Monday, September 14, 2020





     ~ the perpetual fabric of Great All

What do you envision when you say the word Everlasting? Is it a pledge, or a plan, or the endpoint of something measured in Time? Is the Everlasting something that exists without endpoint, something that stretches so far from its beginning, its end forms a loop that meets again its starting point? Is it Infinity?

The Everlasting is the fabric of Great All. It is the energy units upon which all Creation is made . . . and destroyed in order to be made again.

You know that nothing here is static. All building blocks are moving, shifting, exchanging, and becoming aware in new, more expansive ways. The Everlasting is the Central Thread, the Core Note, the Prime Idea. It is the tireless and durable filament from which all things orchestrate.

How often are you aware of The Everlasting of You? What ideas Sang you together? How has your Song been edited, recreated, made more inclusive, and Wiser? Do you feel that Filament . . . that knows your blueprint, your every thought and every breath? You will know it at death, when that sweet note is plucked and you resonate with all that is. You knew it at birth, when you exploded into your humanity.

Know The Everlasting now . . . in your breathe and your mind-space, and in the cavities of your heart and soul. Do not wait for the storm to feel the rain on your face. Do not wait for the lightning to follow the Light. You are The Everlasting.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: September 14, 2020

Photo by Max LaRochelle on Unsplash

Sunday, September 13, 2020



BEING, 2024 JULY 02


     ~ acknowledging Self as an indivisible individual

The Great All has a Form and a Song that is familiar to you and Everlasting, one that is Its basic matrix and scaffold.  It also has a Form and a Song that is constantly shifting. You are part of both. 

You are busy Being and Existing in both the eternal unchanging Great All, and the Great All that is constantly shifting.

To Exist is for the construct from which you arise, within the constructs outside your birthing system, to acknowledge you, accepting you as part of the Pattern. Being is much more. TO BE is to acknowledge Self from within the Self, as an individual, and as indivisible from the whole, to be aware of the questions: Who am I, in my entirely unique aspects? Who am I as contributor to the Whole?

Being is much more than Existing. It is to actively question Life, to participate, to strive, to understand that the past, which you might perceive as being behind you, and the future, which you might perceive as being ahead of you, meet with your Present, and form a circle, loop, or the great Lemniscate—all manifestations of energy in perpetual movement.

Your Earth incarnation is one way of Being. Right now, you are Being Human. How does that feel? At what level are you succeeding? At what level are you failing? Apply those same questions to your family, your community, your country, and your world. 

Being Human on Earth today, how would you describe to someone unaware of your planet, how this experience of Being an Earthling feels and works?

Is it curious, Being Human? Does it sometimes feel foreign to you? When you feel lost, lonely, sad, or angry, do you feel that you are missing something? Do you feel that the answers are locked away from you? Who might be responsible for concealing the secrets? Who might have locked away the answers? Only You—the greater version of Your Self.

You are earning your way towards higher and higher levels of vibration, to gain understanding bit by bit. Like the wise construction of a building’s foundation, slow and thoughtful placement of a deep and proper footing supplies the necessary support for the construct placed upon it—in all weathers. To place in the foundation things not understood, or understood poorly, makes an uncertain and sometimes, dangerous, support for the structure that rises above it.

Do the best you can do, now, every day. The Earth will do what it will. Your universe will do what it will. Others will do as they will. As for you—there can be no race towards wisdom. Gathering what you believe to be facts will result in a wealth of mythological trivia.

Real wisdom comes paired with time. There are no short cuts.

 As you are Being Human, remember that you are Eternally, Spirit. Being Human is your current occupation. Being Spirit is your inescapable birthright and destiny.  You will never finish Being Spirit.

Be a Bright Spirit. 

Be a Loving Human. 

Be aware of Being, and all that means.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: September 13, 2020

Photo by Solen Feyissa on Unsplash

Saturday, September 12, 2020





     ~ focused meditation

Spinning or whirling is a long-standing spiritual tradition, whereby one chooses a place to turn in circles, focusing on a point in the distance. As moving meditation, this process activates corresponding places in the brain, and brings the focus to a very sharp point.

You might remember Spinning from your childhood—the feeling of flight, followed by dizziness and sometimes, nausea. There will be little else you will think of while Spinning. You will focus on colors and sound and the feelings in your body.

If you find meditation difficult, and have the ability to try Spinning . . . (and the physical temperament and tolerance), you will find this a quick route to connecting with your center, listening to your inner voice, and obtaining clarity for your forward path. This method is not for everyone, and certainly those with physical disabilities, inner ear issues, balance problems and possibilities of injury related to falls, should refrain.

