Friday, February 12, 2021


The act of Parting is one of making separation or creating more perceived distance between two entities. Because all things are connected and remain connected, the act of Parting and the condition of being Apart is a distinction only, indicating that for the present moment, things considered are behaving in ways that are maximally independent.

Is someone you love distanced from you by emotions or geography? Time or perceived death? Understand that these are perceptions. Sometimes these shifts are made in agreement, and sometimes they are made as a matter of course, with one, two, or many parties making singular decisions regarding how they will stay connected to the hub and to what degree.

Being Parted is not synonymous with being disconnected. Once connected, always connected, unless elaborate rituals are carried through to disconnect and disembody the energies one wishes to separate from: a high and complex set of principles. Focused Parting is best used when one desires to be maximally independent from the influence of negative factors.

Would you like to be Parted from destructive habits? You must become maximally independent of those habits by shifting your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, to reflect the energies with which you wish to dovetail—away from those energies from which you wish to be Parted. Do as you would be. Think as you would be. Feel as you would be.

Think of a river breaking into streams. Each stream will know its own journey with its own set of influences, and at some point return to the sea, commingling with the river from which it Parted. Life is that way: a series of Partings and Unions.

When you learn to look at Partings for opportunities, you will see them in a new Light. 

Blessed Be This Day 

This is a Direct Voice Communication from 
my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms 
with me from the other side of the veil.

February 12, 2021

reprint from October 12, 2014

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

Sunday, February 7, 2021


What is the phenomenon that is termed “The Broken Heart”? Is this a mortal condition, felt only in the body? Is this condition deeper, one that affects the immortal Spirit and its emotional health, self-value, and belief?

What is heart? What is A HEART? Do you believe that you were made in the image of your Maker? How so? What if your Spirit was made in the image of your Creator Spirit’s image, a bright, eternal body of pure Light and Life that fires the stars? Would you then think about the heart/Heart in a different way?

Notice the condition of Spirit in people from their birth. Some are merry, some serious. Some never seem to grow up and some seem to be born old and knowing. These are tell-signs that speak of the condition of the Heart. The more a Heart has been broken—as bread has been broken—the more a Heart has been opened, examined on its inside, and shared.

A Broken Heart, like broken bread, becomes a feast that may nourish others. It sees the world from its insides. It exposes its core. It has given up its hardened outer shell and offered its softness, the commingled parts that have come together to create something that offers nourishment.

The young Heart is like the unbroken field. It turns in its puberty and is disrupted. It takes into itself the seeds of young adulthood and raises up its crops. And all of this time, it knows its setbacks, its storms and droughts, its predation. It may be trod upon and hacked at.

At harvest, there comes the threshing, and then the sifting of the flour and the combining of other ingredients to make the bread. The bread in itself is a miracle—what it took to bring these ingredients, one to another, to make this nourishment. It is mixed and pounded and kneaded and baked in a very hot oven. It is tempered by its trials.

Yet it arrives at the table a potential food. It has taken these pieces of Life unto itself and made a new purpose. See you this bread now as not only bread, but as its journey? The Heart is like this bread. Beginning young and unturned, it knows its first turnings, its sowings, its storms and droughts and predations.

The Heart grows Acceptance. It matures and gives its grains over to be made into bread. It allows itself to continue its trials, and is threshed and mixed, pounded, kneaded, and baked. It becomes bread not when it is set at the table, but when it agrees to become food. 

When It Agrees To Become Food.

Only the Broken Bread may serve as food. Only the Broken Heart may serve as food. Both are the result of long journeys with many trials. They become more capable, not less. 

This experience is not limited to Earth and the human incarnation. Then, why the Heart?  What is this pain in the chest you feel when experience affects your Heart, when your Heart feels the breaking? It is the Song of remaking, winding through you: the more electrical the place, the brighter the Song.

The Broken Heart is a sign of Life experienced, opened to and taken in. A Broken Heart is not a Broken Life; it is a Life fully lived. Will you be as the Bread of Life and nourish others from this Breaking?

Blessed Be This Day 

This is a Direct Voice Communication from 
my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms 
with me from the other side of the veil.

