Monday, August 28, 2017



AUGUST 28, 2017

Naming something gives it identity. Invoking the Name of the named thing thereafter gives it power, unlike the unnamed or unclaimed thing. When you Name something, you connect part of yourself to the object, idea, entity, or person.

Live Fire will burn you, for the most part. You do not need to believe that It Can burn you. Certain tenets just are. However: how can you have a beautiful life if you do not believe in a beautiful life?

What does a beautiful life look like? Do you see perfect health, purpose, social and financial success in this beautiful life? If given one Name, what would you call this beautiful life?

Let’s say that you call your beautiful life Nirvana. The Apellation of Nirvana contains certain attributes, however you have assigned them. Think of the package you have made for the condition of Nirvana. How much of your life follows the Nirvana principles and how much do you believe is myth—an Apparition?

If you Name Nirvana and then look upon it as a myth, you have made your Nirvana into an Apparition. How can you attract and build on an Apparition, something that isn’t really there—or here?

We are surrounded by what is invisible to us. Do you paper over hate and crime and warfare and willful destruction because you think it doesn’t affect your life? Have you made important Apellations into Apparitions? Ignoring What Is does not destroy What Is: action must be taken for that to occur. It is likewise with the things that you Name.

If you would like to enjoy a beautiful life and call it Nirvana, study its attributes and think daily on its presence. Change its Name when it becomes more or different. Understand that though your road will know trouble and detour, this Nirvana is still with you, helping.

Dream your Nirvana and bring it close to you. Listen to its wisdom. It will tell you how to embody it.

Now: imagine what happens when you Dream your Self. Imagine what happens when you Name your Self.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: August 28, 2017

visual by Walks With Fire

Sunday, August 27, 2017



AUGUST 27, 2017


In Greek, hoi polloi means simply "the many"

The will and habits of the many represent the larger condition of the world. Commingling energies and thoughts, The Many choose directions, make laws, and ignore what they would not engage. Non-engaging is a valid and currently, the most employed, decision-making process on Earth.

Look at your own Life. It is a reflection of the greater whole. Think of a condition that you would see improved. Study your energy as you think. How does this condition’s existence affect you?

We cannot combat all conditions that we would see changed, but there is a way to acknowledge a condition and rise above the Hoi Polloi, leaving behind apathy and indecision—and that is to incorporate into your own Life, conditions which resist the larger whole. Do you disagree with a corporate practice or its politics? Do not support that corporation.

And do not make excuses. Do not say: this is how the world works and accept what is, though it disagrees with the Greater Good and your Higher Self. If more of the Hoi Polloi resisted this condition, the condition would soon turn.

Life is about compromise; it is also about integrity. Life is about coming to terms with that which cannot be changed (such as your current mortality), and working to change that which is unsatisfactory. For your mind, body, and spirit to be balanced, your Life and your World must be balanced—and you must contribute to this daily.

Begin with something in your Life which you have blind-eyed. When this condition begins to shift, its many routes of influence begin to shift. You will affect not only your Life, but the Lives of many. The Hoi Polloi will benefit from your proactive measures.

What you lift, lifts for all. This morning, find one thing and begin working to lift it.

Rise above the Hoi Polloi and let brightly shine your Light.


Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

    Archives: August 27, 2017

photo by  Vitaliy Lyubezhanin on Unsplash

Saturday, August 26, 2017



AUGUST 26, 2017

          ~~the formation of life risen from that considered non-living matter.

From what non-living matter do you arise, and how does that matter became animated, and further yet, become You? When you say that a rock is dumb, do you realize the percent by which your body is built of those same minerals? How would you arise from the Earth, and survive here, if you were not part of its Song?

Do you contemplate your origins? You have many origins. Pieces of you have been recruited from many locations in the Great All. You are a Tapestry that is part of the Tapestry. You are a Note in a Song. You are a Song within a Song. You are part of a great Harmony.

Feel your belonging. If things are difficult, feel the intrinsic parts of you vibrating with the whole, beginning with Earth. How does this planet Love you? How deeply are you supported?

When you feel separate-from, different-from, or distanced-from What Is, slow your rhythms and listen . . . deeply. You must hear beneath the surface chaos and without expectation or judgment, let What Is speak without impedance.

There is stone in you. There is water in you. The elements of fire and air reside in you. The overruling element, Ether is there in great quantity, electric and pervasive; an endless schematic for making and re-making Life. Do you feel how these elements feed you?

If you hunger it is because you do not sit at the table. 

Take your seat and be fed, and in being fed, be thankful. 

You are All That Is. 



Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

    Archives: August 26, 2017

visual by Walks With Fire

Friday, August 25, 2017



AUGUST 25, 2017

Ply a Needle with thread and bring together two surfaces and you may mend them together. Use that thread to make repairs, to strengthen and bond, to embellish and make beautiful. With all of these uses, The Needle is still driven by the hand, and the hand by its owner’s intention.

“A stitch in time saves nine.” 

“Stitched together at the hip.” 

“Credos stitched into the skin.” 

A Needle and its thread are about bringing things together. Stitching closed a wound can be a life-saving action.

You have a Needle, just as you have a Knife. Look at your world. To survive, you must both create and destroy. You must both bond things together and pull things apart. The Needle and The Knife are tools . . . but you are the engine.

What drives you and your engine? What are you creating, and why? What are you currently destroying, and why? Do you consider your intentions or do you mindlessly create and destroy?

Humans are unique among Earth’s creatures. You are more-than, in your abilities. You are more-than in perception. You are more-than in understanding. You are charged to be more-than in your intentions and actions.

Look into your toolbox. Weigh the uses of your tools. Question your intentions. Would you like the person you are, right now, if that person stood in front of you, outside and separate?

Cut away what should be cut away. Create as you are led.

Be the person that Great All would have you be.


Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

    Archives: August 25, 2017

photo by  amirali mirhashemian on Unsplash 

Thursday, August 24, 2017



AUGUST 24, 2017

Supposition is more than Expectation. Expectation hopes for something. 

Supposition believes that the hope is Truth.

You may Expect that hard work yields higher pay, but you Suppose that (hard work = high pay) your formula is unassailable. (It is Supposed that red + blue = purple, but what if the red is not truly red and the blue not truly blue?) Supposition is more than guessing or hope. It is an acknowledgement of Truth or of strong Belief.

When you survey how many thoughts you Suppose are True, you will see that those thoughts are actually a blend of Truths, unTruths, Myths, Fantasies, and Lies. For instance: you Suppose that Peace will be regained once your household is in order. Will it?

What is causing your household to be in a state of disorder? Is it merely this condition that is changing, or will soon change? Have you cobbled together a formula that is like this: chaotic household – disruptive influence = Peace? (Does Peace know that it is supposed to heal All once this disruptive influence is no longer present?)

You have Supposed this is True. You have passed the mere state of Belief, and crossed over into Surety: “If this disruptive influence is removed, Peace will be restored unto my house.” While you are laser focused on that Supposition, what is being unseen, unheard, unfelt, and unacknowledged?

Supposition focuses your thoughts on one pathway. It puts all of your marbles in one hand. It closes doors. How can you move forward when you have disabled all of your information-gathering attributes? How can you achieve your much sought after endpoint, Peace in the household, when you are self-crippled?

While you are busy and turned outward to seek this Supposed thing, what is happening inside you? And how are you central to this drama?

Let us say that you’ve had a houseguest whose stay has been long overextended. This person has become a disruptive force in your household. You Suppose that being rid of that person will erase all disruption, and you wouldn’t remember the point at which you believe that the person became responsible for all the disruption. You now see disruption as perpetrated by your guest alone.

All of the other disruptions and disturbances that were present at that person’s entry into your household have been forgotten. You are so focused on removing this person, you have assigned them credit for conditions in which they had no part. You are blaming and finger pointing. How does this serve you, and how does this serve your household?

To understand what it will take to establish Peace (or reestablish Peace, as your Supposition presumes) you must look at all factors and influences. You cannot Suppose that this one influence has created the cascade of conditions that you believe.

First, look at your formula: household – disruptive houseguest = Peace. Is Peace so simple? What is Peace? And, what is, right now, in your Life and in you?

Be your own detective. Include yourself in the cast of characters. How are your behaviors, habits, and interactions causing non-Peace? How might you survey what is external and internal together before you create Suppositions? How can you divide the marbles into your two hands and become balanced?

Remember that every end point has many pathways leading to it. Remember that our minds are self-deceivers. Remember that even the best of formulae can be wrong.

Most of all, remember Compassion and Love. Explore your Suppositions from a place of non-judgment and non-conclusion. When you dull the roar in your head you will be able to hear the tiniest whisper.

Be Whole, with all of its glorious, messy, painful, and revelatory splendor.

You are not a formula. 

Your world is not a formula. 

Open your doors and quite your mind. 



Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

    Archives: August 24, 2017


visual by Walks With Fire

Wednesday, August 23, 2017



AUGUST 23, 2017

What holds you to this Earth? Other than your mortal body, which is comprised of its elements, what is it that keeps you aware of being here, now, on this planet? Are you in harmony with the Earth and its many aspects, or do you build tiny forts, using them as False Gravity?

