~ focusing
A soft focus of all objects outside the point of interest lends more power to the central idea. The Bokeh, from the Japanese word meaning blur, is a fine example of how our minds organize. All objects in our field of vision cannot simultaneously be in sharp focus or central. The Bokeh effect allows the main point to shine.
Softening the field also softens the emotions, reducing worry and stress. If you can allow your self to focus on one thing, softening the rest, you will find that when you move your attention to the next idea, you feel more rested and capable. As you cannot make everything central or prominent, it is actually the only way to operate—yet, we sometimes strive to keep everything in focus and comparatively similar.
There is much that requires our attention. We must mind our responsibilities. We must consider how to shelter and feed ourselves and how to do the same for those others under our care. As this takes many aspects: housing, work, transportation, meals, health, education, etc., it is far too easy to fall in the trap of weighing everything as equal.
Try using this moment to do a self-check. How is your body feeling? Do not think of what is next, what is undone, what other things are important. Think only of your body, in this moment. Do you have an ache or upset? Can it be remedied? How will you remedy this?
Do not think beyond this assessment and remedy. Stay with this feeling until you have a plan. Once you have a plan, allow your self to rest. Do you feel lighter? Give your self a wide gap before moving on. Three minutes spent now, in focus, with soft edges for the other morass of worries, will buy you quite a lot of solace.
Practice using the idea of Bokeh to soften competing ideas around the central focus. We are not made to multi-task . . . so resist trying. Read through these words once more, and during that time, let your eyes go out of focus. Soften. Breathe deeply.
Check in with your body. Remember that feeling and return to it as often as you can.
Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.
Archives: August 02, 2020
visuals by Walks With Fire
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