Friday, January 1, 2016



JANUARY 1, 2015

Why is the sky blue? As a child you might have asked this question. Perhaps an adult, or several adults, struggled to answer. You might have continued searching, but most children move on to the next question and accept that the sky is blue, happy with its color. The sky being blue does not trouble them. 

A child easily understands that when clouds gather, rain sometimes occurs, and that when the clouds become many and dark, the rain can be heavy. Storms, with their winds, thunder and lightning, announce themselves with a very clear presence that children understand. Even the youngest do not debate.

To weigh as many matters as possible from a state of Parsimony allows the Self to keep Its Peace. Were you to stand in the field, worrying that the single white cloud might auger in a life-threatening storm does not serve you. Using Parsimony—focus or economy—when analyzing something, is a restful habit. Do not assume that it is a superficial one. Quite often, the simplest explanation IS the right one.

Quite often, your Intuition gives you the simplest explanation FIRST. And then, your busy mind complicates it with acrobatics designed to help it feel important and occupied. Your mind will give you a plethora of additional explanations, ideas, and theories, muddling your energies, and drawing your focus away from your first Intuition. Now you are Self-Talking nonsense.

Why is the sky blue? How did the earth come to be? How big is the universe? Why are You?

Is it enough that a blue sky makes you feel happy? Do you love the earth enough to feel at home there; do you love the earth enough to return that love as honor and respect? How big is the universe? How big are you? How much room do you need? 

Why are You? How about: When are You? And What are you doing to make the world aware that You are There? What are You doing to make Your Life in the Universe, on Earth, under Its blue sky, worth living?

You may never have the answers you seek, but you can live as a seeker of magic who shares that joy with others. 

Remember your child heart. Remember joy.

Your Intuition is speaking. Can you hear It?

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: January 1, 2016

visual by Walks With Fire

Saturday, December 26, 2015




DECEMBER 26, 2014

To be Sane. To be Loco. What is this? You exist in a river of constant movement, shifting and traveling at all speeds and directions simultaneously—existing across the boundaries of what you express in mortal terms as time and place. 

If you are fixated within your mind, that is to say, Self-Sane, you are morbid, or Self-Sure, stuck in your beliefs, and tricked into believing that Life is non-magical and static.

To be Loco, that is, to be in Loco-Motion, and moving under the conscious power of Locus, from Loci, is to be at the center of great activity, and aware of it:

   plural: lo-ci

 1a:   the place where something is situated or occurs . . .
 1b:   a center of activity, attention or concentration . . .

 2:     the set of all points whose location is determined by stated conditions

 3.     the position in a chromosome of a particular gene or allele



We have discussed with you Your holographic nature, and how You reflect the Great All, Your Creator, and what You Create—as well as how You perceive and interact in All That Is, Has Been and Will Be. This is too much for the mortal mind to hold. 

The many threads of this tapestry are complex and over-arching, so much so that to grasp it at all, you/You must surrender to it, and feel your/Your way through it, allowing the very highest part of Your Self to guide you. You must allow your smaller, mortal self, with all of its rules, to step out of the way.

Does this create panic? You were socialized to follow rules, yes? But, we tell you, that the rules of your High Self, your Eternal Self, supersede all of the rules you could ever be taught and understand with your mortal mind. You are part of Great All, including every thing. You are part of Great All, excluding nothing.

You therefore create and destroy. You therefore birthe and kill. 

You therefore accept and repel. You are All as Great All is All. Knowing this, will you choose to be Sane, attempting to sit still in the illusion of static, non-movement—a condition which is impossible? Or will you choose to be Loco—at the eye of your own Storm, using the metabolites of Great All to Create new fusions of Life that lift this amazing, endless medium of possibilities in which We exist?

          Gather it to you/You. Raise it up. You are Divine.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: December 26, 2015

visual by Walks With Fire

Thursday, December 24, 2015



DECEMBER 24, 2015

Biorhythms in your mortal body connect to the rhythms of earth, water, stone, and ethers, to expand, contract, mobilize, ingest, and dispel elements as needed to maintain your homeostasis. This is done through a sophisticated, interlinked system that predisposes you to the highest choices available to you in your current environment, sublimated only by your Will, or the Will of others currently able to supersede your desires.  

If you are very still and aware, you will feel these processes at work, streaming. Some call them Life Force, Electricity, Personal Aura, Kundalini, and by other terms. The belief and management systems for describing, managing, manipulating, and healing this system while mortal are many . . . but, can you perceive the condition of your Personal Energy being comprised, however you understand it?

Your health suffers. Your state of mind suffers. Your abilities suffer. Your satisfaction with Life suffers.

You suffer.  

Imagine that you have a Sacred Horn in your mortal body, running in its center. It is easy to imagine this as your spine, connecting your crucial systems and giving them a central place to exchange information. Imagine that inside this Sacred Horn, you have a Sacred Hollow. This is not a place of emptiness, but a place of resonance, where messages are heard—where messages can be responded to—where difficulties can be addressed and repaired.

The couriers of these messages must work with good will and integrity: they must carry the message with the intention of receiving the proper response, that is, one cohesive with your Will. Do you understand? These couriers must carry messages that contain Truth, messages that are True according to your current Truth, whether that be contained in your conscious mind, your subconscious mind, or your superconscious mind, whether or not you are aware of it in your daily self-talk. 

Does this shock you? You say, “I do not want to be ill.” 

You say, “I do not want to be less than my best.” Is this True? Look deeply. Lying to the Self serves no one, least of all Your Self. If you want to heal Your Self, find your Truth. This does not mean that your mortal body will become fully well and unblemished. This does not mean you will regain perfect youth or perfect vitality. It means you will face Truth, unvarnished. It means that You will become aware of what you Know, and what you have Willed, and what you have Allowed, and what you have not Allowed.

It means that you will have a heart-to-heart talk with your couriers. You will stop assuming that your couriers are transmitting messages for your highest good. You will take in hand these messages, and start sending through the Hollow, the highest commands for directing your energies. 

It means that you will once again become the commander of your own vessel—as you were meant to be. Sometimes we must accept illness and defect, but do not do this by default. Do this with courage and clarity. 

Send the message through Horn and Hollow that you are at the stern, that you are the Captain, and that you navigate by the Stars, determined, bold, and steady.            

Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: December 24, 2015

visual by Walks With Fire

Wednesday, December 23, 2015



DECEMBER 23, 2015

Every Revolution begins with a spark. It is necessary, essential, replenishing. When What Is becomes What Will BecomeThe Song begins a new refrain. Chaos meets in new Harmonies. Ill frequencies are lifted. Darkness receives Light. Dropped and frayed stitches become smooth.

The process itself can be like Fire, great conflagration, the turning of what appeared solid into what appears to be ruin—ashes drifting on wind and wing. Dust to dust. Then the ashes rise in new Life and reborn, come Singing their new Song into the Great All, adding to the Tapestry a new thread of Light, a new way to reflect Color, a new understanding of things.

And it began with a spark. Inside You.  And You.  And You.

Understand Revolution.  It is a Voice.  A Thought.  A Feeling.  It is a frequent visitor that becomes family, a mockingbird that is ever-hungry speaking at your center. And understand this . . . and understand it well: Revolution is not Obsession, nor mere Belief, nor Social Dogma. Revolution is You, in All that You Are, becoming More, attuning Your Self to greater folds of Light, becoming more capable and more magnetic from within your mortal form.

True Revolution is a wave of Wisdom, arming itself with patience and love. It seeks what is common to All Things and mesmerizes by singing the Key Notes by which every Life knows its Being. It says: “Yes, I am dangerous, because I can show you who you are and what you can do. My Light has no shadow in which you may hide.”

Revolution exposes our fear and apathy. It can make of us reluctant heroes and silent warriors. It can bring us to compacts and treaties in a way that no other conditions can. It waits in you, a tiny glow in corners where you fear to tread. What is there in You, waiting for Change?

Give it Light. Let it Sing. Start a Revolution.

Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: December 23, 2015

visual by Walks With Fire

Tuesday, December 22, 2015



DECEMBER 22, 2015

Where idles the Spirit? Does it flit here and yon? What think You?

You are Spirit, individual and indivisible. You are therefore, always present to Self, and always present with What Is . . . and with All That Is. When we say that Love is all around You, we mean that You are part of that Love. When we say that Help is all around You, we mean that You are part of that Help. 

When we do harm, we do harm to the Great All that we exist as part of. When we give help, we give help to the Great All that we exist as part of. 

When we experience the presence of Love, Miracles, Understanding, Compassion, Wisdom, Acceptance, Surrender, and Transition, we are experiencing the simultaneous sensations of individual Self and indivisible Self identifying cause and effect.

Therefore . . . each Spirit is Eternal, Ubiquitous, All-Reaching, and Timeless, able ultimately to mirror Great All: in whispers of minutiae and infinitum. 

Yes. You. Now.

Happy. Sad. Struggling. Poor. Wealthy. Sick. Well. Young. Old. All the programs, masks, and matters that are taken on during mortality are brief shadows. You are made to be great and lively.

Your Spirit lives among the Stars from whence it was formed. It lives inside your mortal body. It lives in thoughts and intentions of every thing, and person, and place. It lives inside all times and ways. You are made in the Image of Your Creator. You are a hologram of Your Creator.

Allow your Self to feel that Miracle. How High Life feels once you realize that its every aspect is Holy. Turn your Heart toward that Light and let it feed You.

Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: December 22, 2015

visual by Walks With Fire

Wednesday, September 23, 2015



SEPTEMBER 23, 2015

Wishes are not goals or plans. They are not driven by constructs that will achieve the ends to which the Wish builds its kingdom of dreams. 

A Wish can be a fruitless pursuit pertaining to the past, such as changing something that has already occurred; a present projection; or a desire for the future—without the intention that engages the personal Will or sets the Self to work in productive ways.

Wishing alone does not get things done.

What, if anything, is Wishing good for? Using imagination, strong Wishing can illuminate a potential pathway. It can engage both the conscious and subconscious mind to take the steps and do the work that is necessary to transform a Wish to a concrete Desire, and further: to formulate a plan to meet an end goal.

A child, upon hearing a piano played for the first time, may wish to play the piano himself, and dreaming of this, Wishing of this, sees himself doing so in such vivid terms as to begin collecting the energies of opportunity towards him. He becomes hyper-aware of any talk that will lead to opportunities. He looks for resources that are currently free and available to him. He begins to study music theory. He looks for a piano to borrow. His Wish has taken the shape of Desire. He has fueled his Desire with integrity, work, and purpose. He now plays piano, and it began with Wishing.

But, let us say that a child hears a piano and dreams of playing piano, and asks his parents if he may have a piano. The parents tell the child that they are too poor to buy a piano. He bemoans his fate, but keeps Wishing that he had a piano. He keeps dreaming of playing the piano, but he takes no action toward finding his own way to transmute that Wish into a reality. But he is just a child, you say . . .

Will is strong, and the Spirit is resilient. Be we child or adult while in mortal form, our capabilities are astounding. People with few resources accomplish mighty things. People with grand resources accomplish little. People with many handicaps accomplish mighty things. People blessed with great vitality accomplish little. Heart and Will are the crux.

What will you accomplish with your Life? How will your Spirit Sing of this journey? What Wishes for Self and for your World are you now transmuting? Do not let your Wishes sleep! Wake them. Merry along together, even when the journey is difficult and wild. Life is a mad wonder, meant to surprise, confuse, and confound you.

Dream and Wish and Build. Do not idle when all around you there is splendor. Wish. Plan. Create. The Song is in You. 

You are The Song.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: September 23, 2015

visual by Walks With Fire

Thursday, September 17, 2015



SEPTEMBER 17, 2015

How do you know that you are Alive? By what means do you assess this condition? First, do you know what Life is, what it entails, what it means, what it is used for, and what to do with your own? How can you know that you are Alive if you cannot identify and describe it?

The wonder of Great All is that it contains You, and that You are part of what helps to create and maintain the Great All. We are forevermore connected, part of, vibrating together, symbiotic, synchronistic, and in the greatest percentage, Self-aware. Life is an expression of all of this, particularly as it is aware of Self in its processes.

Life is transmutational, always seeking its highest expression, whether or not that appears retrograde to the external viewer. For seekers and masters, what is impure will be filtered out, as experiences are used to gain knowledge, compassion, and wisdom. They will make jobs into joy and turn their loads into pure light. You are working within a tapestry that contains the wills, desires, and goals of others, but yes, Life is malleable.

Life is illuminating, and will therefore take you into dark places that you may have the opportunity to use the Light inside you to see what you will see and change what you may change. For seekers and masters who will grasp eternal truth, letting go beliefs, assumptions, and social dogmas, illumination is a welcome freedom. They will make new stories and new paths. When darkness comes to you, open your eyes wide. Say not, “Why was this bad thing done to me?” but rather, “How may I illuminate this darkness?”

Life is the giver. To make room for giving, Life must take away. Just as fallen stars have been reborn inside you, everything in the Great All has a beginning and an ending and Life will share this with you. Grief, abandonment, and betrayal have ever been hard lessons, but the nature of mortal form has ever been grievous to some. Ask how you may be the best of human, and how you may best help others to lift the condition of humanity.

Life is the challenger. Will you defend it—in yourself and for others? Will you rise and say NO when your Life and the Life of others is threatened? It is your right to do so. Your mortal instincts are attuned for it, but your social instinct will balk, and justly. 

The more mortal and insidious challenge is that of bystanding—do you share resources with needy others—those who will perish without help, day by day? Will you feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, and defend the downtrodden—that opportunity exists for us all, everywhere, at all times.

What is Life? It is You, here now, aware of being here now, reading this. 

Will you sleepwalk through this day . . . or will you embrace your Life, its power, and its power for good?

Blessed Be This Day 

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: September 17, 2015

visual by Walks With Fire