Monday, March 31, 2014


What is Service to Humanity, or Service to any group? Is it Sacrifice? Assistance? Mediation? Sharing? Diplomacy? Compassion? Teaching? Peacekeeping? War-making? The answers are as varied as the opponents who would argue against the same.

Do you give Service when you set strong boundaries for a person intent on harming themselves or others? What if by saving that person, he or she goes on to kill a thousand in the future, alone and unstable without someone to set strong boundaries for them again? How then, does the first act of saving that person from themselves appear to your heart and mind—to your compassion—according to a future outcome such as that?

Service cannot be measured in these terms. We will state this once more: Service cannot be measured in these terms.

Service is any act given in compassion and truth that at the time, is perceived to benefit the highest good. Let that act stand alone. Do not think it forward. “If I give this person money, will they spend it on agents for self destruction (drugs or alcohol, etc.) rather than agents for good (food, shelter, clothing, etc.)?”       

Offer Service in the moment, according to what can best be perceived as the action supporting the highest good. If you believe that the highest Service is inviting a person to shelter and food rather than giving them money for shelter and food, by all means, offer that form of Service. There is no need to judge, except within yourself, whether or not you are rightly hearing how you are called to act. 

The boundaries of Service are governed by your abilities to see and perceive them, negotiate them, and integrate them into your life. Service is not only a matter for humanity. It includes everything that exists in the Great All. Everything that crawls, swims, flies, walks, and wanders amid the glories of Gaia and her Ethers are included in your opportunities for Service, as well as the other realms wherein dwell your Spirit Brethren.

Service is the outflow of your Divine Self to others, 
when given in its highest form.
It is Love, given purely. 

It may come wrapped with different faces, 
but its core is that of Great All, 
recognized and shared, 
and therefore made manifest and multiplied.

Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

March 31, 2014

Sunday, March 30, 2014


What is Retaliation but the agreement between a person and the energy of the first strike to be of accord? Player One causes harm. Player Two feels harm. Now, Player Two longs for Player One to feel similar harm. In order for Player One to feel that harm, Player Two must strike it. This brings Player One and Player Two into an accord—both doing harm.

We all know that this is not the highest way or the way of peace. Harm is not cured by more harm, just as hunger is not cured by more hunger. But, we do not send these teachings to the masses, we send them to you, the reader who has come here to listen, one person who seeks the higher way . . .

What might you do when someone has done you harm? How can you negotiate that energy when your goal is to manage the unfolding of events in the highest possible manner? Consider first, these points:

 =Was harm done? Sometimes what we categorize as harm
 is actually oversight, laziness, ennui, or the application of varying value systems.

           =If harm was done, what kind and what level of harm was done?  
Is this a harm to your Spirit, Mind or Body? 
Or is this a mundane harm concerning material property of some sort?

           =Can you mediate the effects of this harm or are they irreversible?

           =Was the harm inflicted intentionally toward you,
 the individual, you as part of a group, or you as a bystander? 

           =Does this harm stand by its own efforts 
or does it gather force by its similarity to conflicts in your history?

           =Would this harm be categorized by you
 in the same way if it was inflicted by another? 
Imagine three other sources for this harm and compare them.  
How does that change your perception of this harm?

            =Only you can transform a harm into a wound.  
What steps can you take to isolate this harm 
and prevent it from becoming a wound?

There are many more points you could consider about harm and wounding and Retaliation, but the message we bring this morning is that you cannot feed the energy that you wish to diminish. That is a simple principle. Yes, it does not feel so simple when harm has come to you and your self-protective energies throw you into warrior defense mode.

The mightiest warriors use their opponent’s force against them; they use their opponent’s aggression and impatience against them. Most often, those who seek to do harm are also those who have little relationship with controlling their small selves. The higher selves have very little voice in those persons. They run on fear, ego, and animal adrenaline.

