Wednesday, July 8, 2015



JULY 8, 2015
JULY 8, 2015

Prick any line for the presence of its stars and you will find what you seek.  In every rock, plant, animal, and human-created object, it is there.  

Prima Materia in its most ineffable form is at home in all of Creation, creating the scaffolding of What Is.  Underneath everything that changes is the one Note that does not change, and that Note, pure and singular, recognizes itself wherever and whenever it dwells.

Knowing this, how can things, persons, objects, become Lost—one from the other?  What is actually happening when communication is Lost between persons, a person and an animal, a person and a place, animals and a place, or a macrocosm and its inhabitants?

Let us look first at the largest condition:  Earth and her children (and that is to include All, for your planet is a closed ecosystem, dependent upon many factors that each contribute to a crucial infrastructure of circular regeneration in order to maintain life).  Communication has become so greatly compromised, the cycle of regeneration is broken.  The ecosystem cannot maintain or heal itself.  Is this because the vibrant fibers of Great All refused to speak, or did damage-doers fail to listen?

What about your nation?  Is all well within?  Do you agree with how things are in your homeland?  Do the guidelines set for your people reflect what you feel inside your Self?  Do the guidelines reflect the Highest Good for All—not just your nation, but all nations?  

Do you think that if those in power were listening, and heeding, the very construct of Great All, every guideline would be made to support the Highest Good for All—always?  Is the availability of knowledge to Do Good matched by the availability of the willpower to Understand Doing Good and Performing Goodness?

Your community also has a voice, and it might be closer to your own, more intimate, more aligned with your personal views.  It might not.  How does your community voice speak, and how closely does its message resonate with the message you perceive is that of Great All’s message for yourself and your neighbors?  Think how your world would change if each community began to reflect the Highest Good For All principles of Creation Itself . . .

And You.  This is where listening begins.  Do you feel Lost?  Do you feel that something has become Lost from you?  When did this happen?  Was it sudden, or so slow that you can’t remember when it was finally gone?

Do not mourn that not meant to be mourned.  Power and beauty and young, foolish dreams are meant to fade.  Wisdom, strength, and knowledge are meant to grow.  If you believe you are Lost, this is only temporary.  A rush of panic can be a call to action.  A sense of displacement can become a burning drive to get rooted.  A need for direction can turn into a calling.

When you are Lost, let the stars inside you guide you.  We will talk again on the more practical aspects of how you can use this in your life.  Until then, contemplate where you stand with Lies and Truth, what awaits you on the Horizon, and what haunts you from your Past.

Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: July 8, 2015

visual by Walks With Fire

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