What is in a thought? All of your experiences, beliefs, expectations, assumptions, wishes, and comparative studies brought together form thoughts, and above that operates Cognition. Cognition is the condition of being able to study something and make connections, and that involves your consciousness, your unconsciousness, and we hope, your superconsciousness.
Cognition is not without flaw; it is the elixir of everything that you bring to thinking and problem solving. To have arrived at a conclusion does not make the conclusion solid nor the journey impeccable. It is merely the place at which you have stopped, having stopped thinking, believing that your thinking is done.
How then may you trust your Cognition? How many things are you thinking right now? How are you thinking about them; what beliefs, assumptions, and experiences have you already applied to this cocktail of thoughts?
Cognition is more than a recreation for the mind, and for the ever-busy brain who must be kept busy at every moment. It is a culmination of rational ideas colored by imagination. It is the civilized tempered by the feral.
Cognition will tell you that the screeking floor board is merely heat and cold, but quickly seduced by other filtrates, it will amend itself to say that someone or something is causing the noise, sneaking up on you with ill intent. It might then return to its first idea, but thereafter waver in its conclusions.
So, how do we apply our Cognition in terms that we can trust? How do we make an ally of Cognition and keep it safe from unsavory seductions? We must apply filters. We must use our highest mind. We must focus on clarity when the murky comfort, or comfortable discomfort, is infringing in our territories.
Who are you, really? What are you made to do? Why are you? These thoughts require the highest, clearest mind. The difference between low answers and high are the difference between a well drawn map and being lost.
Cognition bends to its input, as a computer performs to its software. If we want quality output, we must input quality factors. We must inspect our thoughts for falsehood, mythology, fears, and other manipulations. Would you say that eggs are born of a carton because you have never met a chicken?
Being open to what you do not know is more important than what you believe you know. Select an object in your current view. Name three things you believe you know about that object. Now, believe you know nothing about the object, and look for three things that you did not know. What are they? Do they surprise you?
See how your world expands when you let in what is not known. Cognition is fired by its factors. Remember that any conclusion is an opinion, even in Science where reproducible outcomes may change due to shifts in application and environment. Your world is constantly evolving, as are you.
To evolve on the highest path, you must use your Cognition as a tool. By feeding your thought processes the highest raw forms, and being open to the unknown, your Cognition processes will rise to serve you. You are not your thoughts, but you are intrinsic with them.
Let your thoughts be guided by the highest forms and processes. Let your Cognition be consistent with Truth. And let your self be guided wisely, growing what is known, and ever open to what is not.
Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.
Archives: September 5, 2017
For Discussion: Let us discuss one point: who are you? Is this the same as asking WHAT are you? Can you apply Cognition to these reflections?
How much of your process is influenced by your personal beliefs? How many of your personal beliefs are barely more than repetition, learned input supplied to you by your family and community?
Now, ask your self again: Who are you? When you have decided this, ask the more important question: Who do you want to be?
visual by Walks With Fire