Friday, September 1, 2017





We have agreed that Compacts are a unifying force, a movement that you become part of. We have put forward that you may direct the Compacts that operate your body in order to achieve higher states of health, wholeness, and spiritual knowledge. What now of forming Compacts with Higher Others who may help you forward your goals with even more power and clarity?

When you think of Angels, what image do you perceive? Do you envision Beings as painted by artists over the times, dressed in white, bearing wings? What could be the reason that so many have painted these Beings in a similar way?

We have spoken to you about the movements of your personal energy: how it leaves and how it enters, and that upon viewing this energy one might from a distance, see it as overlapping loops of white electricity. Beings called Angels who enter the Earth stream possess this high level of energy and when seen by the Highest human eye, even at the subconscious level, it appears in its most logical form, that is to say, in the form that makes most sense to the human brain.

What is an Angel? More than you have been taught. Different from what you’ve been taught. More varied in talent and powers, and intentions, than you have been taught. But . . . Angels do abound on Earth and many have the intention of High Helpers to their mortal kin.

We speak to you often of using your discretion when you call out for help. This always applies. Your High Self, who dwells forevermore among the others of Great All, is a sure and pure source for help . . . but sometimes Help is needed that is above what even the High Self is currently able to give, for a variety of reasons, be that maturity, current understanding and knowledge, or emotional disposition.

Angels—the right Angels—can lead a Compact that will benefit you in the Highest way.  And how does one locate these High Beings?  Ask.

As we always advise, ask with respect, from a state of clear thinking. 

Come to this request clean and resolved. 

You know prayer. We all know prayer.

 It is born inside us.

Now, feel your body as you ask. Angels who come for your benefit carry a Love vibration that can take the breath and catch the heart. In the presence of an Angel, you feel the Creator energy of Great All Herself. You feel the unconditional and unending love of All That Is. You may feel moved to tears.

Healing Angels can move through and into us, lifting our vibrations, helping to re-code what has gone awry. You will hear their music and feel their completeness. You will know from whence you have arisen and to whence you will return. It is a gift beyond measure.

Wherever you are today, take a moment to consider this. 

In your next still, small moments, contemplate on the presence of Angels. Seek communion with Them. Invite Them to Compact with you. A Healing Angel’s greatest pleasure is bringing you closer to The Creator.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: September 1, 2017

visual by Walks With Fire

Thursday, August 31, 2017



AUGUST 31, 2017

When you make a Compact with your Self or another, the terms are more binding than a promise. You become ‘part of.’ You give some of your Self over to this group or this Compact, the meeting of many towards a common goal. 

The exponential increase in power yields exponential results. If you want to start a school, your efforts will make a huge impact and indeed, with enough work and passion, you will see the school done. If you form a Compact whose solitary goal is starting a school, you will see your school done in much shorter time and with more detail than you could have singularly brought to the project.

Compacts are a unifying force. They create a dynamic wave. They move things forward in different ways than individuals or small groups, and often absorb others as they roll towards their goal. There are Compacts at work in your community, in your nation, and in your world.

Would it surprise you to know that there are Compacts at work inside You? 

Your brain has formed a Compact with your spinal cord, your nerve roots, and your many descending branches of nerves. This Compact works with the Compacts of soft tissues, including your blood and lymph and skin, your hormones and their organs, and your bony frame and all the levers that act upon it. You are alive in your body because of Compacts.

For a moment, become aware of one of these Compacts. They are perpetually running behind the scenes, never stopping to ask for your input, never waiting for your direction. These silent mechanics perform their jobs according to the templates laid out for them. 

And from what magical places do these templates arise, but from You?

You are born into a certain biology-set and grow with it. Your beliefs and passions will create a lifestyle that trains that biology-set. That biology-set will respond to its environment, protecting itself, testing itself, and over time, aging. During all of this, your Compacts are making adjustments in order to operate at their peak.

But . . . what if these Compacts receive another source of input? What if you began to give these Compacts more conscious direction? You are doing just that when you try to convince yourself that you are not afraid, or that you will quickly fall asleep.

What if you directed these Compacts to help you heal, to help you see what is currently unseen, to hear what is currently unheard, or do things that you have heretofore been unable to do? How do you think your abilities, and therefore your life, would change?

We are not talking in the ridiculous. We are not saying that you may direct your Compacts to help you to fly or to become invisible. We are declaring that by becoming aware of, and communicating with, your Compacts, you may become more You. You may become a mortal vessel that contains a greater percentage of the Higher Self.

Directing your Compacts to expansively allow for more of the Higher Self is exactly what one is doing in a dedicated meditation practice. These rituals shift not only the consciousness; they shift the body state as well.

Become aware of your bodily Compacts. Thank them for their tireless service. Let them know that you desire to be whole, and filled optimally with your Highest Self. Shine with your own Light—so brightly that others may see and will want to shine themselves.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.     