Therefore, when you seek to emulate other persons, seek those who display behaviors indicative of High Self. While there is no way in life to avoid harm, there are different ways to negotiate its effects. Retaliation is not one of them. Retaliation is mirroring.

As you pass your day today, think of your current conditions and concerns. Are you harboring thoughts of Retaliation—even at the level of bad-wishing someone? What would happen if you severed that connection and called that energy back home to live with you? How would your personal energy increase and how would your mental distractions decrease?

We give away much energy in making other people 
responsible for disappointments and failures in our lives, 
especially when we believe that there is probable cause. 

When you make the pebbles under your footsteps into stones, 
the way is harder—but what ease when the stones become pebbles!

Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

March 30, 2014


Friday, March 28, 2014


A Quiet Spirit is a Spirit at peace. Spirit is the anima; Soul is the IS. Practice Quiet Spirit. Practice letting the world move THROUGH YOU the way Light moves through a landscape.

Using meditation, prayer, and ritual, come to this daily 
and see how your troubles and doubts grow smaller, softer and more quiet.

You are a Song, a sweet thread of speaking to Great All of your Love for Her Creation. In between singing, you assume a restful attentiveness, awaiting your cue to contribute your part to the great Cosmic Symphony. This is the great gift: knowing the Song and letting it sing you (acknowledge and exalt you); and knowing the restful, attentive peace between the notes that allows you to be a unique contributor to the Cosmic Symphony. Listen there. Listen. It swells around you, supporting you as you float among its notes. There is no effort, only love and joy. The Center returns you to your unblemished template; it helps you to remember your Self.

Stand alone in a place you enjoy, inside or outside
Feel your feet on the ground. Be relaxed.
Notice the direction that you are facing. Try facing different directions.
Choose the direction that feels best. Breathe deeply.
Close your eyes and continue breathing. Breathe in and out through your belly button.
Imagine the ball of Light, your Center, behind your belly button.
Imagine your Center Light connecting with the Light that is all around you.
Breathe deeply in and out, letting the Light continue to connect, filling you and growing.
Listen to your breath; feel the Light as a tingling warmth on your skin.
When you are ready, imagine your Center as that ball of Light inside again, tucked in.
Know Peace.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

March 28, 2014

(an aside:  do the Ritual Peace Meditation for times as long as you enjoy doing it . . .)

Thursday, March 27, 2014


We are traveling to the center on individual jet streams powered by beliefs, needs, skills, and challenges. If you were watching from above, you would see in the milling mass of pilgrims, a variety of person and purpose to astound the heart and mind. Next to the speeding man on the motorbike is the nanny pushing the pram, the outlaw on the ass, the nudist praising the sun, and the buttoned-up counting his money.

As we move, we transform. We grow lighter and more generous; wiser. We must, to cross into the higher vibrational planes that are required to penetrate Great All’s Center. We become more aware of how tangent are our brothers and sisters; how tangent is our purpose and wholeness and how completely constructed within the Greater Song we are.

We are of that Greater Song, part of making it beautiful. Today, we might be part of what is keeping it off-key—but one day, our unique and essential thread will add its unique and essential piece to the complete the riven Song Tapestry that is the masterpiece of Great All at its best: restored to Prime.

You will make this journey, as will we all. Will you remain in the illusion that you do it alone? Will you labor under the yoke of defeatism? Will you eat of the poison that causes you to believe that you must suffer, by purpose, in order to be worthy of this journey? 

Or: Will you say that this road is long and I will find good company where I may, rest when I can, use my skills wherever I’m able, and meet my challenges with grace?

Will you say: I can walk this long road, 
and yes, at times, even sit upon it, 
but what might happen if on this road, I choose to dance? 
What happens if on this road, I Fandango?

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

March 27, 2014

Photo by olena ivanova on Unsplash

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Fire is hot, whether or not you believe in its power to burn 
before you touch it—just as Truth knows itself, whether or not you have uncovered its mysteries. 

