The act of Thanking activates more abundance. You are saying to Great All: This is good; This is well-met; This is appreciated. It is accepting with Grace what arrives and pairing it with the action of acknowledgement.
Thanking Great All is the place to start when you are loading The Machine for success. It is a superior Rationale for feeding the Cognition.
Thanking is not merely humble gratitude. It is giving credit, expressing joy, and reflecting into your future that which you will build upon what has been delivered.
If you wake in a state of great energy and clarity, how will you use it? Thank the Great All for this gift, even if you believe your own actions led to this energy and clarity—because you know that 2 + 2 does not always equal 4. You do not reap from The Great Machine exactly what you expect when you input ingredients to turn Its wheels.
So, if you are on a good road and a good path, be well. If there are times when the good road makes for bad times, remain non-judgmental and continue upward. If there are times when the good road makes for good times, still remain non-judgmental and continue upward. But, in both instances, remember to give Thanks for those things which are working to your benefit.
Be Grateful. Be open to success. Be able and capable and tireless in your devotions to grow. Thanking is your bow to the Universe. It is the acknowledgement to Great All that you sense and admire Its presence in your Life.
Thanking the Universe today for whatever is in your Life, both benevolent and change-stimulating, attracts helpful energies. Thanking accelerates change. Thanking is inclusive. Thanking is a beautiful way to move forward.
Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.
Archives: September 7, 2017
For Discussion: Do you understand the concept of Thanking--giving credit where it is deserved--even when you "secretly" believe that good fate delivered was specifically due to your own work? Name three things that have been delivered unto you this week that you are Thankful for. Give credit, express your joy, and increase your understanding of the ask-and-you-shall-receive system at work in Great All.
What is it you need that you are holding at a distance? Is this needed thing being postponed or compromised because: you don't believe you deserve it? you believe that accepting it will change you in an unacceptable way? you believe that payment due for such a thing is more than you can currently bear?
If you have Thanked Great All for everything you perceive as helpful and positive, have you also taken the time to consider events, things, and people who have had a negative and unhelpful influence in your life? If you reconsider these negative, unhelpful things, might you find some grains of medicine and magic in them? Can you uncover the illusion under which so much lives? Can you see both the helpful and unhelpful things together, and with an unbiased and unconditional mind and heart, give Thanks for its synergy?
visual by Walks With Fire
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