     Archives: August 31, 2017

visual by Walks With Fire

Wednesday, August 30, 2017



AUGUST 30, 2017

When people come together to formally achieve something, their personal energies are much amplified. Be this destructive or uplifting, a Convocation increases many-fold the intention that is most prevalent in the crowd gathered. This can be achieved by working with other persons, or by working with your spirit guides and the elements.

Let us say that your will is weak for a task you feel you must complete. How does one overcome fear, confusion, or even apathy for this task when the core from which you draw seems non-cooperative? To go through the motions of doing something, enough times, may build the will, but recruiting support is wiser and more expedient.

Recruiting support from higher sources will give you a broader perspective and better understanding of what the task entails, and its possible outcomes. It will help you to be aware, and stay aware, of the shifts taking place in your world. A Convocation of assistance will help keep you moving forward.

Think of a task that you need to complete: something that should be shored-up or torn down or made peace with. Look at its many elements. What are the broad categories of influence for this task? What is your resistance to this task?

Determine which elements might be helpful: water to get things flowing or wash away or clean; fire to illumine, burn away, or transform; earth to ground, sanctify space and connect; air to rise above, remove stagnation, and mind-travel. Using Ethers, the great overruling element, will help you to reset your vibrational body; it is the element of the spiritual warrior.

Once you have determined which elements may be of help, call upon those spirits working within it. Do this with respect. Ask politely. No price is extracted for working to harmonize the whole, not from those spirits of high intent—and these are the only spirits you should invoke.

Have you repeating thoughts? Use Air to lift them: “I call upon the spirits of Air to lift my circular thoughts, and give thanks to these powers for their gifts in leaving me more balanced and whole.” Asking as a supplicant will show respect. Go to this task clean and humble. You need not know extensive ritual for this healing. Ask as a child of the Great All and be open with gratitude to receive.

You could study these things. You could follow long standing traditions. These ways are well and good . . . but maybe you aren’t that person. Maybe you are a busy mother or a stressed out executive. Maybe the old arts don’t call to you. That does not make you less. That does not make you less connected.

Great All’s principles are resolute: “Ask and you shall receive.” Have faith in that. Have faith that the elements you arose from know you always.

There is a Convocation of help available to you at all times. What is it that needs doing in your life? What is it that needs doing inside You? How does the power of your intentions increase as you bring onboard cosmic help?

Ritual is excellent, but intention is crucial. Use your highest intentions to call a Convocation of help and watch how your life shifts. 

Watch how your life grows.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: August 30, 2017

visual by Walks With Fire

Tuesday, August 29, 2017



AUGUST 29, 2017

By establishing new coda term by term, you may avoid stripping out what already exists. A new coda, by its higher vibration, will naturally reduce and eventually overwhelm old ones. At times, you will experience epiphanies which will override the old coda and in one instant set you on a different path, but for the most part you will approach Truth matter by matter, Renovating your Life Files rather than burning them all at the same time.

Truth is the greatest Renovator there is. Its high vibration fells all its conflicting influences and re-sets the files in which it dwells. A new Truth taken in and absorbed creates a new person with a new mind and a new path. Rather than waking to a new identity and purpose, you slowly turn your line of sight to the higher ideas, moving towards Truth and away from myth.

Renovations in this way are less jolting than whole-paradigm shifts. If you encounter falsehood without receiving an overruling Truth, for a time you will be operating with missing files. You will know that you don’t want to operate with File-A anymore, but you won’t have yet established a File-B. There will be a hole in your Files. This is what people experience when they feel a hole inside themselves, when something seems to be missing.

Let us say that Truth has overruled File-A concerning your career. You realize that File-A is no longer pertinent. You have no File-B, a different career or application for your talents and energies, not in your mind-thoughts at least. What feelings are you feeling? Do you feel loss of purpose? confusion? panic? depression?

How invested were you in your Career-File when you discovered that the file was closed and obsolete? If your identity was commingled with your Career and all of its entails, you may feel less-than. You may be panicked about finding a Career-B. You may be forced to make more shifts before File-B begins to write itself.

But . . . what if you recognized the changes in File-A before it collapsed in its own deficiencies? What if you began to Renovate File-A, letting Truth filter into its content bit by bit, replacing the pieces of the File that are outdated, skewed, based on myth, or plainly outgrown?

Rather than having an empty File-A, you could have one that is Renovated. Your dependable and durable File-A could begin to be remade. Old processes and beliefs could be supplanted with fresher, more relevant content. The software that is File-A could be updated rather than scrapped.

Now, instead of operating your mind-thoughts from software than no longer serves you and indeed, may be limiting or destructive, you may move forward, efficiently operating without the baggage that you strip away. You will feel more streamlined. As you Renovate File-A you will grow confident in its new contents.

Life is change. Confront the mind-thoughts that dwell in outdated Files. Study them aspect-by-aspect and yield what is outgrown to the Renovations of Truth. Like your computer, relevant and appropriate software is required to operate at peak.

