Saturday, February 6, 2021


When you raise your voice, 
are you raising your standards and expectations? 
Do you hope that increasing volume increases understanding? 
Is it true that a larger audience equates to greater acceptance?

The Diatribe can be a rant or a demeaning send-down delivered in spoken word, and is most often meant that way . . . but if changing the intent to maximize what IS positive and uplifting, how does the spoken delivery change? Can you share Diatribe that is eloquent, true, and helpful? Can you separate behavior from the person? Ignorance from malice? Fear from rage? Can you passionately speak while still inviting to listen those whom are initially opposed to your views?

Most times a Diatribe is a knee-jerk reaction to something that the witness finds repulsive, or directly opposes, due to a differing belief system or core values. As a vegan, you may deliver a Diatribe to someone who is not. Do you do it effectively and without judgement? How? As a religious person, you may deliver a Diatribe to someone who is not. Do you do it while embodying the tenets of compassion and love?

What does the unedited and feral Diatribe achieve? Does it persuade or illuminate? Does it disseminate useful material? Does it help to gain approval for the focus imagined? Likely, it does not. So, how can you take the passion of The Diatribe and direct listeners towards their own wisdoms and truths? You must read the audience and speak the language, address others with respect.

Would that current times were in a blossoming of 
compassionate communication . . . Alas, many voices are raised in anger, 
blaming, judging, and pigeon-holing others.

Can you be a voice of reason? wisdom? compassion? truth? You can. Your purest voice, which was wrought in Great All as a perfect tone, is made for harmony and the weaving together of things. Let what IS eternally guide you in these brief moments within the tiny spark of linear time that is your current mortal life, so short in the forever.

Just as you say to your self: I can do this thing for one hundred seconds, say I can do this thing for one hundred minutes, hours, days, weeks, months. Be brave in your life. Be strong in your heart, and true in your purpose. Beware The Diatribe that splits your tongue and your intent.

Speak wholly and as a reflection of Great All. 
Be the Truth-Talker. 

With honey on your tongue, reach out to others. 
Share with them the mystery of the Divine,
Loving All, Including All.

Blessed Be This Day 

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

Saturday, February 06, 2021

Photo by israel palacio on Unsplash

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