Sunday, February 21, 2021


It is said that the body is a Temple. 
Which body? 

Do we refer to the physical body as Temple, mortal and impure? 
Do you refer to the Spirit body and/or Soul? What is meant by a Temple of Worship? 
What is it to put an idea, system, belief, place, or person on a pedestal?

Temple is where you show reverence; it is the object of your reverence; it is the reason that you show reverence. So, the Temple is the object of reverence, with location and reason adjusted for something that is seen as sacrosanct.

Temple of The Body

Temple of The Soul

Temple of The Mind

Temple of Contemplation

Temple of Wisdom

Temple of Sorrow

Whatever you perceive as Temple must be respected. It must be complete. 
It must be studied and found to meet all conditions of something sacred—that is, 
with an infrastructure of superior consideration and sacrifice. 

Your Temple may face east.
 It may require that you enter only after removing your shoes,
 or the dirt gained by travel is cleaned away.

 It may require that you fast, or bring a gift. 
A Temple is a place, AND A CONDITION, 
for which you shift your conscious mind and intention.

If your Temple is the body, you will operate the vehicle with respect, clean, well-fed, rested, and given the knowledge of comportment and compassion. Your Soul requires contemplation and putting aside illusion in order to embrace Truth and Wholeness. Your Mind must rely on clear, unbiased data, and processes where procedure completes with inspiration.

You may have many Temples in your Life. Both the destructive and the helpful should be regularly surveyed and considered. If your Temple of Sorrow keeps you from embracing the present and the future, survey for change or eradication. If Wisdom demands you withdraw from your community without adequate and real need, your Wisdom becomes fear, denial, and judgment. To Contemplate overlong uses energy meant for the heart and intuition.

Do not give any Temple more food than is required, necessary, and sensible. No Temple stands forever, nor should it. Seek your beauty in all ways. Heal what you may and repair what you can. May your Temples be built with loving hands and unconditional welcome. Let the exchange serve you and the construct equally, and be ready to move on when the work is done.


Blessed Be This Day 

This is a Direct Voice Communication from 
my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms 
with me from the other side of the veil.

February 21, 2021

Photo by Mayer Maged on Unsplash

Sunday, February 14, 2021


The Truth, Maya, wants you. 

Truth wants your embrace and your action.

 It wants space inside you, and space within your world. 

When Maya Calls you will know it by the ringing. You will feel the cells of your body shift, the light brighten, and your feet upon the planet deepen their roots. When Maya Calls, the Truth has answered an invitation. It takes a seat at the table and a vote for future action. 

Once Truth is known, UNTruth has no space. 

You may allow your self to be deceived, 

but you will never knowingly settle for following Lies. 

What are your current Truths? By elimination, what are your current Lies? Do not be fooled by stories handed down, by tribal custom, or by the dogma of the masses. To answer when Maya Calls, space must be made available. Make that space now. Surrender your UNTruths and call out the invitation. 

When Maya Calls you will know 

a new journey and a new Light.

 You become a beacon.


Blessed Be This Day 

This is a Direct Voice Communication from 
my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms 
with me from the other side of the veil.

February 14, 2021


 Photo by Peter John Maridable on Unsplash

Saturday, February 13, 2021


You are a Traveler. You walk in this world and in others. In some, you are awake, and in some you are dreaming. Have you caught your self dreaming and called out to the other version of self: show me Truth; show me the Path? There is always a Highest version of the self/Self available to you for discussion. 

Not only are you never alone, you are 
never without a Sage to advise you—even when 
that Sage is the Higher Self. 

How and when do you Dream, and what is the Dream state? What about Day Dreams? How are these Night and Day Dreams different from deja vu, primary visualization, and memories? Each and all require you to temporarily subvert the conscious intellect in order to fully access the conduits that connect you to Higher and Larger ideas (as well as mind- and body-states).

Have you a long-standing problem? Do you move in circles attempting to solve it? How do you break the cycle, subvert the stasis, and exit with a clear plan of action? You do this through training the mind and the will. You do this by relying on High Self and the Guides and Masters who assist you. You do this through the Dream Sage, the Dream Wisdom, which is a clear and powerful connection to the center of Known Things and Expressed Ideas.

You are a Dream Sage. You may enter the Dream as 
the mortal self, connect there with the 
High Self (the Dream Sage), and invite
 other Dream Sages to assist you. 

Because the mortal life is fraught with mortal devices, your conscious mind is never fully free from its demands. This is a finite and path-limited world. To do large things, things that will cause you to leave the pathway and your current trajectory, you must put aside the mortal devices. You must rise above the pathway, and for a time, tread along the Path. 

