Sunday, August 9, 2020





     ~ short-hand for assessment

When something is seen In Relief or In Silhouette, your attention is drawn to a specific point, whether that point represents a person, place or a thing. It allows you to give the surrounding field of vision a backseat to what is Primary. It allows for greater focus.

Think of an emotionally evocative portrait. Without the busy-ness around it, you will spend more time and energy studying the person portrayed. You will notice things that you might not have otherwise. Just as the Bokeh effect, the softening of the field around a subject, helps you to focus, seeing something In Silhouette, even without its details, allows for something similar.

If you saw the Silhouette of an elephant, all dark with no features, you will still know that you are looking at an elephant, if you have previously seen one. You will know the Silhouette of a tree, a dog or cat, a house with a roof, an automobile. Even without distinguishing features, a Silhouette becomes a focus, a reference, a type of shorthand.

Professionals use items In Silhouette exactly to create the shorthand-effect. A circle may represent unity, a square intellect, and a triangle balance. Even without further detail, a shape alone will have a direct emotional effect. If you were seen In Silhouette, a dark space with light behind you, what would others see?

Does your strength and purpose radiate from your form? Do you move with confidence and assurance? Does your Silhouette radiate something attractive or repellent? Think of the last person you saw only In Silhouette and remember what thoughts you formed about them. Do you believe you were correct?

How does the Silhouette of a person on a bicycle compare with a person on a motorcycle, in a poor car, an expensive car, a truck, a boat, a hang glider? Before you can manage the details of a thing, you must manage the largest picture. Begin there. See your self In Silhouette and study that presentation. Change that presentation wherever it does not harmonize with your purpose.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: August 09, 2020

visuals by Walks With Fire

Saturday, August 8, 2020





     ~releasing self from personally imposed governors

When you find your self interacting with life, dragging along your past and outdated beliefs and worries, it is time to become Unfettered. In fact, it is past time to become Unfettered.

Check in with who and what you are. How would you describe your self to someone who you want to impress? To someone with whom you want to “fit in” or be accepted by? To someone with whom you wish to express compassion and/or regret? Do these versions of who and what you are match? If they are different, why are they different? 

Hopefully, your Truths, Tenets, Beliefs, and Coda have changed throughout your life, and hopefully they have changed for the Higher. If you look closely, you will find at least one area that has not changed, a sticking point. What is that area for you?

Like many, the Beliefs and Tenets of childhood and early culture still cling. You may believe in reward-and-punishment: in life, in work, in religion, in karma. You may believe that you must work very hard to achieve things, or that no matter how hard you work, you will never achieve what you desire. You may believe that certain conditions or events are punishments for some behavior past.

While you should work to confront and resolve the UNtruths in your life, the punishments and hold-backs you believe in may not be real at all. What if you did not believe in good-and-evil, right-and-wrong, reward-and-punishment? What if you believed in doing the very best that you can do, without judgment, and letting the rest Unfetter itself from dogma, stigma, and the rigor of ideas that have passed their usefulness.

How would it feel to be Unfettered? How would it feel if you had amnesia for all of the things in your life you remember as bad, wrong, a sin, regretful, mean, evil, or otherwise hurtful? What if you only remembered what was good, right, a blessing, a grace, a lightness, or otherwise uplifting and beneficial? Try those feelings on. How do you soften? How does it brighten the horizon?

We speak to each of you: the Fetters of your life and existence are chains of your own making. While many conditions cannot be released, because socio-cultural restrictions hold them tight (race, gender, economic status, etc.), your self-imposed conditions can be immeasurably improved. Be kind to your self and clear the way. Your Unfettering will bring about great change.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: August 08, 2020

Photo by Miltiadis Fragkidis on Unsplash

Friday, August 7, 2020





     ~ Great All's warning system

A Premonition is the warning of something that will happen, before it does. Everyone has them, but how do you know when to stop, deep-dive, and determine if what you’re feeling is merely an emotional reaction to some idea, or a divine inspiration?