What will you discover while Spinning . . . while breaking free from the linear movements you typically follow? Like dance, but deeper, Spinning will lead you into places which you have not yet visited.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: September 12, 2020

Photo by Kinson Leung on Unsplash

Thursday, September 10, 2020





     ~ attitude versus abilities

There is a great leap needed to move from your Willingness to do something to applying your Will in order to achieve a thing. Willingness goes little beyond thinking, while Will and Will Power must converge your Willingness with the emotional, intellectual and physical tenacity to complete a task . . . and the higher the resistance, the higher must be your contribution and dedication.

First, let us speak to this in terms

 of completing a task that benefits 

only the Highest Good. 

Willingness is a kind of flexibility. It could be an ability to see past one’s one Belief system in order to achieve a thing; it could be an awareness that one might have to abandon known conditions, causes and methods to achieve a thing; it might concern a pact with another person, group or reality in order to serve their agenda rather than your own.

In order to feed the hungry children, you must be Willing to go hungry yourself. In order to house the homeless, you must be Willing to share your own abode. In order to address a social injustice, you must be Willing to entirely embody a different view of the world. There, we begin . . . for without this Willingness, how will you fully empower your Will? You cannot say to Will: I want to achieve this thing, but I do not want to compromise, think or believe differently, or give up what I have.

Whether this be greed, sloth, covetness, mean-spiritedness, jealousy, denial, or a host of other conditions, your Willingness must encompass each salient point as it relates to the determination of your Will, applied. If you want to be stronger of body, you must be Willing to release what keeps you weak and/or ill, and embrace what makes you strong, even when it is painful.

To be stronger of mind, you must be Willing to challenge all you hold True, self-analyzing without deceit.

Once you agree and are Willing to do what is necessary, you will have created a clear pathway for your Will to power home your goal. Willingness is the infrastructure and Will is the Willingness made manifest. Begin at the beginning and mark on your map each step where Willingness will be required to make shifts.

Your journey might be staggered and difficult. It may stop and start. It may set your life and your world on end. Give your self time to explore these ideas, and choose the most relevant goal for your life plan. Now proceed towards the very moment that your Will has been achieved . . . looking at your history to determine how many times your Willingness was engaged, did battle, and unfailingly serviced your personal and Highest Will.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: September 10, 2020

Photo by Aaron Greenwood on Unsplash

Wednesday, September 9, 2020





     ~ streamlining faith

  • By what means do you coalesce your Faith? 
  • Do you coalesce your Doubt by opposite means or by similar means? 
  • What is Faith, and what is Doubt?

Faith, in application, is the streamlining of Belief, with or without tangible evidence, toward a desired outcome. When you coalesce your Faith, you first envision the outcome and may or may not see, the factors falling into place that create that outcome. 

Faith is the shortcut between where you are now and where you want to be, providing for the fulfillment of everything in the gulf between those two points becoming manifest—without the need of your laborious and/or egregious manipulation.

You therefore, coalesce your Faith by surrendering, and by remaining an unimpeding factor in allowing the necessary components to come to the pathway that connects point ‘A’, where you are now, and point ‘B’, where you want your Faith to take you. 

The only thing you must manifest is your surrender, your attention, and your willingness to communicate at a level which allows you to see where you are being led—and respond as appropriate, as it becomes appropriate. This happens each time you place your foot on the path. In the present, not the future.

To coalesce Doubt, you must believe in a variety of factors: your inability to travel between points ‘A’ and ‘B’; the existence of point ‘B’; the inability of the route from ‘A’ to ‘B’ to be fully known or fully satisfied; the value of either or both point(s) ‘A’ and ‘B’; or a total or partial lack of resources to fulfill the A/B route. Therefore, Doubt is a much more complex and difficult thoughtform and emotion than is Faith. It requires more energy, time, and space consumption than streamlined Faith. It is tentacled and bulky and altogether anti-social.

But what of rationality and process? What of caution and censure and planning? Can Faith be paired with these conditions, or can they only be paired with Doubt? 

Works of great Faith are usually supported by great work, which in turn requires rationality, process, caution, censure, and planning. Faith does not require the obliteration of mind; it eases the pathway by providing a map for the route between points ‘A’ and ‘B’, unfurling it one beautiful line at a time. Using the vehicle of Faith, the Quiet Mind can follow this map, steady and sure, undisturbed by the internal dialogue of defeat and false control that are the trademarks of Doubt. 

“Here is the first roadway,” Faith says. “Enjoy the scenery.”

This does not mean you will not strive or take some backwards steps. It doesn’t mean that you won’t have to quiet your mind again in order to see the next road and its opportunities.  It means, that you can clearly tune to the frequency wherein lies the instructions that await you: the most appropriate route from where you are to where you want to go, from ‘A’ to ‘B’ containing the best experiences for your soul growth. Place your feet with Grace upon that path.