This does not subvert your personal mortal will, but it calibrates your thinking, feeling, and actions to a Higher idea, to that which can aid you with both mortal needs and the needs of your Spirit and Soul. Ask clearly. Ask one question at a time. Ask the question that is pertinent and immediate—and be prepared to follow the plan that is revealed. 

     Say to your self during a Day Dream: I am open to my Highest Ideals; I am listening to the wisdom that pertains to what I currently do not know, but need to know; I will follow this information with good will and high intention. I will act bravely, with conviction. I will hear the Truth and then I will seek the Truth, making right what is currently un-right. 

     Say to your self during a Night (Sleeping) Dream: I have arrived in this place of knowing; I seek with my heart, my mind, and my eyes open; I closely listen; I ask intelligent and focused questions and on my waking will act upon these new ideas as the gift that they are. Here, in this Dream space, I can speak to loved ones gone away, to those born before and after me, to those never-born who are here to share Love and Guidance.

     Say to your self in your memories: I see my self clearly; I see others clearly; I seek understanding that is real and true; I see how this before-thing affects the things that are-now; I see how this before-thing affects the things that will be. I see in these memories many patterns, and will in correctly assessing them, discover what Highest things I will increase and what Lowest things I will compress. 

Say to your self in your visualizations:
I see my current place and time, and where this trajectory is leading me; I see the adjustments I will make; I see that I am a thread in the tapestry and that many threads work with and around me; I see that I can weave what is Beautiful and High.

I see my Song, 
here, there, and in eternity. 
I see what I will become and 
how it will change my world. 

The Dream Sage is you, and it is many. This great gift is bottomless—but you will know only what you can know at the time. If you find your self grasping, see what vibration must be reached in order to access the higher planes. 

This life is beautiful. 

Every day, 

be part of what makes this so.


Blessed Be This Day 

This is a Direct Voice Communication from 
my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms 
with me from the other side of the veil.

February 13, 2021

Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash

Shells Photo:  Title: Shells on a Stone Plinth.
 Date: 1698. Institution: Rijksmuseum. Provider: Rijksmuseum. 
Providing Country: Netherlands. Public Domain



Friday, February 12, 2021


The act of Parting is one of making separation or creating more perceived distance between two entities. Because all things are connected and remain connected, the act of Parting and the condition of being Apart is a distinction only, indicating that for the present moment, things considered are behaving in ways that are maximally independent.

Is someone you love distanced from you by emotions or geography? Time or perceived death? Understand that these are perceptions. Sometimes these shifts are made in agreement, and sometimes they are made as a matter of course, with one, two, or many parties making singular decisions regarding how they will stay connected to the hub and to what degree.

Being Parted is not synonymous with being disconnected. Once connected, always connected, unless elaborate rituals are carried through to disconnect and disembody the energies one wishes to separate from: a high and complex set of principles. Focused Parting is best used when one desires to be maximally independent from the influence of negative factors.

Would you like to be Parted from destructive habits? You must become maximally independent of those habits by shifting your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, to reflect the energies with which you wish to dovetail—away from those energies from which you wish to be Parted. Do as you would be. Think as you would be. Feel as you would be.

Think of a river breaking into streams. Each stream will know its own journey with its own set of influences, and at some point return to the sea, commingling with the river from which it Parted. Life is that way: a series of Partings and Unions.

When you learn to look at Partings for opportunities, you will see them in a new Light. 

Blessed Be This Day 

This is a Direct Voice Communication from 
my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms 
with me from the other side of the veil.

February 12, 2021

reprint from October 12, 2014

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

Sunday, February 7, 2021


What is the phenomenon that is termed “The Broken Heart”? Is this a mortal condition, felt only in the body? Is this condition deeper, one that affects the immortal Spirit and its emotional health, self-value, and belief?

What is heart? What is A HEART? Do you believe that you were made in the image of your Maker? How so? What if your Spirit was made in the image of your Creator Spirit’s image, a bright, eternal body of pure Light and Life that fires the stars? Would you then think about the heart/Heart in a different way?

Notice the condition of Spirit in people from their birth. Some are merry, some serious. Some never seem to grow up and some seem to be born old and knowing. These are tell-signs that speak of the condition of the Heart. The more a Heart has been broken—as bread has been broken—the more a Heart has been opened, examined on its inside, and shared.

A Broken Heart, like broken bread, becomes a feast that may nourish others. It sees the world from its insides. It exposes its core. It has given up its hardened outer shell and offered its softness, the commingled parts that have come together to create something that offers nourishment.

The young Heart is like the unbroken field. It turns in its puberty and is disrupted. It takes into itself the seeds of young adulthood and raises up its crops. And all of this time, it knows its setbacks, its storms and droughts, its predation. It may be trod upon and hacked at.

