~ Great All's warning system
A Premonition is the warning of something that will happen, before it does. Everyone has them, but how do you know when to stop, deep-dive, and determine if what you’re feeling is merely an emotional reaction to some idea, or a divine inspiration?
Anxiety is a high-emotions state, usually concerned with dread. There is a history telling you that a certain condition, event, or person is harmful to you. This may or may not be true. You will feel this like a jangle. It is tentacled, with many possible outcomes, usually only the worst. It will hover at your horizon as a heat-haze does over a flame.
A Premonition has a solidity; it is a glimpse into the future that is already made, quite often without your involvement. It is the rock in the river, the storm rising from the sea, the fruition of something long planned. It will quite likely not be altered by your knowledge or your involvement, although sometimes, it may allow you to draw away before you become lost in its footings.
A Premonition has a feeling similar to a memory. When you look to your history, you may wish to change things, but knowing you can’t, your memory will stay for the most part, intact. It is true that our memories are often false, and that we edit them, but memories have a certain substantial presence that is constant and expected. A Premonition rather feels like this.
What Premonition do you last remember? Perhaps it was something small: taking a different route to or from a place much traveled. Delaying a trip. Saying something unexpected, or unexpectedly saying nothing.
If a Premonition plagues you with its consuming insistence, pay attention. Take action. Keep a cool head. Anxiety does not allow for these things.
With Anxiety, you will barrel along uncharted pathways with little positive results. A Premonition might provide an opportunity to make advance plans, to lessen expected damage, or to extricate the self or loved ones from a path of destruction. Listen to your inner wisdoms, and teach your self to separate what is probability from what is emotional possibility.
Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.
Archives: August 07, 2020
Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash