Wednesday, September 23, 2015



SEPTEMBER 23, 2015

Wishes are not goals or plans. They are not driven by constructs that will achieve the ends to which the Wish builds its kingdom of dreams. 

A Wish can be a fruitless pursuit pertaining to the past, such as changing something that has already occurred; a present projection; or a desire for the future—without the intention that engages the personal Will or sets the Self to work in productive ways.

Wishing alone does not get things done.

What, if anything, is Wishing good for? Using imagination, strong Wishing can illuminate a potential pathway. It can engage both the conscious and subconscious mind to take the steps and do the work that is necessary to transform a Wish to a concrete Desire, and further: to formulate a plan to meet an end goal.

A child, upon hearing a piano played for the first time, may wish to play the piano himself, and dreaming of this, Wishing of this, sees himself doing so in such vivid terms as to begin collecting the energies of opportunity towards him. He becomes hyper-aware of any talk that will lead to opportunities. He looks for resources that are currently free and available to him. He begins to study music theory. He looks for a piano to borrow. His Wish has taken the shape of Desire. He has fueled his Desire with integrity, work, and purpose. He now plays piano, and it began with Wishing.

But, let us say that a child hears a piano and dreams of playing piano, and asks his parents if he may have a piano. The parents tell the child that they are too poor to buy a piano. He bemoans his fate, but keeps Wishing that he had a piano. He keeps dreaming of playing the piano, but he takes no action toward finding his own way to transmute that Wish into a reality. But he is just a child, you say . . .

Will is strong, and the Spirit is resilient. Be we child or adult while in mortal form, our capabilities are astounding. People with few resources accomplish mighty things. People with grand resources accomplish little. People with many handicaps accomplish mighty things. People blessed with great vitality accomplish little. Heart and Will are the crux.

What will you accomplish with your Life? How will your Spirit Sing of this journey? What Wishes for Self and for your World are you now transmuting? Do not let your Wishes sleep! Wake them. Merry along together, even when the journey is difficult and wild. Life is a mad wonder, meant to surprise, confuse, and confound you.

Dream and Wish and Build. Do not idle when all around you there is splendor. Wish. Plan. Create. The Song is in You. 

You are The Song.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: September 23, 2015

visual by Walks With Fire

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