February 07, 2021

Reprint from 9-09-2014

Saturday, February 6, 2021


When you raise your voice, 
are you raising your standards and expectations? 
Do you hope that increasing volume increases understanding? 
Is it true that a larger audience equates to greater acceptance?

The Diatribe can be a rant or a demeaning send-down delivered in spoken word, and is most often meant that way . . . but if changing the intent to maximize what IS positive and uplifting, how does the spoken delivery change? Can you share Diatribe that is eloquent, true, and helpful? Can you separate behavior from the person? Ignorance from malice? Fear from rage? Can you passionately speak while still inviting to listen those whom are initially opposed to your views?

Most times a Diatribe is a knee-jerk reaction to something that the witness finds repulsive, or directly opposes, due to a differing belief system or core values. As a vegan, you may deliver a Diatribe to someone who is not. Do you do it effectively and without judgement? How? As a religious person, you may deliver a Diatribe to someone who is not. Do you do it while embodying the tenets of compassion and love?

What does the unedited and feral Diatribe achieve? Does it persuade or illuminate? Does it disseminate useful material? Does it help to gain approval for the focus imagined? Likely, it does not. So, how can you take the passion of The Diatribe and direct listeners towards their own wisdoms and truths? You must read the audience and speak the language, address others with respect.

Would that current times were in a blossoming of 
compassionate communication . . . Alas, many voices are raised in anger, 
blaming, judging, and pigeon-holing others.

Can you be a voice of reason? wisdom? compassion? truth? You can. Your purest voice, which was wrought in Great All as a perfect tone, is made for harmony and the weaving together of things. Let what IS eternally guide you in these brief moments within the tiny spark of linear time that is your current mortal life, so short in the forever.

Just as you say to your self: I can do this thing for one hundred seconds, say I can do this thing for one hundred minutes, hours, days, weeks, months. Be brave in your life. Be strong in your heart, and true in your purpose. Beware The Diatribe that splits your tongue and your intent.

Speak wholly and as a reflection of Great All. 
Be the Truth-Talker. 

With honey on your tongue, reach out to others. 
Share with them the mystery of the Divine,
Loving All, Including All.

Blessed Be This Day 

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

Saturday, February 06, 2021

Photo by israel palacio on Unsplash

Friday, February 5, 2021


That which sustains life, the Anima of Life, and the way of Life, is The Victus. This can also mean to conquer or to have been conquered. From the cauldron to the tempest and back again, The Victus proclaims Life.

How alive do you feel? Have you a passion for Life? A Purpose? Do you consider your Life a gift, and do you work to be remade in perpetually Higher Ideals? 

To conquer or be conquered: on which side do you stand? Will you sleepwalk, or do you Travel with Purpose? Take a moment to feel the Life inside you. Feel your breath, and your busy mind, and your pulse, and all the electricity that bathes each cell, sparking to each idea. This is a miracle. 

Proclaim The Victus as your own today. Give the anima which resides within you Its orders. Be the Director, the Captain, and the Shepherd. Feel Life. 

Life is not just around you. It is you.

You are part of the workings of Great All.

You are a Miracle within a Miracle.

Drink in the Glory.


Blessed Be This Day 

 This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

Friday, February 05, 2021


Photo by Marek Piwnicki on Unsplash


That which sustains life, the anima of life, and the way of life is The Victus. This can also mean to conquer, or to have been conquered. From the cauldron to the tempest and back again, The Victus proclaims life.


How alive do you feel? Have you a passion for life? A clear purpose? Do you consider your life a gift, and do you work to be remade in perpetually Higher Ideals?


To conquer or be conquered: on which side do you stand? Will you sleepwalk, or do you Travel with Purpose? Take a moment to feel the Life inside you. Feel your breath, and your busy mind, your pulse, and all the electricity that bathes each cell, sparking to each idea. This is a miracle.


Proclaim The Victus as your own today. Give the Anima which resides with you Its orders. Be the Director, the Captain, the Shepherd. Feel Life.


Life is not just around you. IT IS YOU. 

You are part of the workings of Great All. 

You are a Miracle within a Miracle. 

Drink in the glory.