Anxiety is a high-emotions state, usually concerned with dread. There is a history telling you that a certain condition, event, or person is harmful to you. This may or may not be true. You will feel this like a jangle. It is tentacled, with many possible outcomes, usually only the worst. It will hover at your horizon as a heat-haze does over a flame.

A Premonition has a solidity; it is a glimpse into the future that is already made, quite often without your involvement. It is the rock in the river, the storm rising from the sea, the fruition of something long planned. It will quite likely not be altered by your knowledge or your involvement, although sometimes, it may allow you to draw away before you become lost in its footings.

A Premonition has a feeling similar to a memory. When you look to your history, you may wish to change things, but knowing you can’t, your memory will stay for the most part, intact. It is true that our memories are often false, and that we edit them, but memories have a certain substantial presence that is constant and expected. A Premonition rather feels like this.

What Premonition do you last remember? Perhaps it was something small: taking a different route to or from a place much traveled. Delaying a trip. Saying something unexpected, or unexpectedly saying nothing. 

If a Premonition plagues you with its consuming insistence, pay attention. Take action. Keep a cool head. Anxiety does not allow for these things.

With Anxiety, you will barrel along uncharted pathways with little positive results. A Premonition might provide an opportunity to make advance plans, to lessen expected damage, or to extricate the self or loved ones from a path of destruction. Listen to your inner wisdoms, and teach your self to separate what is probability from what is emotional possibility.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: August 07, 2020

Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

Thursday, August 6, 2020





     ~how color organizes ideas

What is Color? How would your idea change if you saw your world only in black and white? What if Color’s task was to organize your way of looking at things, showing you part of your world in gray-scale, part in visible color, and part in the spectrum considered un-seeable by humans?

What does Color bring to your life? Do you see Color literally, or is it a broader gift, such as those ideas expressed by persons with overlapping senses, those who can smell Color, give Color to emotions, or connect letters, words, or ideas to a particular Color?

First consider how often you take Color for granted. It is just there, if you have the physical ability to see it. How do you know that the Color you call Red is the same Color that your neighbor calls Red? How would you feel about Color if you had seen only gray-scale since birth, then were suddenly able to see Color?

And how about the Colors that live above, below, and beyond the Colors most humans can see? How could you describe these Colors without using other Color descriptions? Can you describe the Color Violet to someone who has never seen Violet? The questions are many.

Remember that Earth is interestingly inhabited. Every life form responds to Color, whether it be in visual pleasure or displeasure, the vibrational tone of the Color, its density, how it reacts in its environment and how it creates change. Sit in a blank white room and write ten paragraphs about what you’re feeling. Sit in a yellow room and do the same, and now a red one.

Think about what Color means in your life—how it helps to anchor emotions, how it creates a hierarchy within your culture, and why you are attracted to some colors and put-off by others. 

Write your own primer about the Color in your Life: what it means, its power, and how to employ it for strengthening the clarity of your personal path.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: August 06, 2020

Photo by Todd Trapani on Unsplash

Tuesday, August 4, 2020





     ~returning to the unblemished templete

A Quiet Spirit is a Spirit at peace. Spirit is the anima; Soul is the IS. Practice Quiet Spirit. Practice letting the world move THROUGH YOU the way Light moves through a landscape.

Using meditation, prayer, and ritual, come to this daily, and see how your troubles and doubts grow smaller, softer and more quiet.

You are a Song, a sweet thread of speaking to Great All of your Love for Their Creation. In between singing, you assume a restful attentiveness, awaiting your cue to contribute your part to the great Cosmic Symphony. 

This is the great gift: knowing the Song and letting it Sing You (acknowledge and exalt you); and knowing the restful, attentive peace between the notes that allows you to be a unique contributor to the Cosmic Symphony.  

Listen there. Listen. 

It swells around you, supporting you as you float among its notes. There is no effort, only love and joy. The Center returns you to your unblemished template; it helps you to remember your Self.