What are objects? First: how do you categorize objects? Do you regard a stone with the same respect as you do your coffee pot? Where is the line that you draw between organic and inorganic matter?

Is the statue on your bookcase different from the statue on your altar? Do you assign more meaning—consciousness or abilities—to the statue on your altar? Is it more alive for you?

Look around the place where you are right now. Survey the things that you find, considering each for its organic or inorganic matter (with the realization that all things have been exhumed from the elements of Earth). How many of these things add to the total energy in positive ways and how many take away, deaden, or impede?

Of the things that you find uplifting, how many do you consider so based on the object itself, and how many do you consider so based on the value you have assigned them? Objects that you have made, received as treasured gifts, or attracted to you by difficult or miraculous means might feel more alive; some of that energy may feel negative and some beneficial.

Of the things that you find deadening, contemplate your reaction to each. Does this object strike false chords in the space’s Song? Are memories attached that keep you living in the past? Has this object become a squatter, taking up space but returning no value? And how many of these objects feel distinctly wrong?

If you find this distinctly wrong energy in your spaces, you must work to clear it. An object which is negative for your space may be uplifting for another’s. With only the uplifting objects surrounding you, how does your space feel?

These objects that remain are still creating a False Gravity for the most part. Clutter, in particular, will keep you sharply attuned to your mortality. 

Now: what objects remain that create Lift? Which objects anchor happy and productive feelings for you? Use your Truth Detectors while you surmise. If you are feeling weighted down, burdened, and overwhelmed, a great clearing technique is following these steps. 

Soon you will find yourself looking beyond objects and into other aspects of your Life to do the same. Do not build your Mansions here on Earth, weighty things anchored by False Gravity. 

These things do not increase your import, but they may well impede your upward journey.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: August 23, 2017

visual by Walks With Fire

Tuesday, August 22, 2017



AUGUST 22, 2017

When we send thought-forms into the world, they loop through spaces that are both known to us, and unknown. Feedback returns that we may study and dissimilate. How were our thought-forms (either generated with action or without) received? How does the new information affect our future thought-forms?

No thought, action, or feeling is without its Loop. Remember that points on each loop will understand the information you send quite differently from you, and from one another. Ruminating on a delicious, meat-inclusive breakfast would not be fondly received by the animal sacrificed for your plate. We can make many comparisons that are just so.

If you were attuned to the Loops that you sent thinking of your breakfast, would you have heard the animal’s fear, would you have felt its horror? This is a strong example, yes, but we state this as matter of fact: That whatever you send into the world, the world perceives it in its own way. We may each perceive things only from our own abilities.

We may have compassion, yes. We may apply wisdom. We may be patient and loving individuals striving to improve Great All.

And . . . still . . . what we put in our Loops to share with All That Is will only be perceived as it is able to be perceived by its perceivers. If this seems a conundrum, you are right.

So how do we  1) become aware of our Loops  2) pre-figure the impact of our Loops  3) receive feedback from our Loops in integrous ways  4) monitor our Loops for benefit or harm  5) begin to control our Loops to such a degree that our intention becomes consistent with our thoughts and actions?

The answer to all of the above is: Awareness. To change a thing you must first be awake to the thing. Try following a simple Loop; think a loving thought. Attempt to follow your Loop as it moves through the entities whom it might affect. How could a loving Loop change things in your world—not just endpoints, but reflections, ripples that follow the pebble thrown into water ?

The effect is immense. Manifestation is based on this principle. When one repeats a Loop, more and more points along the Loop become active and involved. Doorways change; gateways open. More factors are potentiated that help to achieve the theme of the Loop.

Now: what if the Loop you have created is destructive? How does repeating that Loop affect its many points, its doors and gateways? This is the basis for hatred mentalities that seem to be contagious—because they are!

What if you chanted Love out unto All That Is, making a point to be inclusive? Doorways would change and gates would open. The energy circulated to you, from you, and back through you would become highly charged, magnetized even. You would become super-attractive.

And as this energy grows, your negative Loops will begin to diminish, because lower vibrations cannot very long withstand higher vibrations. Your word-thoughts would increase in Love vibration, your actions would increase in Love vibration. Your mortal body would increase in Love vibration. You would grow and improve. Your life would grow and improve.

Once experienced, the pure Love vibration becomes tantamount. Seek this. Send Love into all of your Loops and watch how your world shifts.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: August 22, 2017

visual by Walks With Fire