We have agreed that Compacts are a unifying force, a movement that you become part of. We have put forward that you may direct the Compacts that operate your body in order to achieve higher states of health, wholeness, and spiritual knowledge. What now of forming Compacts with Higher Others who may help you forward your goals with even more power and clarity?
When you think of Angels, what image do you perceive? Do you envision Beings as painted by artists over the times, dressed in white, bearing wings? What could be the reason that so many have painted these Beings in a similar way?
We have spoken to you about the movements of your personal energy: how it leaves and how it enters, and that upon viewing this energy one might from a distance, see it as overlapping loops of white electricity. Beings called Angels who enter the Earth stream possess this high level of energy and when seen by the Highest human eye, even at the subconscious level, it appears in its most logical form, that is to say, in the form that makes most sense to the human brain.
What is an Angel? More than you have been taught. Different from what you’ve been taught. More varied in talent and powers, and intentions, than you have been taught. But . . . Angels do abound on Earth and many have the intention of High Helpers to their mortal kin.
We speak to you often of using your discretion when you call out for help. This always applies. Your High Self, who dwells forevermore among the others of Great All, is a sure and pure source for help . . . but sometimes Help is needed that is above what even the High Self is currently able to give, for a variety of reasons, be that maturity, current understanding and knowledge, or emotional disposition.
Angels—the right Angels—can lead a Compact that will benefit you in the Highest way. And how does one locate these High Beings? Ask.
As we always advise, ask with respect, from a state of clear thinking.
Come to this request clean and resolved.
You know prayer. We all know prayer.
It is born inside us.
Now, feel your body as you ask. Angels who come for your benefit carry a Love vibration that can take the breath and catch the heart. In the presence of an Angel, you feel the Creator energy of Great All Herself. You feel the unconditional and unending love of All That Is. You may feel moved to tears.
Healing Angels can move through and into us, lifting our vibrations, helping to re-code what has gone awry. You will hear their music and feel their completeness. You will know from whence you have arisen and to whence you will return. It is a gift beyond measure.
Wherever you are today, take a moment to consider this.
In your next still, small moments, contemplate on the presence of Angels. Seek communion with Them. Invite Them to Compact with you. A Healing Angel’s greatest pleasure is bringing you closer to The Creator.
Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.
Archives: September 1, 2017
visual by Walks With Fire