Wednesday, May 27, 2020




   ~becoming a steady caretaker

As you grow Wise, you develop higher self-control. Not only do you favor Responding over Reacting, you will operate using the restraint and tolerance of Forbearance. You will use Sight most prevalently and be more frequently seen by others with your Diadem in place.

Which conditions trigger your basest reactions? We do not speak of the flashpoint moments where anger and/or violence is intuitively used to defend life, but of anger, violence, judgment, and betrayal used in punitive ways.

Define one set of circumstances wherein you react in the least compassionate, most irrational and falsely judgmental way. Have you applied the age-old tenets in the questions: Is it True? Is it Fair? and Is it Helpful?

Forbearance allows you to step back and determine the conditions. How and why is it True? How and why is your conclusion Fair? And how might your actions be Helpful?

To "walk a mile" in someone's shoes, we must be able to approximate their conditions based on who they are and how they see the world. Can you punish the poor for your idea that they are lazy? Can you punish the ill because you believe they lack will power? Can you deride those persons who live opposite you on the social spectrum for having different ideas?

Most of us want peace. We are born with the need to survive and thrive. We need connection and community. Begin with our similarities and study with compassion our differences.

Use Forbearance to reach the wisest conclusions, and save for times of urgent action those ideas and behaviors that are relevant and yet noble. Do not be the little shepherd who calls "wolf," but the steady caretaker who determines when and where real action is needed before stepping into the fray.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: May 27, 2020

Photo by Jaka Ć krlep on Unsplash

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