It will not be without worry or failure, but using Faith, you will usurp Doubt. Faith is not a faulty system. Faith is not for the weak-minded or the false or the cowardly. It also does not close its doors to intellect and reason and work. It invites the Light into these qualities, bringing them to their best aspects. 

The Light says to intellect: Listen! Listen for yourself, and deeply. Think truly, and without the taint of old ways and tired traditions.

  • The Light says to reason: Reason without social stigma and false hierarchy. 
  • Reason with a cosmic mind, unlimited by false potentials. 
  • Grow large by allowing yourself to Reason as Creators reason. 

The Light says to work: Work among your Brethren, for there you do not toil alone. Among good company, you will Create and Achieve what you didn’t know before to be possible.

Usurp Doubt by using the tool called Faith, not in the plundering, limited ways it may have been taught to you. Use Faith in Your Self. Use Faith in Your Purpose. Use Faith as a Co-Creator in a cosmos of Co-Creators.  That is: see point ‘B’ from your current point ‘A’ and actuate yourself for the roadmap that soon occurs. Follow that roadmap, step by step, using your wisdom, and the help of your spiritual community.

However you traverse that road between ‘A’ and ‘B’, you will be awake, and aware of the journey and how you undertake it. You will be a savvy traveler. No two journeys are the same, not even to the same destination, made by the same person from the same beginning point. That is one of the beauties of Life.

Doubt is a construct of a small, constrained mind, NOT a caution. When your intuition and wisdom stays your hand from some action, you understand its urgings: that is Direction, NOT Doubt.  Doubt is a false, sly underpinning. Do not answer its call.  

When you hear Doubt’s voice, look ahead to point ‘B’. What Direction is needed? Check your horizons.  What signs see you of the first leg of your journey? 

Are the etchings of your map writ clearly yet?

Usurp Doubt through strong Direction and following the tenets of Faith. If this lesson has found you during a time of troubled Faith, take heart. There are those of Us who watch over you.  We are a hand at your shoulder and a kind word at your ear. Let Us in, and We will carry your Faith for you until you are strong enough to carry it again for Your Self.

Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.
    Archives: September 09, 2020

visuals by Walks With Fire

Tuesday, September 8, 2020




An uncertain Belief is no Belief at all, but a hypothesis or Supposition. A Supposition engages the mind, uses past experiences, and references the data through your current Belief System.

You might form the Supposition that after this Earthly life, you will enjoy a continued life in Spirit, free of the physical body. You may form this Supposition based on early life training, community cohesion, and interior work. Your Suppositions will likely form along lines that are parallel to your Belief System, rather than crossed or conflicted . . . but there is a gray area between the two where surprising ideas exist, lurking as hold-backs and trip-ups that affect your decision making.

If you Suppose your life will continue, albeit in a different form . . . but your Belief System (the true Belief System underlying your accepted Belief System) states that your world is one lacking compassion and purpose—a mistake, a coincidence, a happenstance, what do you actually believe to be True? 

You might speak of your apparent and surface Beliefs or core tenants as an unshakable truth (at least for you), but just beneath these ideas, in the gray area and deeper, your doubts may be keeping still waters rippled with discord.

Why are we here? Who are we? What are we? How did we arise and where do we go when we no longer cling to the mortal body? Do you discuss these things with your self, or do you attempt the discussion only to withdraw when you encounter the first wall? If you defend a Belief System that you actually do not believe, what you possess is actually Supposition. Many horrors are committed in the name of Supposition.

History proves that people will pillage and murder based on Supposition: they are in the right; they are superior; they are somehow improving their world. Today, ask your self these very difficult questions about life. Are you defending mere Suppositions and calling them Belief? 

What are your genuine Beliefs? Study deeply and be honest. To move forward with integrity, you must be inspired by Truth.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: September 08, 2020

Photo by Josh Boot on Unsplash

Monday, September 7, 2020






     ~ alive in a sacred space

There are more glories in the Heavens and Earth than the human mind can allow. What is possible when there is boundless help? When there is inspiration and good company every moment you are awake and aware that you live? 

Don’t live as a shadow of your Self. Live in the realization that wherever you are, you are in sacred space—that you are sacred. Therefore, every thought and deed and perception of failure is part of the divine plan. Don’t quibble over what is small. 

To achieve big things, be big, think big, and know that space and time are limitless. You are limitless.

What do you want? Express it without qualifying terms. One person changes things. It is always one person with one vision, one life, one story, that makes fire on the mountain. Be that fire. Be that change.

Listen closely to the whisperings of your heart. We are waiting to help you. Let’s begin this day with hope. Let’s begin this day with realization.

Open. Open. Open.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: September 7, 2020

Photo by Silas Baisch on Unsplash