Thursday, August 30, 2018



AUGUST 30, 2018

 ~~ purifying by fire

Rendering is the process by which a by-product or waste product is turned into a usable commodity. The process is often led by heat or fire, though Rendering can also be achieved in other ways.

Think of the times you have shifted your life focus. Think of the assets attached to an outdated plan or belief. 
Now . . . take those assets and translate them into something that has contemporary pertinence.

Let us say that a young lady wants to enter a school where tuition must be paid. She Renders from her possessions, the outgrown dolls and toys of her childhood, selling them for monies to apply to tuition. She Renders from them, assets which help her to keep moving forward, that also lighten her material Ballast. This is easy to understand.

Now . . . think of the emotional and spiritual detritus to which you cling. Perhaps living a too public life has left you an isolationist, but isolation no longer serves you. How do you withdraw the traits of isolationism and Render them, leaving you with new skills for your present?

In isolation you learned to be self-entertaining, but in so doing, your opinions became flat and uninspired, even fixed. 
You may Render one-sidedness to come out with unshakable focus—the ability to look at one thing in one way and see a singular task to its end. Your singularity for filtering out all other input has become a singularity that drives a task forward.

Perhaps you were seldom in conversation with others. Render out the damaging aspects of this, to purify your ability to listen deeply without feeling the need to speak. Maybe you became entrenched in your own routines and schedules; try applying the Rendered asset to established ideas using rebellious, new ideas.

No gifts are wasted once you become aware of them. What awe-some new skills are lurking inside outdated traits? What well-honed skill-set can be redirected for fresh inspiration?

Do not tarry over the detritus and overage in your history. Instead, Render your negative Ballast into something uplifting and helpful.

Mine your back catalogs for assets that can be applied in new ways. 
You will reveal training that surprises and delights.

Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: August 30, 2018

visuals by Walks With Fire

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