At harvest, there comes the threshing, and then the sifting of the flour and the combining of other ingredients to make the bread. The bread in itself is a miracle—what it took to bring these ingredients, one to another, to make this nourishment. It is mixed and pounded and kneaded and baked in a very hot oven. It is tempered by its trials.

Yet it arrives at the table a potential food. It has taken these pieces of Life unto itself and made a new purpose. See you this bread now as not only bread, but as its journey? The Heart is like this bread. Beginning young and unturned, it knows its first turnings, its sowings, its storms and droughts and predations.

The Heart grows Acceptance. It matures and gives its grains over to be made into bread. It allows itself to continue its trials, and is threshed and mixed, pounded, kneaded, and baked. It becomes bread not when it is set at the table, but when it agrees to become food. 

When It Agrees To Become Food.

Only the Broken Bread may serve as food. Only the Broken Heart may serve as food. Both are the result of long journeys with many trials. They become more capable, not less. 

This experience is not limited to Earth and the human incarnation. Then, why the Heart?  What is this pain in the chest you feel when experience affects your Heart, when your Heart feels the breaking? It is the Song of remaking, winding through you: the more electrical the place, the brighter the Song.

The Broken Heart is a sign of Life experienced, opened to and taken in. A Broken Heart is not a Broken Life; it is a Life fully lived. Will you be as the Bread of Life and nourish others from this Breaking?

Blessed Be This Day 

This is a Direct Voice Communication from 
my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms 
with me from the other side of the veil.

February 07, 2021

Reprint from 9-09-2014

Saturday, February 6, 2021


When you raise your voice, 
are you raising your standards and expectations? 
Do you hope that increasing volume increases understanding? 
Is it true that a larger audience equates to greater acceptance?

The Diatribe can be a rant or a demeaning send-down delivered in spoken word, and is most often meant that way . . . but if changing the intent to maximize what IS positive and uplifting, how does the spoken delivery change? Can you share Diatribe that is eloquent, true, and helpful? Can you separate behavior from the person? Ignorance from malice? Fear from rage? Can you passionately speak while still inviting to listen those whom are initially opposed to your views?

Most times a Diatribe is a knee-jerk reaction to something that the witness finds repulsive, or directly opposes, due to a differing belief system or core values. As a vegan, you may deliver a Diatribe to someone who is not. Do you do it effectively and without judgement? How? As a religious person, you may deliver a Diatribe to someone who is not. Do you do it while embodying the tenets of compassion and love?

What does the unedited and feral Diatribe achieve? Does it persuade or illuminate? Does it disseminate useful material? Does it help to gain approval for the focus imagined? Likely, it does not. So, how can you take the passion of The Diatribe and direct listeners towards their own wisdoms and truths? You must read the audience and speak the language, address others with respect.

Would that current times were in a blossoming of 
compassionate communication . . . Alas, many voices are raised in anger, 
blaming, judging, and pigeon-holing others.

Can you be a voice of reason? wisdom? compassion? truth? You can. Your purest voice, which was wrought in Great All as a perfect tone, is made for harmony and the weaving together of things. Let what IS eternally guide you in these brief moments within the tiny spark of linear time that is your current mortal life, so short in the forever.

Just as you say to your self: I can do this thing for one hundred seconds, say I can do this thing for one hundred minutes, hours, days, weeks, months. Be brave in your life. Be strong in your heart, and true in your purpose. Beware The Diatribe that splits your tongue and your intent.

Speak wholly and as a reflection of Great All. 
Be the Truth-Talker. 

With honey on your tongue, reach out to others. 
Share with them the mystery of the Divine,
Loving All, Including All.

Blessed Be This Day 

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

Saturday, February 06, 2021

Photo by israel palacio on Unsplash

Friday, February 5, 2021


That which sustains life, the Anima of Life, and the way of Life, is The Victus. This can also mean to conquer or to have been conquered. From the cauldron to the tempest and back again, The Victus proclaims Life.

How alive do you feel? Have you a passion for Life? A Purpose? Do you consider your Life a gift, and do you work to be remade in perpetually Higher Ideals? 

To conquer or be conquered: on which side do you stand? Will you sleepwalk, or do you Travel with Purpose? Take a moment to feel the Life inside you. Feel your breath, and your busy mind, and your pulse, and all the electricity that bathes each cell, sparking to each idea. This is a miracle. 

Proclaim The Victus as your own today. Give the anima which resides within you Its orders. Be the Director, the Captain, and the Shepherd. Feel Life. 

Life is not just around you. It is you.

You are part of the workings of Great All.

You are a Miracle within a Miracle.

Drink in the Glory.


Blessed Be This Day 

 This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

Friday, February 05, 2021


Photo by Marek Piwnicki on Unsplash