Whatever the thing in your Life may be that is calling out now for new ideas and a fresh outlook, study it. Let in the Light. Challenge the contents of your Files and purge what is old and crippling. Truth will flood in to fill those spaces.

Like the full cup, you cannot add Truth until there are spaces made to accept it. Renovate in small increments until it is habit. Embrace Truth and grow larger, faster. 

Become Truth.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: August 29, 2017

visual by Walks With Fire

Monday, August 28, 2017



AUGUST 28, 2017

Naming something gives it identity. Invoking the Name of the named thing thereafter gives it power, unlike the unnamed or unclaimed thing. When you Name something, you connect part of yourself to the object, idea, entity, or person.

Live Fire will burn you, for the most part. You do not need to believe that It Can burn you. Certain tenets just are. However: how can you have a beautiful life if you do not believe in a beautiful life?

What does a beautiful life look like? Do you see perfect health, purpose, social and financial success in this beautiful life? If given one Name, what would you call this beautiful life?

Let’s say that you call your beautiful life Nirvana. The Apellation of Nirvana contains certain attributes, however you have assigned them. Think of the package you have made for the condition of Nirvana. How much of your life follows the Nirvana principles and how much do you believe is myth—an Apparition?

If you Name Nirvana and then look upon it as a myth, you have made your Nirvana into an Apparition. How can you attract and build on an Apparition, something that isn’t really there—or here?

We are surrounded by what is invisible to us. Do you paper over hate and crime and warfare and willful destruction because you think it doesn’t affect your life? Have you made important Apellations into Apparitions? Ignoring What Is does not destroy What Is: action must be taken for that to occur. It is likewise with the things that you Name.

If you would like to enjoy a beautiful life and call it Nirvana, study its attributes and think daily on its presence. Change its Name when it becomes more or different. Understand that though your road will know trouble and detour, this Nirvana is still with you, helping.

Dream your Nirvana and bring it close to you. Listen to its wisdom. It will tell you how to embody it.

Now: imagine what happens when you Dream your Self. Imagine what happens when you Name your Self.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: August 28, 2017

visual by Walks With Fire

Sunday, August 27, 2017



AUGUST 27, 2017


In Greek, hoi polloi means simply "the many"

The will and habits of the many represent the larger condition of the world. Commingling energies and thoughts, The Many choose directions, make laws, and ignore what they would not engage. Non-engaging is a valid and currently, the most employed, decision-making process on Earth.

Look at your own Life. It is a reflection of the greater whole. Think of a condition that you would see improved. Study your energy as you think. How does this condition’s existence affect you?

We cannot combat all conditions that we would see changed, but there is a way to acknowledge a condition and rise above the Hoi Polloi, leaving behind apathy and indecision—and that is to incorporate into your own Life, conditions which resist the larger whole. Do you disagree with a corporate practice or its politics? Do not support that corporation.

And do not make excuses. Do not say: this is how the world works and accept what is, though it disagrees with the Greater Good and your Higher Self. If more of the Hoi Polloi resisted this condition, the condition would soon turn.

Life is about compromise; it is also about integrity. Life is about coming to terms with that which cannot be changed (such as your current mortality), and working to change that which is unsatisfactory. For your mind, body, and spirit to be balanced, your Life and your World must be balanced—and you must contribute to this daily.

Begin with something in your Life which you have blind-eyed. When this condition begins to shift, its many routes of influence begin to shift. You will affect not only your Life, but the Lives of many. The Hoi Polloi will benefit from your proactive measures.

What you lift, lifts for all. This morning, find one thing and begin working to lift it.

Rise above the Hoi Polloi and let brightly shine your Light.


Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

    Archives: August 27, 2017

photo by  Vitaliy Lyubezhanin on Unsplash

Saturday, August 26, 2017



AUGUST 26, 2017

          ~~the formation of life risen from that considered non-living matter.

From what non-living matter do you arise, and how does that matter became animated, and further yet, become You? When you say that a rock is dumb, do you realize the percent by which your body is built of those same minerals? How would you arise from the Earth, and survive here, if you were not part of its Song?

Do you contemplate your origins? You have many origins. Pieces of you have been recruited from many locations in the Great All. You are a Tapestry that is part of the Tapestry. You are a Note in a Song. You are a Song within a Song. You are part of a great Harmony.

Feel your belonging. If things are difficult, feel the intrinsic parts of you vibrating with the whole, beginning with Earth. How does this planet Love you? How deeply are you supported?

When you feel separate-from, different-from, or distanced-from What Is, slow your rhythms and listen . . . deeply. You must hear beneath the surface chaos and without expectation or judgment, let What Is speak without impedance.

There is stone in you. There is water in you. The elements of fire and air reside in you. The overruling element, Ether is there in great quantity, electric and pervasive; an endless schematic for making and re-making Life. Do you feel how these elements feed you?

If you hunger it is because you do not sit at the table. 

Take your seat and be fed, and in being fed, be thankful. 

You are All That Is. 



Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

    Archives: August 26, 2017

visual by Walks With Fire