized war hero differently from the widow of an avowed murderer of innocent masses? Which widow might feel more emotional pain, isolation, guilt, suffering, shame, and burden?

How does your culture view its orphans, its homeless, its very poor, its insane, its displaced, and its incarcerated populations? Do they treat each group the same, or do they blame some, and hold others blameless? How is the regional/ cultural/ social Sympathy applied to these peoples?

What of unique populations that are considered dangerous to the culture that contains them? Whether we speak of Lepers, masses of unexpected immigrants, war- or disease- orphaned families, violent persons, or enslaved others, does the Sympathy given come with a negating dose of justification that explains why the entrapment, injustice, cruelty, or torture, is necessary and vindicated?

What is Sympathy? Is it the state of looking upon a lesser condition and being moved by pity, or feeling compassion for the state of the entity involved? You remember the difference between Looking and Seeing. Your mortal self, led by ego, fears involvement with anything that reduces the current state of the mortal self, whether that be physical comfort, status, or standing. Your current beliefs and fears have formed an illusory ground beneath you, causing you to feel false security—your standing—where you make your stand, the place from which you view your world and label things. Your current brand of Sympathy is birthed from your standing and filtered from all the riggings your ego, your busy mind, and your mortal self, have constructed for it.

But . . . real Sympathy is Accord. It is a very High and very Pure state, driven by what is Eternal. And as we frequently remind you/You, you/You are part of That Eternity.

When you Have Sympathy, you Become Sympathy: that is . . . you begin to harmonize with the conditions of what is needed, accepting with unconditional love, and without false judgment, what is presented. We often need to fill uncomfortable spaces with words and objects, and ceremonies that have long ago lost their meaning, when what is needed is what is Real and True.

Imagine that you are the grieving widow. Person ‘A,’ with whom you are well acquainted, enters the reception line at the funeral. Though you are exhausted and feeling only half in your body, the tenseness of Mrs. A is palpable. She does not want to be here. She does not want to see you like this. She’s very glad your sister is in town, so that she was not ask to step up and fulfill those selfsame duties. She’s been practicing what to say, but when she gets to you, she falters, and like the people before her, says, “I’m so sorry for your loss . . .”

Mrs. A has erected a fence. Each person who will not come into Accord with the widow’s grief, rejects the widow’s grief. Instead of being a support system for the widow, the widow is being asked to be a support system for those in attendance, because death makes them uncomfortable.

Extending Sympathy is a state of being entirely present for What Is . . . As It Is
 . . . Wholly . . . Without Condition . . . Without A Price. Sympathy conveys the message:

“We see You.  You are Here with Us and We are Here with You. Always.  We Understand.  There is Love.  For You.  For Me.  For All of Us.  It Is Everywhere, and UnEnding.”

Sympathy is not pity.  Sympathy is Accord.  Accord is the state of Great All, and The Great All is All That Is.

When you share Sympathy, you are in the Moment, sharing All That Is, and at perfect Accord with the Heart of Great All. It is the greatest Illumination . . . 

and It is called Love.

Blessed Be This Day  

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.
    Archives: Monday, March 01, 2021

visual by Walks With Fire

Sunday, January 3, 2016



JANUARY 3, 2016

Responding to Life with courage—despite obstacles, danger, and pain—is Valor. It exceeds mere bravery and commands your actions at a Will much higher. It pushes past the attachment to outcomes, the myth of death, and the illusions one has regarding the mortal Life. 

It blends What Is into All That Is, consciously connecting you to unlimited resources.

Valor is the immediate surge that enables the tiny mother to lift a car off her broken child, unworried for her own death, not once considering failure. It sends a soldier into what others see as a hopeless rescue mission. And it keeps a devoted spouse feeding love and comfort to their paralyzed best friend, unto mortal death.

Valor empties a rich man’s coffers as he turns from the material world to build a sanctuary for abused wildlife. It feeds the abandoned hungry. It cleans the water and air. It continues to look, and it Sees what is painful to See, taking action, refusing destructive force by opposing the destructive forces.

Valor takes care of your children when you feel too sick to feed your self/Self. It sends you to work when your honor to earn is greater than your desire to self-please. It keeps you doing what you must do, and gives you the strength to do what you believe you cannot.

And hear this, each of you: Valor will make your every Evolution and Revolution possibleDo not say cannot and will not when presented with the opportunity to increase your consciousness. Helping agents are often foreign and sometimes, combative. They will show you things you didn’t know before, about your self/Self, and about your world.

Grow now.

Increase your Field of View.

Start a Revolution.

Be Loco.

Your Valor is waiting and armed.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: January 3, 2016

visual by Walks With Fire

Saturday, January 2, 2016



JANUARY 2, 2016

Looking and Seeing are far different things. Ask an artist. When you are moved by an artwork, you are moved because the artist has translated his ability to See something and express it in a physical, tactile, or auditory manner, for you to experience, something that you might have missed by Looking and not Seeing. If this seems to contradict our discourse with you yesterday, we assure you, it does not. When you are Looking, you discern with the Mind’s eye. When you are Seeing, you discern with the High Self’s eye, the Heart’s eye, or Intuition’s eye.

