Saturday, July 25, 2015



JULY 25, 2015

The Horizon, that next place, and state-condition, is always there, whether or not you can see it or sense it—whether or not you are even aware of it.  

Because your Eternal Song perpetually lives all around you, it lives in the Time you inhabit now, the Time that you believe you have already inhabited, and that Time that you will inhabit.  Being parted from your Song is an occurrence so rare, we deign not speak to the matter in this treatise.

Your Song is woven through You, part of You, part of Great All, keeping you connected to All That Is, All That Has Been, and All That Will Be.  Speak these words again.  Do you hear what we say to you?  Do you feel the meaning of these words in your body?  Do you feel your Spirit quicken as you respond to the meaning of these words?  Your Song is a Key to many mysteries.  It is a passport to knowledge, a way to gain wisdom, to obtain insights that help you to understand Your Life, Your Soul, and All That Is----------The Great All.

Inside You, the star matter from which your scaffolding is constructed, is working as a Conductor in a multitudinous sense:  directing energies, making connections, severing connections, and streaming together appropriate synaptic alchemies at the most appropriate times.  And the Miracle of this is . . . You are the Master of this masterful Conductor.  You.  You direct the Conductor.

You may tell the Conductor which instruments to include in the symphony.  You may indicate which to disclude.  You may choose the songs and the players, the style and manners of delivery—even the audience, to a great degree.  You are the builder, the Co-Creator.  You tell the Conductor how to lift the baton, driving the pace and phrasing.  Using your inborn wisdoms, your gained experiences, your knowledge, and as much and whenever able, the indrawn breath of the Great All and All it contains, you create from that rush of cacophony, a streamlining of ideas that rise in exultation.

How do you do this?  By understanding where You are.  You thrive in an interconnected web of wisdom, and pain, exquisite tenderness and suffering, strength and stalled power.  You live inside a twisting, writhing, dancing animal of supreme, non-conditional responsiveness that has known you always, that knows you now in every moment, and will always know you.  You cannot be lost from the stuff of which you are made.  It is not possible, but to cease entirely.

When you believe you are Lost, you are temporarily misdirected and closed.  The star matter inside you knows its place, but because you are The Master, the star matter awaits your commands.  When you release the governors falsely holding back the star matter inside your mortal form, from the star matter hovering outside your mortal form, the connections are immediate, and quite often jolting.  If you have been feeling Lost, or numb, or dead, or confused, you must open these gateways again very slowly.

Using breath is a wise way to widen these gateways.  Through meditation, you first find the rhythm of your body, syncing it with that of Great All, allowing the two rhythms to attune, giving your star matter permission to calibrate.  This lightens the responsibility of the conscious mind, as there will be no need for intellectual calculation.  Each time you practice this expansion, this letting go of the governors containing your star matter, you feel the greater sense of connectedness with Great All . . . Eternity firing inside you as it dances together with its vibratory playmates.

For those attuned to meditation, these concepts come easily.  That is not to say that those practicing, with full heart, do not experience feelings of The Lost—that is a sign that deeper work is needed in traveling toward The Horizon, in moving forward.  For those with experience, you likely know what works to settle the mind and soothe the body in order to obtain these results.  For those of you new to these ideas, we give you a very short, standing awareness ritual to begin this process.

We begin with some basic understandings:
The hologram of Great All lives complete at your Center, therefore, at no time is the Universe and the Great All unaware of You. There is no need to ‘connect to’ your Center; you are constructed around it. There is no need to ‘leave your body’ to find Center; it is inside you. To feel your Center, remove the governors you have placed there and let it flow. Your Center is compressed energy; the more often it flows freely, the more helpful it is. Because Your Center is a hologram of Great All, its energy is eternal and infinite

To allow your Core/ Center to flow, you need only remove its restrictions.  This process is belly-centered and awareness-focused.  We will release our Center and make friends with the idea that forces much larger than our singular Selves are at work around us—forces that are available for us to work with.  Working with these forces in benevolent ways produces benevolent results, a primary result being the feeling of Peace.  Increase time as experience allows.

Stand alone in a place you enjoy, inside or outside, feel your feet on the ground.  Be relaxed. Notice the direction that you are facing. Try facing different directions. Choose the direction that feels best. Breathe deeply. Close your eyes and continue breathing.  Breathe in and out through your belly button. Imagine the ball of Light, your Center, behind your belly button. Imagine your Center Light connecting with the Light that is all around you. Breathe deeply in and out, letting the Light continue to connect, filling you and growing. Listen to your breath; feel the Light as a tingling warmth on your skin. When you are ready, imagine your Center as that ball of Light inside again, tucked in. Retain the awareness that the conversation between the Inner Light and Outer Light Continues. Perpetually.

Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: July 25, 2015

visual by Walks With Fire

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