Blessed Be This Day  

 This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.
Friday, February 05, 2021


Photo by Marek Piwnicki on Unsplash

This post wanted to be capitalized, no matter how I tried to change the format. So be it.



Thursday, February 4, 2021


You are inborn with gifts and wisdom. You are socialized. What you feel and know is then actualized through the lens of what becomes your first belief system. This may acknowledge your gifts and wisdom, or this belief system may deny them—and quite likely, the further you live from nature, the further you travel from what is inborn. 

Some are lucky enough to know who they are and what they are here to do at a very young age. They have fire for a certain gift or for certain wisdom, allowing for very little that will shift their primary drives. They are passionate and willing to sacrifice, to be excluded, to be ridiculed or even punished. These persons are born in very limited numbers. 

For most, you will arrive seeking. Will you use your inborn gifts and wisdom to follow where your Spirit and Soul direct, or will you bend to your community and your world, who advise you to live an orderly and risk-aberrant life? Will you fulfill the contract you made with Great All to do as you set out to do in this incarnation? 

If you procrastinate, if you fail to focus, if you use your energies for vain and shallow pursuits, you give your inborn traits over to The Wasting. We do not solely mean that you are Wasting your gifts, but that you are Wasting opportunity to grow. You are Wasting the many shadowed spaces that can be filled and illuminated. You may be Wasting self-knowledge and experience to the degree that you will begin your next life in a similar, or more retrograde position. 

We cannot be focused and productive all moments of all days, but we can become more aware of how we use our energy and time . . . how we apply our inborn traits. What are your gifts? What does your knowledge contain? How might what you possess and know change the world for the better? 

Avoid The Wasting of Great All’s gifts. Apply your self in this life as if it were your only life. Apply your self with such vigor and purity, you exponentially rise. We rise with you and we rejoice.

Blessed Be This Day 
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.
Thursday, February 04, 2021

Photo by Mike van den Bos on Unsplash



Wednesday, February 3, 2021


To recalculate the fundamental nature of a thing requires 
shifting it from the infrastructure outward. 
Anything less acts as a bandage or a coat of paint.

 The basic construct must change to change a thing. And while familiarity feels comfortable, we are all born to The Radical, the vibrational creation of the moment-to-moment realities which reflect our thoughts, beliefs, and actions.

You are shifting along the lines of the current Radical as we speak. Your thoughts are circling new ideas. Your ego is constructing and deconstructing. Your body is making changes according to its chemistry—and that is linked directly to your environment, your requirements, your habits, and your desires. 

The Radical is a wave that moves through what is, showing us what it once was and illustrating how it might yet be. The Radical can be a tidal wave, and it can be the slow rise of water at the shore. Think of The Radical as breath. It is the engine that drives change—and we are the navigators. 

The Radical is an excitor. It kicks over the dominoes. The Radical is the energy that begins a shift . . . and this is why intention is crucial to helpful outcomes. If you think, believe, and support with your actions that you are a failure, unloved, and unable to do things, The Radical will begin and maintain the shifts. Program a certain note and watch its sound-waves affect the objects it encounters. 

One note might make a drinking glass shatter and another slowly vibrate—and if the note is sympatico with the spectrum, it will merely provide stability for the current form. How many times have you encountered the idea that ceaselessly thinking and believing a thing will help it come to pass? Many times. This happens because The Radical takes on the vibrations that you command. 

Command outcome “A” and receive outcome “A”. Command outcome “B” and receive outcome “B”. This is a simple yet powerful principle. If you seek to be well, what vibrations are you creating in The Radical? If you are believing and thinking that you are well, The Radical will (as much as possible in the moment) match the vibration—and the opposite occurs for sickness. 

While some things are destined to be—points on the path ahead that are not meant to change—they are the lesser points. The Radical cannot be diminished; it can only be tuned. So tune The Radical according to your Highest Ideas. Use The Radical to clear the impediments ahead. 

And most importantly, train your self to see and sense 

The Radical at work in your life. 

Tune your Life to Tune your Song. 

The Radical responds.

Blessed Be This Day 
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.
Wednesday, February 03, 2021

Photo by Jimmy Musto on Unsplash