The Mind’s eye will give you a report on “What is a thing,” (place, person, condition), that includes your training, with category, limitations, beliefs, and bias. It cannot know what it does not know.

The High Self’s eye will give you a report of “How is a thing,” (place, person, condition), that includes eternal concepts, and truths that might currently elude your mortal mind or your current place in perceived time/space, and unlimited ideas that are more connected than separate. Your High Self has a much larger Field Of View. Your High Self can see Beyond and Above the environment in which you mortally dwell.

The Field of View, therefore, is not just the scope of your Seeing, measured in depth, breadth, and height, but the quality of your Seeing. And yes, when led by your High Self and Its Intuition, you can accept Its guidance. You can use Parsimony—economy—when you are correctly actualized to negotiate your World, whether that be internal or external. Avatars are aware of themselves and their environment beyond 360 degrees; they are aware in spirals upon spirals that reach away (and therefore, back), like beautiful golden antennae.

Your Field of View expands as you become more aware of Self. It takes in the rhythm of the Earth, its forces, its children and co-creators. It will take in the Ethers and All that It creates.

How large is your current Field of View? How large could it be if you surrendered your preconceived notions about your world—and Your Self—and let your Self See, just for an hour?

Begin there. Miracles are not aware of Time.

Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: January 2, 2016

visual by Walks With Fire

Friday, January 1, 2016



JANUARY 1, 2015

Why is the sky blue? As a child you might have asked this question. Perhaps an adult, or several adults, struggled to answer. You might have continued searching, but most children move on to the next question and accept that the sky is blue, happy with its color. The sky being blue does not trouble them. 

A child easily understands that when clouds gather, rain sometimes occurs, and that when the clouds become many and dark, the rain can be heavy. Storms, with their winds, thunder and lightning, announce themselves with a very clear presence that children understand. Even the youngest do not debate.

To weigh as many matters as possible from a state of Parsimony allows the Self to keep Its Peace. Were you to stand in the field, worrying that the single white cloud might auger in a life-threatening storm does not serve you. Using Parsimony—focus or economy—when analyzing something, is a restful habit. Do not assume that it is a superficial one. Quite often, the simplest explanation IS the right one.

Quite often, your Intuition gives you the simplest explanation FIRST. And then, your busy mind complicates it with acrobatics designed to help it feel important and occupied. Your mind will give you a plethora of additional explanations, ideas, and theories, muddling your energies, and drawing your focus away from your first Intuition. Now you are Self-Talking nonsense.

Why is the sky blue? How did the earth come to be? How big is the universe? Why are You?

Is it enough that a blue sky makes you feel happy? Do you love the earth enough to feel at home there; do you love the earth enough to return that love as honor and respect? How big is the universe? How big are you? How much room do you need? 

Why are You? How about: When are You? And What are you doing to make the world aware that You are There? What are You doing to make Your Life in the Universe, on Earth, under Its blue sky, worth living?

You may never have the answers you seek, but you can live as a seeker of magic who shares that joy with others. 

Remember your child heart. Remember joy.

Your Intuition is speaking. Can you hear It?

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: January 1, 2016

visual by Walks With Fire

Saturday, December 26, 2015




DECEMBER 26, 2014

To be Sane. To be Loco. What is this? You exist in a river of constant movement, shifting and traveling at all speeds and directions simultaneously—existing across the boundaries of what you express in mortal terms as time and place. 

If you are fixated within your mind, that is to say, Self-Sane, you are morbid, or Self-Sure, stuck in your beliefs, and tricked into believing that Life is non-magical and static.

To be Loco, that is, to be in Loco-Motion, and moving under the conscious power of Locus, from Loci, is to be at the center of great activity, and aware of it:

   plural: lo-ci

 1a:   the place where something is situated or occurs . . .
 1b:   a center of activity, attention or concentration . . .

 2:     the set of all points whose location is determined by stated conditions

 3.     the position in a chromosome of a particular gene or allele


from http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/locus

We have discussed with you Your holographic nature, and how You reflect the Great All, Your Creator, and what You Create—as well as how You perceive and interact in All That Is, Has Been and Will Be. This is too much for the mortal mind to hold. 

The many threads of this tapestry are complex and over-arching, so much so that to grasp it at all, you/You must surrender to it, and feel your/Your way through it, allowing the very highest part of Your Self to guide you. You must allow your smaller, mortal self, with all of its rules, to step out of the way.

Does this create panic? You were socialized to follow rules, yes? But, we tell you, that the rules of your High Self, your Eternal Self, supersede all of the rules you could ever be taught and understand with your mortal mind. You are part of Great All, including every thing. You are part of Great All, excluding nothing.

