Wednesday, February 11, 2015



FEBRUARY 11, 2015

What does it mean when we say that something is Far from us, or that we are Far from some thing?  Is it to say that we are removed, as in physical terms, or is it deeper?  As a certainty, we can go about our Life routine, accomplishing what is upon us, yet feeling distanced from what it means, not feeling it, or being moved by what we believe it might imbue to us if it was fully maximized in our lives.

Did you once dream upon something that you perceived as being Far from you, that became close, and upon becoming close, was not the thing you perceived?  Was this self-trickery?  Were you deluded by expectations, your socio-cultural beliefs, or by a sort of escapism—that this Far thing would solve something currently unsolved in your Present?

When you look at ‘The Far,’ are you perceiving the future, or are you framing the unattainable and/or difficult thing?  In either regard, you are not looking at things through the lens of what is the Present.  What is it in this distance—in time, forward history, greater attainment, resolution, or karmic pay-out—that you believe is greater than that which you currently enjoy?

Why is The Far more appealing than The Present?  How is it that today’s problems might magically be diminished or absent in The Far?  What causes this?  Certainly, only today’s actions can create change in your future.

If The Far seems scrubbed clean of Today’s woes, you must look to Today.  Choose one thing and address it.  Work today to create in The Far, this perceived forward reality.  Desire, unaided by labor, is only illusion.  The Far is no more than a mirage if you are investing no energy to build it.

What is it you see in The Far?  Every building begins with its foundation and ends with its roof.  There are no shortcuts.  Be the dreamer who lays bricks; the architect who sets windows.  The mansions that await you in The Far are the ones that You build.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: February 11, 2015

 Photo by NOAA on Unsplash  

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