You live on the edges of many Powers, enjoying their Sufferance until they lift their veils and invite you inside. Once you have shown a certain respect and a certain ability to accept and surrender, you will see only the faint outer ring as you step nearer, and nearer again as you move into and through deeper layers toward the core of any Truth. 

Still, the Truth will show itself only through your reflection until you can see it purely, as a peer. Until that time, you live on that Truth’s Sufferance and will not advance. To advance, you must cast away your assumptions, pre-conceived notions, beliefs, personal desires, fears, and grasping. You must see and feel and resonate with the Truth for what it is. Purely. Then will you be able to cross into the next veil. 

This process may take countless lifetimes. You may not achieve the penetration of the greatest and faintest outer ring of Power’s Truth in this or any mortal lifetime in the near future. “Why?” you ask. Sufferance. As Power and Truth is willing to give you Sufferance, you are rigid, and unwilling to give your Sufferance to others who need it for their own advancement.

Ask yourself: who in your sphere of influence needs compassion and patience and unconditional love and mentorship and support (as you do)? Are you giving it? Life is a circle. What you send out around the great Lemniscate of Life vibrates along that brilliant filament and finds its way back to you, its energy much magnified. Are you sending out what you wish to receive in return?

When you Love, you say to Great All: It is important to Love. When you Hate, you say to Great All: It is important to Hate. When you Gift, you say to Great All: It is important to Gift. When you Take, you say it is important to Take. As you question, censor, label, and judge the motivations and actions of others, do the same with your own. Give them Sufferance. Give yourself Sufferance. Now, do higher works.

Launch onto those Brilliant Filaments and send buzzing along the great Lemniscate of Life, those highest conditions you most want to see returned to you. Limit your Expectations to Your Self. Give Sufferance to both Your Self and to others.

Be Light, that the veils of Truth
 may part for you and that you may draw everclose
 to the core of Great All’s pure Love.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

March 26, 2014


Tuesday, March 25, 2014


When you have given up more than you think you are able; everything sometimes, you will rise from those ashes burning. Perhaps you will be so tender you will not have formed a new identity. Perhaps it will come to you in pieces, like raindrops, hitting and cooling your skin with tiny bits of the universe locked inside each molecule.

You might feel blank or undone or you might be encrypted with joys and mysteries that await your discovery. However you rise from the Fires that consume your past and your history, you will be new—and the more you try to pretend that away, the more you will suffer—the more the internal Fires will rage and refuse to cool.

What is Fire but a conflagration, transfiguration, and transmutation for change? Ashes to Ashes. Dust to Dust. How does the stardust come into to you and how does it return? By Fire.

So, when your Fires rise 
and you are burning, 
look inside yourself.  
And when you rise burning, be glad.  
Let that Light shine and keep shining 
until the old has burned away 
and made room for everything new.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

March 25, 2014

Monday, March 24, 2014


When you feel dissatisfied with something in your life, what do you do? Likely, at first you will grumble and complain. Like a garment that is becoming worn or losing its shape, or one that you are outgrowing, you notice, but for a while you fail to take action—unhappy, but not unhappy enough to make the changes required to improve the situation. This will continue for as long a time as you allow.

However, what happens when the day comes that your feet no longer fit in your shoes, when your old car no longer runs, when the last rafter has been eaten away in your house? When Time has decided for you that change will now occur, you will make the required shifts according to Time's terms: a visit to the shoe store, the car lot, the real estate office. How does that feel?

Are you wondering how you allowed yourself to be waxed into this corner, where you pretended that your shoes or your car or your house would serve you forever? Did you think that your contact with the Earth, or the way that you travel or shelter would never need changing? You will have seen the signs that indicated otherwise long before the old structures gave you their last. True?

When the still, small voice of Great All is speaking inside of you for change, listen and heed it. That is your compass. Use it as a Springboard and take the leap. Don’t wait for the shadow of failed systems to force you into the next place.

This is what is meant by the Leap of Faith.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

March 24, 2014

Photo by Piotrek on Unsplash