You therefore create and destroy. You therefore birthe and kill. 

You therefore accept and repel. You are All as Great All is All. Knowing this, will you choose to be Sane, attempting to sit still in the illusion of static, non-movement—a condition which is impossible? Or will you choose to be Loco—at the eye of your own Storm, using the metabolites of Great All to Create new fusions of Life that lift this amazing, endless medium of possibilities in which We exist?

          Gather it to you/You. Raise it up. You are Divine.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: December 26, 2015

visual by Walks With Fire

Thursday, December 24, 2015



DECEMBER 24, 2015

Biorhythms in your mortal body connect to the rhythms of earth, water, stone, and ethers, to expand, contract, mobilize, ingest, and dispel elements as needed to maintain your homeostasis. This is done through a sophisticated, interlinked system that predisposes you to the highest choices available to you in your current environment, sublimated only by your Will, or the Will of others currently able to supersede your desires.  

If you are very still and aware, you will feel these processes at work, streaming. Some call them Life Force, Electricity, Personal Aura, Kundalini, and by other terms. The belief and management systems for describing, managing, manipulating, and healing this system while mortal are many . . . but, can you perceive the condition of your Personal Energy being comprised, however you understand it?

Your health suffers. Your state of mind suffers. Your abilities suffer. Your satisfaction with Life suffers.

You suffer.  

Imagine that you have a Sacred Horn in your mortal body, running in its center. It is easy to imagine this as your spine, connecting your crucial systems and giving them a central place to exchange information. Imagine that inside this Sacred Horn, you have a Sacred Hollow. This is not a place of emptiness, but a place of resonance, where messages are heard—where messages can be responded to—where difficulties can be addressed and repaired.

The couriers of these messages must work with good will and integrity: they must carry the message with the intention of receiving the proper response, that is, one cohesive with your Will. Do you understand? These couriers must carry messages that contain Truth, messages that are True according to your current Truth, whether that be contained in your conscious mind, your subconscious mind, or your superconscious mind, whether or not you are aware of it in your daily self-talk. 

Does this shock you? You say, “I do not want to be ill.” 

You say, “I do not want to be less than my best.” Is this True? Look deeply. Lying to the Self serves no one, least of all Your Self. If you want to heal Your Self, find your Truth. This does not mean that your mortal body will become fully well and unblemished. This does not mean you will regain perfect youth or perfect vitality. It means you will face Truth, unvarnished. It means that You will become aware of what you Know, and what you have Willed, and what you have Allowed, and what you have not Allowed.

It means that you will have a heart-to-heart talk with your couriers. You will stop assuming that your couriers are transmitting messages for your highest good. You will take in hand these messages, and start sending through the Hollow, the highest commands for directing your energies. 

It means that you will once again become the commander of your own vessel—as you were meant to be. Sometimes we must accept illness and defect, but do not do this by default. Do this with courage and clarity. 

Send the message through Horn and Hollow that you are at the stern, that you are the Captain, and that you navigate by the Stars, determined, bold, and steady.            

Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: December 24, 2015

visual by Walks With Fire

Wednesday, December 23, 2015



DECEMBER 23, 2015

Every Revolution begins with a spark. It is necessary, essential, replenishing. When What Is becomes What Will BecomeThe Song begins a new refrain. Chaos meets in new Harmonies. Ill frequencies are lifted. Darkness receives Light. Dropped and frayed stitches become smooth.

The process itself can be like Fire, great conflagration, the turning of what appeared solid into what appears to be ruin—ashes drifting on wind and wing. Dust to dust. Then the ashes rise in new Life and reborn, come Singing their new Song into the Great All, adding to the Tapestry a new thread of Light, a new way to reflect Color, a new understanding of things.

And it began with a spark. Inside You.  And You.  And You.

Understand Revolution.  It is a Voice.  A Thought.  A Feeling.  It is a frequent visitor that becomes family, a mockingbird that is ever-hungry speaking at your center. And understand this . . . and understand it well: Revolution is not Obsession, nor mere Belief, nor Social Dogma. Revolution is You, in All that You Are, becoming More, attuning Your Self to greater folds of Light, becoming more capable and more magnetic from within your mortal form.

True Revolution is a wave of Wisdom, arming itself with patience and love. It seeks what is common to All Things and mesmerizes by singing the Key Notes by which every Life knows its Being. It says: “Yes, I am dangerous, because I can show you who you are and what you can do. My Light has no shadow in which you may hide.”

Revolution exposes our fear and apathy. It can make of us reluctant heroes and silent warriors. It can bring us to compacts and treaties in a way that no other conditions can. It waits in you, a tiny glow in corners where you fear to tread. What is there in You, waiting for Change?

Give it Light. Let it Sing. Start a Revolution.

Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: December 23, 2015

visual by Walks With Fire