Stand alone in a place you enjoy, inside or outside. Feel your feet on the ground.  Be relaxed.  Notice the direction that you are facing.  Try facing different directions.  Choose the direction that feels best.  Breathe deeply.  Close your eyes and continue breathing.  Breathe in and out through your belly button.  Imagine the ball of Light, your Center, behind your belly button.  Imagine your Center Light connecting with the Light that is all around you.  Breathe deeply in and out, letting the Light continue to connect, filling you and growing.  Listen to your breath; feel the Light as a tingling warmth on your skin.  When you are ready, imagine your Center as that ball of Light inside again, tucked in.


Know Peace.

(an aside: do the Ritual Peace Meditation for times as long as you enjoy doing it)

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: August 04, 2020

Photo by Lam Janet on Unsplash

Sunday, August 2, 2020




     ~ focusing

A soft focus of all objects outside the point of interest lends more power to the central idea. The Bokeh, from the Japanese word meaning blur, is a fine example of how our minds organize. All objects in our field of vision cannot simultaneously be in sharp focus or central. The Bokeh effect allows the main point to shine.

Softening the field also softens the emotions, reducing worry and stress. If you can allow your self to focus on one thing, softening the rest, you will find that when you move your attention to the next idea, you feel more rested and capable. As you cannot make everything central or prominent, it is actually the only way to operate—yet, we sometimes strive to keep everything in focus and comparatively similar.

There is much that requires our attention. We must mind our responsibilities. We must consider how to shelter and feed ourselves and how to do the same for those others under our care. As this takes many aspects: housing, work, transportation, meals, health, education, etc., it is far too easy to fall in the trap of weighing everything as equal.

Try using this moment to do a self-check. How is your body feeling? Do not think of what is next, what is undone, what other things are important. Think only of your body, in this moment. Do you have an ache or upset? Can it be remedied? How will you remedy this?

Do not think beyond this assessment and remedy. Stay with this feeling until you have a plan. Once you have a plan, allow your self to rest. Do you feel lighter? Give your self a wide gap before moving on. Three minutes spent now, in focus, with soft edges for the other morass of worries, will buy you quite a lot of solace.

Practice using the idea of Bokeh to soften competing ideas around the central focus. We are not made to multi-task . . . so resist trying. Read through these words once more, and during that time, let your eyes go out of focus. Soften. Breathe deeply. 

Check in with your body. Remember that feeling and return to it as often as you can.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: August 02, 2020

visuals by Walks With Fire

Saturday, August 1, 2020





The point from which you are most distanced from some thing, as the moon is most distanced from the Earth in its natural orbit each cycle—that is an Apogee. Both points are relative; both are cyclical. 

This can be perceived as a matter of perception: such as the moon appearing smaller in the sky when its distance from the Earth is greater . . . such as the Belief that your goal is greatly distanced from where you are, or wherever you are . . . also a matter of perception

Distance can be measured in both time and in space, but when we feel distanced from something, it is likely our emotions inciting us to feel dissatisfaction that our desire and our present are not currently commingled. We want what we want when we want it—and usually that is now—in our present. Apogees, greatest distances, as far as our desires are concerned, never suit us.

What about hurry and worry: how does it feel to place those emotions at an Apogee? How does it feel to place hatred, anger, fear, jealousy, and rage at an Apogee? Can we acknowledge these conditions, like the light of the moon, knowing that they are connected to us, part of us and our light, shining down on us and through us, and yet, at safe enough distances so that we can respond to their powerful forces rather than being controlled by them?

What memories and former connections active in your present, can be liberated to an Apogee while you complete your journey with them? With less distraction, the goals and desires that have long been lodged at their own Apogees become merely distant, and then far, closing until they are just over there, and then . . . here, with you.

The greatest question is: what is the Apogee between you/You and your Belief in your self/Self?  

Look to your horizon and your most distant dreams.  

Fold that distance. Fold it again and again 

until it fits perfectly into your Present.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: August 01, 2020

Photo by Shot by Cerqueira on Unsplash