Friday, March 18, 2022


   ~how archives reflect angles and ages

Once a thing is written, and believed, it persists. You may destroy manuscripts, and evidence of manuscripts, but the words once written have already made their wave. The Mementos, and the Shadows of Ink, now exist in the Hall of Concordance. The piece has been engraved.

Think about a troubling memory—something that caused you to change your opinion about a person, place, or a thing. Later, you might understand that the entire construct was false, or was falsely observed, such as having viewed it through child eyes. You may later experience a similar circumstance through a more mature lens, but your initial contact with such a thing lingers. Its Shadow has helped you to form your tenets and beliefs.

If your first contact with the world is one of despair, violence, and insecurity, that Memento will live on with you, even when your world moves away from those things and never revisits them. You may currently know that other ways to live exist, but once you have separated from those ways and Created new ways, you will not magically become unaware of the first.

The Master’s task then, is to stay aware of those things that helped to form you, whether deleterious or beneficial, and understand that in the construct of Great All, someone is currently formed around those experiences and beliefs. Perhaps, they haven’t the will, the awareness, or the support to rise above or transmute them. This is all the same, whether or not those Shadows and Mementos are remembered in a positive or negative light.

Do you believe that every trip to the dentist ends with a milkshake-reward? Do you believe that eating with your elbows on the table will earn you a slap? Do you believe that you’ll always be picked last for the sports team at school, or that being Class President earns you things that you needn't work for? You will find many of these biases hiding inside you.

This is why words are so powerful. Humans use words to frame experiences. Humans use words to identify, to exchange communications, to tell truth, to tell lies, to label or include or exclude. Words are used to influence and condemn. They are used to express love.

And words are wrapped all around and through your life. Word-Thoughts are so powerful, we cannot fail to form them, even when we believe we are communicating without them.

So do an inventory of which Mementos and which Faded Inks are creating a weight in your life. Mind your words as you speak them, and even as you think them. Indelible, indestructible words have made you, and continue to shape you. Make the commands that words trigger and drive serve you, and serve all of Creation in the Highest ways possible.

Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.
Friday, March 18, 2022



Photo by Elia Pellegrini on Unsplash

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